Dry skin: how to care for it? Folk and cosmetic products - everything that helps to care for dry skin


Dry skin is one of three types of skin. She has a special sensitivity and requires careful care. However, if you follow all the basic rules, then such a skin will only please. And the main one is better less, but better.

Causes of dry skin

Dry skin can be congenital or acquired. The initial cause of dryness is the insufficient functioning of the sebaceous glands, and over time, a lack of moisture is added to it.

At a young age, owners of dry skin can even be envied, since their dermis is even, tender, with a delicate pink tint. However, if you neglect a healthy diet, the basic rules of care, then over time it will become drier and lose its elasticity. Also, one of the features of this skin is that wrinkles on it can appear as early as 25 years old.

• Age - after about 40 years, the skin is no longer able to cope with the production of necessary substances. First of all, our skin suffers from this.

• Heredity - skin type can also be inherited.

• Natural phenomena, sun and frost. Excessive sun exposure can cause excessive dryness of the skin. Cold causes narrowing of the capillaries that nourish the skin. Dry skin will be more noticeable in winter than in summer.

• Tap water, a hot tub, pool water, sea water - both adults and children must have felt for themselves how chlorinated water causes dry skin. Seawater can have the same effect.

• Cosmetics - some of the components that make up these products or their improper use can cause dry skin. The same result can be if you choose the wrong face care products or use exfoliating products (scrubs, peels, etc.) for a long period of time. Due to their constant use, the skin stops releasing natural fat on its own, perspiration is reduced and therefore the fat is poorly distributed on the skin. The top layer remains completely unprotected.

• Improper nutrition or insufficient water intake.

• Dry air in rooms, bath. Heaters, air conditioners, fans, batteries very dry the air in the room.

• Diseases of the nervous system, hypovitaminosis can also lead to increased dryness of the skin.

• Excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and other aspects of the wrong lifestyle have never had a beneficial effect on our skin.

Dry Skin Care Prevention

In order to avoid negative environmental influences in severe frosts or vice versa in bright sunshine, use cosmetic means of protection with an increased protection factor.

After visiting the chlorinated water pool and after taking sea treatments, be sure to use a shower and then moisturizers.

Use of shampoos, shower gels and other cleansers. Usually moisturizing and nutritional components in such products are very few. They wash off the entire protective film and cause dry skin. After all, you have often noticed how, after washing hands with soap, you want to use hand cream. Try to also avoid products that include sulfate.

The use of chemicals. Make it a rule to use such products only with gloves. This applies to cleaning, washing and washing dishes.

Cosmetics, which include components that cause dry skin. For example, alcohol, mint, menthol, eucalyptus, citrus essential oils. The use of these preparations in large quantities and for skin that is prone to dryness can lead to skin irritation.

Means with moisturized components. Usually creams for winter contain petrolatum, glycerin and hyaluronic acid. However, in a dry climate, in a dry room, the more you use such creams, the more your skin will dry.

In rooms with low humidity and dry air concentration, it is advisable to install special humidifiers or containers with water.

When visiting a steam room or sauna, try to drink as much water as possible to make up for moisture. After the bath, use nourishing or moisturizing creams or oils.

Lead a healthy lifestyle, exclude harmful products from the diet, drink 2 liters of water every day. All this will save you not only dry skin, but also saturate your entire body with health.

Cosmetics for dry skin

The following drugs can help cope with dry skin:

1) day face cream - it should be of light consistency, quickly absorbed into the skin and leave a protective film. Moisturizers such as hyaluronic acid, milk proteins and plant ceramides will help retain moisture in the skin for a long period of time.

2) night cream for the face - it is best to use a regular nutritious fat cream. It is applied 1-2 hours before bedtime in a thick layer, and after 10 minutes the skin is blotted with a napkin. It is preferable to use creams, which include vegetable oils, ceramides and minerals, extracts of algae, aloe, vitamins A and E, grape seed oil. Such a cream will even work while we sleep and perform the function of skin regeneration.

3) makeup remover - it is advisable to use gels for sensitive skin that contain seaweed extracts, evening primrose oil. Cream with azulene, a soothing supplement that can increase the regenerative ability of the skin, is great. It is not recommended to use a cleansing gel, as it removes, along with cosmetics, a lipid film, which primarily performs a protective function. If it is regularly washed off, the skin will dry out significantly, and it is already dry.

4) The tonic should be alcohol free. It may include honey, rose petals, linden blossom, jasmine, chamomile, sweet fruit juice.

The best masks that promote dry skin care

For dry skin, it is recommended to use nourishing and tonic masks. Each of them has an extensive range of useful properties and it is best to use them in order of priority.

• Nourishing mask - sufficiently moisturizes the skin and saturates it with all the nutrients. Recommended for use once a week.

• Toning mask. It is dry skin that is most in need of increasing tone. Moisturizing particles will contribute to the production of collagen and elastin. These components contribute to the rejuvenation process. Burning substances will stimulate blood circulation, acidic ones will come to grips with problem skin, and honey and healing herbs will soothe the skin. In the summer, to care for dry skin, you will be helped by pieces of ice from a decoction of herbs or green tea, with which you can wipe the skin.

The following types of masks also exist:

• Moisturizing: mix cottage cheese, cream and carrot juice in the same proportion. This mask will also have a whitening effect.

• Egg. The base here is the yolk, as it is suitable for loose and dry skin. Add some honey, lemon juice and olive oil.

• Cucumber: 2 tsp mix cucumber with 1 tsp milk. If present, add some finely chopped seaweed to this mixture.

• Honey: thoroughly grind 50 g of honey literally to white, adding 50 ml of vegetable oil and egg yolk to it. Warm up a little. Or you can mix 1 tsp. honey with 1 tsp milk.

Watch your skin carefully and it will answer you with a well-groomed look, beauty and radiance!


Watch the video: Winter Skin Care Routine for Clear Skin: Dry, Sensitive & Oily Skin Types (June 2024).