Cauliflower in a slow cooker - recipes with minced meat, sausages, mushrooms. Cauliflower casserole in a slow cooker


Cute bouquets of cauliflower are not as frequent a guest in our kitchen as her white sister.

But what delicious and sometimes unexpected recipes were invented specifically for her!

And if you get down to business, armed with all the modern kitchen equipment, then it will take less time and the dishes can be composed “on the edge” of culinary art.

Cauliflower recipes in a slow cooker - general principles of preparation

• Cauliflower in perfect harmony with various ingredients such as mushrooms, meat, vegetables. The meat can be taken in the form of minced meat or sliced. Dishes from cauliflower in a slow cooker are cooked in the "Frying", "Stewing" or "Baking" modes.

• Cauliflower is taken fresh or frozen. So that the dish does not turn out tough, the inflorescences before cooking must withstand a certain time for a couple in a slow cooker or blanch.

• When choosing a vegetable, pay particular attention to its freshness. Inflorescences of long-stored heads of cabbage, as a rule, are colored unevenly and have dark spots. The stump is loose and the leaves are sluggish. It is undesirable to buy such vegetables.

• Before use, the heads are thoroughly washed with a not very strong stream of cold water and immediately divided into inflorescences. Leaves and stump must be removed, they are not suitable for cooking. Inflorescences are rarely crushed, mostly they are cooked whole.

Cauliflower in a slow cooker: recipe for baked cabbage in cheese sauce


• one and a half kilograms of cauliflower;

• three teaspoons of mustard powder;

• 3 small pinch of nutmeg;

• 750 ml of pasteurized milk;

• 200 gr. mild hard cheese;

• 45 gr. wheat flour;

• 60 gr. butter or condensed cream.

Cooking method:

1. At the head, remove the stump and all the leaves. Gently cut off all the inflorescences with a knife and rinse them well with water. Hard stems are undesirable to leave.

2. Put the inflorescences in a steam bowl and steam in a slow cooker for up to 10 minutes, quickly dry.

3. Grate cheese into coarse crumbs.

4. Put the multicook into frying mode and put the butter in the bowl. Let it melt completely.

5. Pour the sifted flour into the oil, immediately stir with a whisk and fry, not stopping mixing.

6. When the flour is tender brown, add mustard powder, ground nutmeg and 2-3 pinches of black pepper to it.

7. Stir everything quickly until smooth and inject milk into a thin stream. Salt the sauce to your taste and boil, stirring, until thickened.

8. Then quickly, in small portions, add cheese to the sauce, but not all. Set aside a handful of cheese chips. Be sure to add in small quantities. Fall asleep a new portion of cheese only after the previously added is completely dissolved. Be sure to carefully stir the contents of the bowl.

9. Pour the finished cheese sauce from the slow cooker into a separate bowl, and put the dried cauliflower inflorescences in a clean bowl.

10. Pour in cheese sauce, sprinkle with the remaining cheese chips and close the lid.

11. Set the timer for 35 minutes and start the multicooker on the option “Baking”.

Cauliflower in a slow cooker: stewed cabbage recipe with pork ribs


• 700 gr. pork ribs (10 pieces);

• 650 gr. inflorescences of cauliflower;

• onion head;

• garlic;

• a spoon of light soy sauce;

• one small carrot;

• one and a half salt spoons of unsalted thick tomato;

• a mixture of ground peppers;

• three tablespoons of water.

Cooking method:

1. Put carrots cut into small cubes or cubes into the cooking bowl. Add finely chopped onions and mix the vegetables well.

2. Then, in the bowl of vegetables, place the ribs well-washed with water and pour them with soy sauce.

3. Add finely chopped garlic and cabbage inflorescences without leaflets and hard stems.

4. Dilute the tomato with water, slightly salt and season with a mixture of ground peppers.

5. Pour the contents of the multicooker with tomato mixture and turn it on for one hour in the "Extinguishing" mode.

Cauliflower in a slow cooker: steamed sausages recipe


• a pound of frozen cauliflower or blanched fresh inflorescences;

• 70 gr. smoked brisket;

• two eggs;

• four tablespoons of 15% sour cream;

• 80 gr. Kostroma or Poshekhonsky cheese;

• sausages in a natural shell;

• two tablespoons of any non-aromatic vegetable oil;

• 200 ml of pasteurized 3.2% milk.

Cooking method:

1. Inflorescences of cabbage, not defrosting, put in a cooking container with the oil poured into it.

2. On top of it, spread the brisket sliced ​​into thin strips evenly. Pour in all the milk mixed with sour cream, egg and salt and sprinkle with coarsely grated cheese.

3. On each sausage, make shallow longitudinal cuts on four sides and place them in a steam container mounted on the hob.

4. Close the appliance lid and turn on the “Baking” option for 40 minutes.

5. After stopping the process, remove the steam container with sausages, and leave the casserole in the bowl for another 15 minutes. She must grasp well.

6. Gently cool the casserole with a spatula, directly in the bowl, divide into portions and transfer to slightly warmed plates. Next to each piece, lay sausages cut into thin rings.

Cauliflower in a slow cooker: recipe for air casserole with minced meat


• a pound of mixed low-fat minced meat;

• 450 gr. frozen cauliflower (inflorescences);

• 150 ml of drinking, without additives, yogurt;

• sweet bell pepper - 2 peppers;

• garlic;

• two large onions;

• three eggs;

• one glass of semolina;

• seasoning "For vegetables";

• a spoon of quality margarine.

Cooking method:

1. Defrost cabbage in advance. At peppers, cut the stalks, select all the seeds and cut the flesh into large pieces.

2. Put the prepared vegetables in a bowl, add chopped onions, crushed garlic. Interrupt everything well with a blender and let the vegetable mass stand for five minutes. Then carefully drain all excess fluid.

3. Pour semolina into vegetable puree, add large shavings of carrots, yogurt. Mix thoroughly and leave for a quarter of an hour so that the cereal swells.

4. Then add "For Vegetables" seasoning to your taste, slightly pepper and salt.

5. Mash raw minced meat with a fork well and mix it with the vegetable mixture.

6. Slightly softened grease well lubricate the bottom and sides of the cooking bowl, sprinkle them with semolina.

7. Pour the vegetable mixture into the cooking container and turn on the appliance in the "Multi-cook" mode at 125 degrees for one hour.

8. The casserole is very lush and tender. It should be removed from the bowl only after complete cooling.

Cauliflower in a slow cooker: recipe for baked cabbage with minced meat


• cauliflower - a kilogram head of cabbage;

• low-fat minced meat - 350 gr.;

• mayonnaise 45% fat - 5 tbsp. l .;

• a small slice of white bread;

• two eggs;

• a spoonful of starch;

• a pinch of granulated sugar;

• ground paprika - 0.5 tsp;

• Kostroma cheese - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Pour half a liter of warm water into the cooking container. Install the steam container and place the disassembled inflorescences in it. When you take the head out, do not cut the thick stems, remove only the stump and leaves.

2. Soak for 15 minutes in the "Steam cooking" mode, then put the inflorescences from the steam container and dry well on a towel.

3. On an average grater, rub the onion and transfer the gruel to the minced meat.

4. Soak the bread crumb for 10 minutes in water. Then squeeze well and put to the minced meat.

5. Add a small pinch of ground pepper, break one egg, lightly salt and knead well.

6. At the bottom of the bowl moistened with oil, gently place the minced meat and stick the dried cauliflower inflorescences into it, forming a head of cabbage.

7. In a small bowl, break the remaining egg, pour in the starch. Add a small pinch of granulated sugar, paprika, mayonnaise. Pour coarsely grated cheese and beat well.

8. Thoroughly brush with a mixture of inflorescences inserted into the minced meat.

9. Cook for 50 minutes in Baking mode under the lid.

10. Put the finished dish with a wide spatula on a large shallow plate and cut into portions.

Stewed cauliflower in a slow cooker: recipe with mushrooms


• fresh or frozen champignons - 200 grams;

• a pound of cauliflower;

• one large carrot;

• 50 gr. lean non-aromatic oil;

• three small tomatoes;

• Lavrushka - 1 leaf;

• a small bunch of young dill;

• one large onion.

Cooking method:

1. For a couple in a steam container, boil the cabbage disassembled by inflorescence for 5 minutes, dry.

2. Chop the onion with a heavy knife, chop the carrots with short and thin strips. Grind the tomatoes with a grater or blender. Matchstick-thick sliced ​​mushrooms.

3. Warm the vegetable oil well on the "Fry" and let the onions and carrots in it until soft.

4. Add chopped mushrooms and dried inflorescences. Fry everything together until the moisture evaporates.

5. Pour in chopped tomatoes. Salt, pepper a little and mix well.

6. Set the timer to 50 minutes and enable the "Extinguishing" option.

7. Sprinkle the stewed cabbage ready to serve with chopped herbs.

Cauliflower recipes in a slow cooker - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Often in the heads of cabbage you can find caterpillars or larvae. To get rid of them, soak the cabbage for a while in a weak saline solution or ordinary water, they themselves will float to its surface.

• At plus temperature, cauliflower is stored for no more than 10 days. For longer storage, pack its inflorescences in bags and put in the freezer.

• If during storage at home on the inflorescences dark spots appear, do not rush to throw away vegetables. Just cut damaged areas with a sharp knife.

• When blanching in a pan on the stove, add a little sugar to salted water, this will emphasize the delicate taste of cauliflower.


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