What to talk with a guy to like him


It is very important for every girl to like and make an unforgettable impression. But not everyone knows what to talk about with the guys and how to interest them.

The most important thing is to be yourself in any situation, you don’t need to pick words or try to find topics that you don’t understand completely, but you want to seem like a versatile person.

For any communication, sincerity and simplicity are appreciated, without falsehood and unnecessary bombast. A prerequisite is your smile, be sure to smile and keep up the conversation, do not be silent. It is important to show interest and be sympathetic to the interlocutor.

Tips to talk about with a guy to get to know him better

Making a new acquaintance, the girl should know well who communicates with. If the guy doesn’t make much contact, there isSome tips to help talk:

• find common interests (this will help you more openly build a dialogue and understand what to talk about);
• learning about his goals and future plans (be sure to praise and support him in his endeavors);
• ask about his hobbies and hobbies (perhaps this will help you in the future);
• You can also learn the sign of the zodiac and talk about space (such an abstract topic will make a good impression of an interesting person about you).

How to interest a guy on the phone - topics for conversation

In order to interest a guy talking on the phone, many ladies often practice on telephone conversations with girlfriends, this helps to feel confident during a conversation and thoughtfully build their dialogue.

Every girl feels fear when communicating with a guy who is sympathetic to her, but sometimes she is the one who sets the topics and knows exactly what to say and what to ask.

Of course, it is customary for the guy to call first, taking the initiative, however, in our time, it is most effective for a lady to start acting if she wants to achieve his favor.

Voice and tone of conversation is an important factor when talking on the phone. After him, usually, it will be much easier to communicate in person. You get used to your interlocutor, get a little closer to him, and you will feel more comfortable.

First date - what to talk about with a guy?

The dialogue on the first date is always constrained and monotonous, everyone asks for trivial things, does not know what to say, and is lost in the constraint. It is very important if this is your first acquaintance, to relax and not to put on masks, because in the end you will eventually have to be what you really are.

Each person has his flaws, and it is important not to hide them, but to work on them. The best topics for conversation are your partner's favorite hobbies, let the young man tell you about his interests and aspirations, and you support him. You can also talk about the future, at the same time you will find out if this is your man and whether you need to see him further.

What can we talk on a walk

What to talk about when you walk? The main question of many girls, because in the correspondence is completely different. Walking in the park is a romantic sign, therefore, while walking, you can dream about the future, tell about your plans, talk about love.

Walking brings people closer, you can have fun by rollerblading or eating ice cream.

How to talk to a guy by correspondence

Communication by correspondence is very convenient, since you can learn more about each other, experiencing less excitement than in person. In the correspondence you can learn a lot about your partner. After all, this method of communication makes it possible to drop the constraint, find common topics for conversation and join the interests of each other.

In social networks, such as Vkontakte very familiar. The phone is now an integral part of everyone and most of the time people spend on the net.

On the first date in Skype - criteria for a successful dialogue

In Skype it is also exciting to talk, as in a personal meeting, if you like a guy, then be sure to act. In order for your dialogue to end with mutual sympathy, you need to look good and deliberately prepare a list of common questions in order to get to know it better and generate interest.

You can talk about yourself, but not too much to go into details, the important point is to listen to the interlocutor and take an interest in everything that is close to him.

How to talk to a guy at the first correspondence on the Internet to interest him

At the first correspondence, it is important to catch the general wave, to behave relaxedly, but not to cross the border, it is important to understand what to talk about so as not to frighten off the partner. Tell about yourself and learn about him the most important facts.

Then you can leave your phone to interest him for further action. It is best to arrange a meeting, as personal communication is always better and clearer virtual.

What to talk to the guy when the topics for conversation are over

There are many topics for conversation, and if your dialogue has come to naught, the general topics have ended, and you don’t know what to talk about, then you can ask how the day went or what plans for the next one. If a person rudely answers you, then this is simply not your chosen one. Do not despair, this is life. We cannot arouse interest in everyone and know for sure that this is a good man.

Tips for girls - what to talk about with a guy who likes

It is important to find common ground, common themes, so that you can easily understand each other. It is also not necessary to give the impression of abstruse phrases, it is best to be yourself.

The main rule is not to be afraid to take the first step, write, give the phone, as this shows your desire to spend time with this person. Starting a relationship is not always easy, you should not wait for action from a man, as they do not always suspect your sympathy.


Watch the video: How To Talk To A Guy You Like (June 2024).