Janet Jackson accused of intentionally delaying brother’s funeral


Recently, a long-standing story has worsened about the guardianship of children of Michael Jackson, who passed away three years ago, in June 2009.

Numerous relatives of the pop king continue to prove their disinterested brotherly feelings towards the deceased legendary singer, although their assurances of love did not prevent at one time rummaging through Jackson's house in search of money.

The name Janet Jackson is also mentioned, and not at all flattering. The author of the recently published book The Untouchables: The Weird Life and the Tragic Death of Michael Jackson, Randall Sullivan claims that it was Sister Janet who was to blame for the long funeral of Michael Jackson, which took place only three months after his death.

Having bought a plot intended for the grave of her brother for 50 thousand dollars at the cemetery, she did not give permission to carry out the burial until the managers of the will returned this amount to her. Excerpts from this book were published on one of the media tabloids last Thursday.

The singer’s lawyer, Graydon Carter, immediately issued a refutation: "Ms. Jackson is falsely accused of delaying her brother’s funeral because of money. This is outrageous. She never delayed a funeral." The lawyer claims that, in fact, she paid for the funeral and her expenses were reimbursed within a year after them. In addition, there were other private expenses, but Janet Jackson never sought to reimburse them.


Watch the video: Watch Live: Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford Testify At Senate Hearing. NBC News (July 2024).