How effective is the constipation diet, which really helps? Types of diets for constipation: doctor consultation


Constipation is a common disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

But it turns out that it can be easily treated using a special diet.

even if medication is prescribed for this problem, you should not avoid it.

Diet for constipation. What can she do?

A diet for constipation is the basis for the treatment of this disease. Together with medication, enemas and laxatives, it is prescribed to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Products that are part of it contribute to the reduction of intestinal muscles.

Constipation can be the result of many problems in the body, from disorders in the digestive system to hormonal imbalances. The main reasons are considered:

• adhesions to the intestines (most often occurs in the postpartum period);

• the wrong process of losing weight;

• hormonal changes in the body (found in women during pregnancy, breastfeeding, as well as in older people);

• malnutrition;

• passive lifestyle;

• chronic diseases in the human body (diabetes, pancreatitis, etc.)

For people of an older age group, difficulties with bowel movements are quite common. This is due to hormonal changes, as well as an improper diet, since quite often the body does not have enough vegetables and fruits, which leads to a violation of feces.

Nutritionists have developed special dietary complexes for people suffering from constipation. This helps to quickly and effectively normalize intestinal motility and to naturally cleanse the body, minimize the process of fermentation, bacterial accumulation in the lower digestive system. As a result, the well-being improves, the number of diseases of the whole organism decreases several times.

You can characterize the diet as follows:

• gentle dishes, quick assimilation;

• food that promotes motor activity of the intestine;

• reduction of gas formation, mucosal irritations.

Diet for constipation: its important principles and basics

Any nutritionist or gastroenterologist will talk about the basic rules of dietary nutrition for violations of bowel movements. The constipation diet has a number of principles that should be followed.

1. Water. Do not forget that a person should consume up to two liters daily. This is the norm when following this diet. The consumed water helps not only saturate the cells with moisture, but also soften the stool and facilitate their easy excretion from the body. Coffee, tea, packaged juices - do not replace the daily dose of the necessary fluid. Their consumption should be minimized.

2. If a person suffers from constipation, then he must learn to take food in small portions up to 6 times a day. Thus, the stomach will not load, and the risk of fecal stones is reduced.

3. Each meal should be enriched in fiber. It works like a ruff, cleansing the intestines and its walls from accumulated toxins, residues of feces.

4. Vegetables and fruits are essential components of the diet of a patient who suffers from constipation. They, like carbohydrates, help cleanse the intestines.

5. Consumed foods should not be heavily chopped. That is, the maximum consumption of vegetable purees and meat dishes (such as meatballs, meatballs) is reduced in the diet. Such foods reduce intestinal motility.

6. Avoid rice and semolina porridge, which also contributes to the formation of dense feces.

With such a diet, it is very important to completely exclude the consumption of hot dishes. Consume food slightly warm.

Diet for constipation: what to eat?

If we are talking about bakery products, then their consumption is the exclusion of fresh flour products. Let the bread stand for at least 12 hours. It is much better digested and absorbed than fresh. Give preference to varieties that are baked from wholemeal or seeded. This is very beneficial and contains the optimal amount of fiber that is beneficial for people with constipation. You can add biscuit cookies to the diet, as well as any inedible pastries.

As for meat and fish dishes, they need to be limited in quantity. And your favorite fatty meats are replaced by easily digestible (chicken, turkey, rabbit), non-greasy fish. The method of preparation of fish and meat dishes - boiled, stewed, baked.

Do not exclude milk and fermented milk products from the diet. A diet for constipation allows their consumption, since their composition has a beneficial effect on the formation of feces. Enrich your diet with a sufficient amount of lactic acid products of low-fat varieties (fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, yogurt).

As for fruits, you need to consume them in sufficient quantities daily. They are of fundamental importance in the formation of normal feces, contribute to their rapid elimination. The diet must necessarily contain:

• citrus fruits;

• plums (prunes);

• apricots (dried apricots);

• raisins.

Every day, 1-2 apples are suitable as a snack, their baked form will be more effective.

Do not forget about vegetable salads, which are seasoned with a variety of vegetable oils or kefir, natural yogurt. Effective are such dishes of cabbage, carrots, beets, a small amount of tomato, cucumbers.

It is important to control the consumption in sufficient quantities of the main components in the diet. So, the diet for constipation should be per day:

• from 120 gr. proteins;

• no more than 150 gr. carbohydrates;

• from 120 gr. fats (preferably of plant origin);

• 2 l of pure water;

• no more than 15 gr. salt.

The daily energy value of dishes is not more than 3000 kcal.

Diet for constipation: what to refuse?

The constipation diet also contains a list of dishes and foods that are not recommended for consumption by people suffering from problems with normal bowel movements. It is important to adhere to and not use prohibited foods in the diet, as they will aggravate the situation. These products include:

• butter dough;

• fatty broths and varieties of meat, fish;

• frequent intake of rice and dishes with it;

• hard-boiled eggs;

• spicy seasonings;

• horseradish;

• coffee, strong tea, alcohol;

• jelly, jelly;

• raw onions and garlic;

• some fruits and berries: quince, pear, blueberries, banana, lingonberries;

• chocolate;

• radishes, radishes, turnips and salads with their use;

If for some reason it was not possible to refrain from taking them, then all measures should be taken to eliminate their negative impact on the lower intestines. Take laxatives or suppositories with the same effect. Do not give illicit foods a chance to spoil the diet.

Diet for constipation: a sample menu

After waking up, a glass of clean water is necessarily drunk. The first meal is not earlier than a quarter of an hour. It should be answered that water not only enriches the body with liquid, but also triggers metabolic processes in the body, helps it wake up, become more alert.

Breakfast consists of natural yogurt, in which you can add flax or sesame seeds, fruit (kiwi, apple) and weak tea, coffee with milk.

Lunch and dinner enrich our diet. The following is a sample seven-day menu for lunch and evening meals.

1 day. Lunch consists of natural non-fat yogurt, a piece of fish (boiled, stewed) with baked vegetables. For dinner, cook vegetable stew.

2 day. At lunchtime, eat lean borsch and a serving of baked chicken fillet with buckwheat. On this day, dinner consists of a salad (tomato, cucumber, herbs, hard cheese, olive oil). Fruit.

3 day. For lunch, treat yourself to a cottage cheese casserole with raisins. In addition, a glass of kefir or natural yogurt. For an evening meal, cook chicken minced meatballs with vegetable salad, you can add a little porridge.

4 day. Beetroot soup with sour cream, whole grain bread with cheese and tomato - lunch. In the evening cheesecakes with raisins and fruit allowed.

5 day. At lunch, you can choose to cook pasta or boiled rice with a slice of baked fish. For dinner, suitable vegetable soup with bread.

6 day. Start your lunch with buckwheat cereal and a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers. In the evening, prepare a smoothie of fruits and milk, as well as bake eggplant with low-fat cheese in the oven.

7 day. For lunch, you can have a salad of seaweed, boiled egg, corn. For the evening - lentil soup with slices of boiled chicken breast.

Here is such a simple weekly diet. It should be noted that this is not a canon. Everyone can add or replace a dish. But it’s important to consume the right foods that will improve bowel function, rather than aggravate it. It is also important to remember that dinner is at least 3 hours before bedtime. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or yogurt.

A diet for constipation is mandatory in the treatment of such digestive disorders and one of the most effective ways to normalize its work. Do not forget that the constant use of enemas or laxatives is not a way out of the situation. Their frequent use often leads to the fact that the intestine becomes passive, and its peristalsis completely disappears. Therefore, laxatives and enemas are an emergency aid for constipation, but not a constant necessary procedure. But diet food - harmoniously restores the functions of the digestive system. In any case, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor, he will determine the cause of constipation and suggest the correct treatment, to which the diet is mandatory.


Watch the video: Constipation. How To Get Rid Of Constipation. Constipation Relief 2019 (July 2024).