How to read conspiracies so that they act?


A word, good or evil, can save or bring imminent disaster. Reading conspiracies is a special transcendental process involving the connection of the spiritual world with metaphysical matters, therefore any word spoken has a great influence on the environment of the caster. How to utter conspiracies so as to accomplish what they want and do not harm themselves and other people?

Tips to read the conspiracy

There is a belief that the secret power of the conspiracy rests on a number of foundations. Of paramount importance is the essence of words spoken aloud. No less important is the way in which the castle is spoken and the key words are voiced. In audiology, it has long been proven that certain sounds and noises act differently on brain waves. Some carry a calming or tonic effect, others become a stress factor for the body and can worsen a person’s condition.

Returning to the question, it is impossible not to mention that much depends on the beliefs of the reader himself. If he possesses faith in his medicine man skills and sincerely considers himself capable of helping the one who applied for his services, the success of the result will increase. In turn, the patient or in need of help must unquestioningly believe that the spoken will strengthen his spirit and will and have the proper effect.

Classical canons on how to read the conspiracy correctly, not fixed. But there are certain rules that should be followed:

Rule number 1

While voicing the conspiracy to heal, try to visualize the desired result. What does it mean? Suppose you need help for an injured person who has suffered deep burns. When reading a plot, you need to create a visual image and try to see how the burn is tightened, how the skin gradually becomes clean and healthy, getting rid of terrible painful wounds. If the creation of a particular image is difficult, just imagine the conspiracy object healed and full of vitality.

Rule number 2

It is not always that the spellcaster who conducts the conspiracy is able to believe in its power. However, even in such a situation, he should take the text with due respect, as well as the names of the people who are mentioned in it.

What other conditions are met?

  • When reading a plot, choose the side of the world to face the sun;
  • The best time is the dawn hours;
  • Some magical texts are whispered in the moonlight;
  • Conducting the rite, take into account the lunar cycle. The growing star is suitable for attraction rituals, and a decreasing one is for deliverance.


The beginning of the process is already half the success. Competently prepare to read the conspiracy is no less important than to read it later. The most important thing is to say the prayer "Our Father" three times. In this way, you will enter the necessary spiritual trance and clear the thoughts and soul of unnecessary negative energy. After the prayer, turn to the holy martyrs and healers, asking for the absolution of your own and close people. Try to be brief in your requests.

How to prepare for the conspiracy:

  1. Wash your face and body. Remember to wash your palms thoroughly. The purity of the spirit and the purity of the body must resonate;
  2. Remove all jewelry and charms;
  3. Air the room. The window can be left open throughout the process;
  4. Take a confident posture. Reading in a sitting position is undesirable;
  5. Some healers prefer to fast before pronouncing a magical text.

Correct reading of words

Clear diction, confident tone and the necessary phonetic message are the key conditions for pronouncing a plot. It should be read smoothly, in a firm voice, without breathing. Try not to go astray and do not confuse sentences and word order.. Haste in the process is also useless: it’s not about speed, but how organically the ritual text sounds. Remember to control breathing and take a pause if you feel the need. You can read the plot in full force of voice or in a whisper.

Words should be heard clearly. Especially clearly they need to be heard by the one who is oriented to the spell rite. The appeal goes not to him, but to the higher forces, which, as it is supposed, will choose him as a conductor of their will. The name of the person who speaks must be mentioned in the text and pronounced at least 1 - 2 times.. Concentrate on what is being said, leave extraneous thoughts and worries: now all that matters is what the conspiracy is directed at.

After conspiracy

Completion of the plot is a special art. Its final part is called the castle, others use the term "lock". The locking word strengthens, “cements” the magic of the voiced words, that is why the word “lock” or “key” should be used. In this case, the essence of the phrase may not be related in meaning to the basic part of the text.

The plot must be subtracted an odd number of times.. After it is all over, it is imperative to say thanks to the higher forces who have been asking for assistance. Verbosity in this case is not welcome. Be concise, sincere, and really believe what you say.

Remember the consequences

Magic is an amazing thing. It can be useful in itself, but it can also be harmful if it is used for mercenary or negative purposes. Do not read bad conspiraciesbecause the pendulum of karma will certainly return evil to the one who created it. When you utter such slanders you can attract dark forces and forever turn away the light element from yourself. Moreover, the demons are able not only to turn the essence of the plot upside down, but also to completely empty both the exorcist and the one to whom the plot was directed.


Watch the video: Why Are Conspiracy Theories So Popular? Between The Lines (July 2024).