Kefir with pepper, ginger, cinnamon for weight loss - is it effective? How to cook kefir with pepper and spices for weight loss


Girls who dream of getting rid of several kilograms quickly and tasty should pay attention to the popular kefir recipe with spices: pepper, cinnamon and ginger. A wonderful oriental trio combined with a traditional Russian sour-milk product is capable of real miracles.

The benefits of kefir and spices for weight loss

The benefits of kefir in the difficult business of losing weight have been known for a very long time. A simple drink upon closer examination is almost the best way to lose weight:

• it improves digestive processes, so that food passes through the digestive tract faster;

• cleanses the intestines, contributing to its gentle emptying;

• normalizes stool;

• has a diuretic effect on the body, reducing swelling;

• has a low calorie content;

• and most importantly, saturates for a long time

As for oriental spices, they do not just make kefir tastier. Pleasant aroma and pungency - this is the tip of the iceberg. In fact, along with the new taste and color of the spices, they will make the drink fat-burning properties. This may seem like a bold statement, but in fact spices are also known as substances that can beneficially affect the body, in particular, activate metabolic processes.

Hot chilli is known for its ability to accelerate the breakdown of fats. Its taste is just a blow for the receptors of the tongue, so the appetite after taking a cocktail with red pepper will not return soon. By dulling appetite, chili will contribute to a gradual decrease in serving sizes, and, accordingly, reduce the calorie intake.

If the question arises whether kefir and pepper are dangerous for weight loss, then in the absence of stomach diseases, the drink is normally tolerated by the body. The enveloping consistency of the main component dampens the sharpness of chili, so the delicate mucous membranes of the stomach do not suffer.

Allspice ginger is able to accelerate the course of digestive processes. In addition, but it has a cleansing effect on the body, contributes to its release from toxins and slag deposits. It is no accident that grated root is often included in various weight loss diets as an ingredient in a variety of dishes and drinks.

Cinnamon is definitely the queen of this mini-kingdom of diet products. This is a truly healing product:

• it lowers blood sugar (a common problem in obese and overweight people);

• improves digestive processes;

• dulls appetite;

• helps to increase oxygen saturation of the body (due to normalization of blood circulation), which is important for those who want to lose weight and get rid of cellulite.

There are several recipes for fat burning kefir based cocktails. Those that include oriental spices are considered the most effective. The basic component is low fat kefir. It can be supplemented with cinnamon, pepper, ginger in any combination: cinnamon and chili, ginger and pepper, any one component (for example, only hot pepper) or all three at the same time.

In any case, the effect is guaranteed: the cocktail works and brings results only a few days after the start of the course or regular application. A glass of drink gives a long feeling of satiety, promotes normal and regular bowel movements, cleanses the digestive tract, stimulates metabolic processes. Every day the weight decreases, and the fat melts exactly where it most annoys women: on the hips and stomach.

Kefir with pepper for weight loss

Simple and really tasty kefir with pepper for weight loss can be easily prepared and enjoyed with a drink. It will burn extra calories and help the body cope with extra pounds faster.

However, to get a truly obvious result, you need to use a real pod of hot pepper, and not ground dried chili from a bag. The benefits of fresh vitamins are just as important as the ability to activate fat burning.

What is needed to prepare one serving:

• a glass of low-fat kefir;

• a pinch of salt (put as desired, to improve the taste);

• a third of fresh chili pods.

In principle, if only dried pod is available, you can prepare a cocktail with it. Pepper must be washed, finely chopped and put in the thicker of the blender. Pour kefir, slightly salt and mix the ingredients, while saturating the drink with oxygen.

Wonderful kefir with pepper for weight loss drink on an empty stomach before the main meal. If you want to achieve quick radical results - replace a glass of such a cocktail with one of the meals 1-3 times a week.

Kefir with ginger and pepper for weight loss

Due to its ability to accelerate metabolic processes and have a warming effect on the body, ginger is an excellent companion for kefir and red pepper. The substances contained in ginger help lower cholesterol, reduce not only hunger, but also sugar levels, which means it prevents the development of diabetes.

And all thanks to a burning substance called gingerol: it makes our blood run faster across the veins and reduces the ability of adipocyte fat cells to hold a huge amount of lipids, which leads to obesity.

Pepper contains another active substance - capsaicin, which enhances thermogenesis (that is, heats well) and accelerates metabolic processes. Now imagine what happens in the body when two active substances begin to work simultaneously. The miraculous kefir with ginger and pepper forces the body to use the old reserves of fat and removes them to the outside.

To prepare kefir with ginger and pepper, you will need the following ingredients:

• a glass of low-fat or low-fat kefir;

• half a teaspoon of ginger root grated on a fine grater;

• red ground pepper on the tip of the knife.

The ingredients can be mixed manually or, as in the previous case, use a blender. It is very good to occasionally replace dinner with such a cocktail, although kefir can be used in another way:

- arrange for yourself fasting days on kefir, drinking during the day to one and a half liters of spiced drink. To maintain weight, you can do this weekly;

- if you need to lose weight quickly, then you can eat kefir with ginger and pepper for 2-3 days, then go on to proper nutrition. Repeat such an express diet for 3-4 months in a row.

Already the first cycle will give a decent result. If you keep yourself within the framework and do not eat what has gone within the first month, the weight will slowly but steadily begin to decrease.

Kefir with cinnamon and red pepper for weight loss

Another great recipe is an effective fat-burning kefir cocktail with cinnamon and red pepper. It is prepared in this way:

• a glass of kefir (preferably, but not necessarily fat-free);

• half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder;

• a pinch of ground red pepper or 2-3 centimeters from a fresh chili pod.

All components must be carefully moved and whipped if possible. Fresh hot pepper or beat in a blender with kefir, or grate, if there is no blender. To use kefir with cinnamon and red pepper, as in previous cases, is most effective at night or as an alternative to a light dinner.

The number of ingredients can vary. If the pepper seems too much and the taste is very bitter, you can slightly reduce the amount of chili. At the same time, the amount of cinnamon needs to be increased. The drink perfectly satisfies hunger, makes the intestines work like clockwork. In addition, the cocktail significantly improves the condition of the skin and hair: the face becomes smooth, beautiful, the hair shines, the nail plates are strengthened.

Kefir with cinnamon and red pepper can be drunk daily. It can be taken both in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, before bedtime.

Kefir with cinnamon, ginger and red pepper for weight loss

The last option involves combining all three spices in a cocktail. It is believed that it is such kefir that has maximum fat-burning properties. In addition, it not only causes the body to burn fat depots, but also improves its condition as a whole. Ginger and cinnamon are powerful healing plants. The undoubted healing effect will manifest itself gradually.

The recipe for kefir with cinnamon, ginger and pepper is simple:

• a glass of kefir (300-350 ml);

• one and a half teaspoons of ground cinnamon powder;

• two teaspoons of ginger puree;

• A quarter of a teaspoon of hot red pepper.

Everything is whipped in a blender or mixed in any other way. The prepared drink should be drunk right there, since you can’t leave it for the future.

Who should not drink kefir with pepper and spices for weight loss

Kefir with spices can not be considered a panacea for excess weight. Without correction of nutrition, reducing portion sizes and at least minimal physical activity, drinking kefir and hoping for a miracle is pointless.

The drink is contraindicated for people suffering from some ailments:

• increased acidity of gastric juice;

• an ulcer in the stage of exacerbation or remission;

• chronic or acute gastritis;

• allergic to any of the components of the cocktail;

• high blood pressure;

• stones in the bile ducts;

• acute inflammation of the urinary organs.

You can not eat cinnamon during pregnancy, and ginger - at the same time as blood thinners, as well as before any type of upcoming surgery.

Nursing women should refrain from taking a cocktail: it is not known how the baby's body will react to oriental spices that are not typical for the Russian food tradition.

All other girls should take kefir with cinnamon, pepper, ginger for arms in the struggle for a slim body, beautiful skin and good health.


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