Hemorrhoids in women: causes, symptoms, possible complications. Methods for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women


Hemorrhoids is a disease in which hemorrhoids in the rectum become very inflamed and expand.

Consider in more detail the symptoms of hemorrhoids in women and methods of treating this ailment.

Causes of hemorrhoids in women

According to statistics, hemorrhoids in women develop several times more often than in men. The following factors contribute to this:

1. A sedentary lifestyle of a woman, because of which blood stasis develops in the pelvic organs, which gives an impetus to the appearance of hemorrhoids. This is usually associated with a profession (secretary, accountant, salesman, etc.), which provides for many hours of sitting.

2. Frequent stresses and nervous overstrain greatly weaken the body and the immune system, which leads to a greater tendency to hemorrhoids.

3. Pregnancy causes acute hemorrhoids in every second case. This is due to the fact that during the bearing of a child in the body of the expectant mother, strong hormonal changes occur. Moreover, the outflow of blood to the pelvic organs often increases, which, without active physical exertion, can lead to inflammation of the hemorrhoids.

4. The period of menstruation (especially in young girls) can be accompanied by manifestations of hemorrhoids, since in this state the blood actively rushes to the pelvic organs. For this reason, it is very important to eat properly during menstruation in order to prevent the formation of constipation.

5. Weight lifting (overly active loads in sports, carrying heavy bags, etc.) leads to a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure, increasing blood flow to the small pelvis. This very often causes an acute form of hemorrhoids.

6. Untreated inflammatory diseases of the genitals and bladder can increase the risk of hemorrhoids in women.

7. Improper nutrition is the first way to develop chronic hemorrhoids. At the same time, this item refers to the observance of a poorly balanced diet, in which there are not enough nutrients, frequent use of alcohol, spicy, fatty and fried.

It is important to know, that improper nutrition alone is not capable of causing hemorrhoids, but digestive and intestinal disorders (constipation, diarrhea, etc.) may well cause inflammation of the hemorrhoids. Moreover, the situation is even more complicated if a woman suffers from chronic problems with stool.

8. A hereditary predisposition to hemorrhoids can have an effect if a woman has diseases of the pelvic organs.

9. Various oncological pathologies in the pelvic area.

10. Non-standard sexual contacts are inherent not only to homosexual men, but also to some women. In this case, it does not matter on whose initiative such an intimacy occurs, it always injures the rectum (even with the most careful penetration of the penis).

Moreover, if such contact occurs without the use of a condom, then the risks of hemorrhoids increase even more, because alien microbes enter the rectum, which can easily cause a serious inflammatory process.

Hemorrhoids in women: symptoms and signs

Inflammation of hemorrhoidal nodes in women has the following symptoms and course features:

1. At the beginning of the disease, a woman has discomfort in the rectum and anus.

2. Gradually, a pain syndrome begins to appear. At first, it will be weakly expressed, and only occur after a long stay in a sitting position and after an act of defecation, however, during the progression of the disease, the pain will become pronounced (burning, stitching, pulling).

3. For hemorrhoids, itching in the rectum and swelling of the anus are very characteristic. Because of this, a woman will feel constant inconvenience.

4. The appearance of mucous discharge after the act of defecation.

5. In more advanced cases with hemorrhoids, bloody discharge begins after an act of defecation. If the disease turned into a chronic form, then the blood will become a regular manifestation of hemorrhoids (with it, it can occur not only after bowel movements, but also when lifting weights).

6. If a woman does not consult a doctor in a timely manner, then inflammation will begin to progress. At the same time, hemorrhoids will fall out of the anal canal, which threatens infection, infection and other dangerous complications.

When this symptom appears, it is extremely dangerous to delay a trip to the doctor. In this case, you need to urgently diagnose and begin adequate treatment.

Hemorrhoids in women: treatment features

After an initial examination, collection of anamnesis and the results of diagnostic procedures, the proctologist prescribes treatment. Traditional therapy has the following features:

1. The appointment of drugs to strengthen the veins and improve their tone (Detralex, Troxevasin).

2. Antibiotics are used if an infection has joined the hemorrhoids and the patient has purulent discharge from the rectum.

3. Rectal suppositories (Relief, Proctosedylum).

4. To relieve pain and inflammation, you can make microclysters with healing oils.

5. With severe inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nodes, their removal is practiced. For this, surgery or photocoagulation can be performed. In addition, non-surgical methods of removing nodes are also often used (by squeezing them, because of which blood stops flowing into the node and it dries out).

The treatment of hemorrhoids in women is preferably carried out under the careful supervision of a doctor in a hospital setting. With a mild form of the disease, therapy can be carried out at home.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that without the appointment of a doctor, it is forbidden to take any medications, since they can be harmful to health.

Hemorrhoids in women: treatment, prevention

During the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is very important for women to adhere to proper nutrition. Such a diet provides for the following:

1. Complete cessation of alcohol and smoking.

2. Prohibited flour, sweet, fatty and salt.

3. In a limited amount, you can eat honey, potatoes and cheese.

4. It is allowed to drink green tea, decoctions of rose hips, chamomiles and dried fruits.

5. You can eat low-fat sour-milk products, carrots, boiled beets, low-fat fish and meat.

6. Canned, salted and smoked fish, pasta, sausages and coffee are prohibited.

7. Every day, the menu should include cereals, vegetable soups and stews.

8. The menu should be varied and well balanced. Dry food and overeating should be avoided.

9. It is important to refuse food at night, because then it is more difficult for the intestines to digest food.

10. It is very useful to eat fresh fruits (especially citrus fruits), berries, beans, nuts and bran.

In order to reduce the likelihood of developing hemorrhoids, women should adhere to such recommendations of a proctologist:

1. Maintain a normal water balance in the body, as it will improve digestion. At least two liters of water without gas should be drunk per day.

2. Do not strain too much during bowel movements.

3. You should have an active lifestyle, but avoid lifting weights and overwork.

4. If your profession provides for a sitting mode, then at least every hour you need to get up and do a light workout. This is the only way to protect yourself from stagnation of blood in the pelvis.

5. Completely exclude alcohol from the diet.

6. It is advisable to minimize spicy and starchy foods, as it contributes to constipation.

7. Do not overeat and clearly control your diet. It should be well balanced. An experienced nutritionist or gastroenterologist can help with this.

8. Enrich your menu with products with a high fiber content. They will help improve digestion.

9. When driving, do not sit for more than three hours in a row. It is important to take at least a short break.

10. Sit on soft surfaces.

11. After each act of defecation, be sure to wash yourself with cool water.

12. Do not get involved in non-traditional intimate communication, especially without using a condom. Gynecologists advise to do "this" no more than a few times a month.

13. During pregnancy, it is very important to regularly walk in the fresh air and perform special gymnastics. In the latter stages of pregnancy, it is also advisable to wear a support bandage to relieve stress from the back.

14. Avoid stress and severe nervous strain.

15. When the first signs of hemorrhoids appear, it is important to immediately contact a proctologist and not to delay the course of the disease.


Watch the video: Hemorrhoid Removal Hemorrhoidectomy (June 2024).