Chicken legs in a slow cooker: in sour cream, with mushrooms, vegetables. The best recipes for chicken legs in a slow cooker: stuffed and fried


Chicken was and remains one of the hostesses favorite product.

Such meat is inexpensive, it is cooked quickly and tastes delicious in any form. Today, the individual parts of the chicken that have appeared in the sale have come to appeal to busy women even more.

You can buy, for example, chilled chicken legs, rinse them and quickly pickle them, put them in the multicooker bowl, setting the appropriate mode, and a hearty, tasty, quick lunch or dinner is ready.

Chicken legs in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

When choosing meat for cooking, be sure to look at the expiration date and appearance of the product. The chicken skin should be light in color, without spots, the smell of meat is not musty.

It is enough to rinse the legs, dry, grate with spices or pour marinade and put in a slow cooker. Chicken is usually cooked in the “Baking” or “Stewing” mode, the cooking time varies from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the size of the legs and additional ingredients.

In order to get a full-fledged dish, experienced housewives, along with meat, put vegetables, cereals, mushrooms in a bowl, without thinking about what side dish to serve with chicken legs.

1. Chicken legs in a slow cooker with sour cream sauce


• kilogram of chicken legs;

• 200 grams of sour cream;

• 2-3 cloves of garlic;

• salt, pepper, curry.


1. Peel the garlic from the husks, chop, pass through a garlic press or chopped finely with a knife.

2. Mix salt, curry and black pepper with garlic.

3. Add sour cream to the spices, mix well.

4. Wash the legs, dry them by patting them with a paper towel or napkins.

5. We shift the chicken legs into cellophane, here we put the sour cream sauce. Shaking, mix the contents of the package, previously tightly tying it.

6. Remove the bag with chicken legs for 30-40 minutes in the refrigerator, letting the meat soak in the sauce.

7. After the allotted time, we transfer the chicken from cellophane to the multicooker bowl.

8. We cook at 120 degrees on the "Multipovar" mode for 35 minutes or on the "Extinguishing" mode 45 minutes.

9. Serve chicken legs with any side dish: mashed potatoes, buckwheat or rice, baked or boiled vegetables. Decorate with herbs.

2. Chicken legs in a slow cooker with mushrooms


• six chicken legs;

• 5 tbsp tomato paste;

• 250 grams of champignons;

• garlic to taste;

• vegetable oil;

• black pepper, curry, marjoram, salt.


1. The chicken legs are thoroughly washed, dried. Transfer to a deep bowl, salt, mix. Leave for 10 minutes.

2. Pour enough vegetable oil into the bowl so that it completely covers the bottom.

3. Spread the chicken legs.

4. Set the "Baking" mode for 30 minutes. We prepare the legs by turning them over several times from side to side so that they brown on all sides.

5. While the meat is being cooked, rinse the champignons, cut them into thin layers, peel and chop the garlic.

6. In a small container, mix the tomato paste with salt, pepper and other spices. We put chopped garlic and a third of a glass of water here. Mix.

7. As soon as the slow cooker announces with a sound signal that the chicken legs are fried, put the mushrooms in the meat and pour the prepared tomato sauce.

8. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode again for 20 minutes.

9. Serve the finished legs with a side dish of rice.

3. Chicken legs in a slow cooker with spices in yogurt


• eight legs;

• 300 grams of classic yogurt;

• sunflower oil;

• a mixture of peppers, salt, seasoning for the legs.


1. Wash the chicken legs and put them in a bowl of a suitable size.

2. Sprinkle the drumsticks with a mixture of peppers, salt to taste and seasoning. Mix everything thoroughly, making sure that the legs are completely covered with spices.

3. Pour the sunflower oil into the bowl, heat it for 3-5 minutes in the "Baking" mode.

4. Spread the chicken legs, fry them in the same mode on all sides for 10-15 minutes, until an appetizing crispy crust forms.

5. Pour in the yogurt, mix gently. Cook the chicken legs in a slow cooker on the "Stewing" mode for 30 minutes.

6. Serve, sprinkled with fragrant fresh herbs with any side dish.

4. Chicken legs in a slow cooker with vegetables


• 5-6 chicken legs;

• 80 ml of soy sauce;

• half a glass of water;

• 3 tbsp. l vegetable oil;

• two sweet peppers;

• Art. l honey;

• a pound of potatoes;

• salt, coriander, black pepper.


1. Thoroughly rinse the chicken, put the legs in a deep container.

2. In another container, mix the garlic, soy sauce, water, all spices, salt and honey passed through the press.

3. Pour the prepared marinade to the legs, mix everything, remove for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

4. Peel the vegetables, cut the potatoes into cubes, and the sweet pepper is not too thin.

5. As soon as the meat is soaked in soy-honey sauce, we shift the legs into a multi-cooker bowl, previously greased with vegetable oil.

6. On top of the legs, spread the potatoes and peppers.

7. Pour all the ingredients with the rest of the marinade, add literally a third of a glass of plain water.

8. Cook the chicken legs for one hour by turning on the "Stewing" mode.

9. The finished dish is laid out in portioned plates in hot form, served with fresh or canned cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs.

5. Chicken legs in a slow cooker in mustard sauce


• 6 legs;

• 2 tbsp mustard;

• 100 ml cream;

• carrot;

• 5 potato tubers;

• onion;

• salt, pepper, bay leaves;

• vegetable oil.


1. Mix cream with mustard, pepper and salt in a large container, put more spices to taste.

2. Put in the resulting mixture, thoroughly rinse and dried chicken legs. Stir so that the shins on all sides are covered with mustard sauce.

3. Rinse and peel all the vegetables necessary for the preparation of the dish, grind everything in small blocks or cubes.

4. Put the onion in the greased multicooker bowl, then the meat, carrots and, at the very end, the potatoes.

5. Sprinkle potatoes with salt, fill with the remaining marinade in a bowl.

6. Cook by turning on the "Extinguishing" mode one hour ten minutes.

7. The dish is full-fledged and does not need to be supplemented in the form of a side dish, we serve it hot.

6. Stuffed chicken legs in a slow cooker


• eight chicken legs;

• four slices of bacon;

• one red onion;

• 2 tbsp honey;

• a third of a glass of walnuts;

• olive oil;

• fresh parsley;

• thyme leaves.


1. Cut the bacon into small squares, peeled red onion finely chopped into cubes.

2. Fry both ingredients in the “Baking” mode on pre-warmed olive oil until the onions are softened.

3. Add the crushed nuts and chopped parsley, fry for a couple of minutes.

4. We shift the filling for the legs into the plate, cool.

5. All the legs are washed and dried. Carefully push the skin up, trying not to tear it.

6. Using a sharp knife, make a deep incision in the pulp, put about a tablespoon of the already cooled filling into the resulting notch, carefully ramming it.

7. Return the peel into place.

8. Stir the liquefied honey with chopped thyme leaves, salt, pepper and two to three tablespoons of oil.

9. Pour stuffed legs with marinade, remove for an hour in the refrigerator, letting the meat soak.

10. After the time allotted for marinating, we transfer the chicken legs to the multicooker bowl.

11. We bake by setting the "Baking" mode for 40 minutes.

12. Serve with young boiled potatoes.

7. Fried chicken legs in a slow cooker


• kilogram of legs;

• two glasses of corn flakes;

• egg;

• half a glass of grated parmesan;

• vegetable oil;

• salt pepper;

• a glass of milk;

• glasses of flour;

• a teaspoon of dried onions and garlic.


1. Prepare for the preparation of the legs: carefully rinse and dry with paper towels.

2. Grind corn flakes, but not into flour, but into large crumbs.

3. Separately, beat the milk with an egg and a pinch of salt.

4. In the third container, mix the flour with dried onions, garlic, pepper and salt.

5. Roll the chicken legs in the flour mixture, then dip in the beaten egg. Last of all, thoroughly roll in crushed corn flakes on all sides.

6. Heat the oil in a multi-cooker bowl, fry the legs on it from all sides to a delicious golden hue, giving each side about 3-4 minutes.

7. We put the finished drumsticks on a paper towel, thus allowing excess oil to drain.

8. Serve with any sauce: sour cream, cheese, garlic.

Chicken legs in a slow cooker - tricks and tips

• If you cook chicken legs without any additional ingredients just in any stewing marinade, the drumsticks will be juicy, but without the appetizing and beloved golden crust. You can achieve it by turning on the “Baking” mode at the end of cooking for literally 10 minutes.

• When baking the legs in a slow cooker, instead of vegetable oil, you can use butter, so the meat will turn out even juicier, while it will have a pleasant creamy aftertaste.

• If you don’t have enough time to cook, you can speed up the pickling process by piercing the legs in several places with a sharp knife. Rub the marinade for a long time and carefully.

• If you use soy sauce in marinade, put only a quality product. Unnatural sauce with flavor enhancers and other additives can ruin the delicate taste of chicken.

• If you use spices, try not to take powder packaged options, but fresh ones. You need to grind them yourself in a mortar, this will make the taste of the dish brighter and more interesting. But do not overdo it, keep in mind that fresh spices, in contrast to ready-made spices, must be taken in small quantities.


Watch the video: Crock Pot Series - Creamy Mushroom Chicken (June 2024).