Urine during pregnancy


Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life, which, along with the undeniable advantages, also has a number of “side effects”. First of all, it is toxicosis that occurs against the background of body restructuring, an "uncomfortable" stomach and constant visits to doctors for endless examinations. So what to do? Any woman wants to bear and give birth to a strong, healthy baby! Therefore, it is very important to carefully monitor the course of pregnancy.

For these purposes, a whole range of studies and procedures has been developed. A significant role among them is played by the simplest, but no less important and informative study - urinalysis, which allows you to quite effectively assess the condition of the expectant mother. In urine, as a rule, many health problems are reflected, by identifying which, you can detect, stop and stop the disease in time, without causing harm to the fetus.

What urine tests are given during pregnancy

General (clinical) urine analysis is the main type of study, which is of paramount importance. Hand it over to determine the physical and chemical properties of the liquid - transparency, color, odor, density, volume, etc. Equally important is the assessment of indicators such as protein, sugar, acetone, salts, bile pigments, bacteria and fungi, as well as certain cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, epithelium) and their particles.

A general clinical analysis of urine is given to all pregnant women without exception. If necessary, for a deeper study appoint:

1. Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko - designed to study the formed elements on 1 ml of urine and to clarify the level of leukocytes, as well as red blood cells. The average urine stream is examined.

2. Urinalysis according to Zimnitsky - allows you to determine the work of the kidneys in concentration and the ability of organs to excrete specific salts. Urine in Zimnitsky surrenders during the day, every three hours, including night time.

Decryption of urinalysis during pregnancy

As a rule, the indicators in any urinalysis in pregnant women and the average person are practically the same. A slight increase in the level of leukocytes is equated to the norm (if there are no deviations in other figures), the presence of protein indicates gestosis and a serious violation of the kidneys, sugar content indicates diabetes mellitus, and a significant increase in leukocytes in the urine indicates inflammation in the urinary tract. However, let's look at all aspects in more detail.

White blood cells in the urine during pregnancy

Normally, the level of leukocytes in the urine of pregnant women varies:

- general analysis - within 6-8 in the field of view;
- according to Nechiporenko - not more than 2,000 per 1 ml

Exceeding the above norm indicates an inflammatory focus in the urinary system (bladder, kidneys, excretory pathways). Since white blood cells perform an important function of destroying foreign agents, it is natural that there will be many of them in the painful area. A slight excess of the norm - up to 10-20 in the field of view, is most likely the result of sluggish inflammation or insufficiently thorough processing (washing) of the external genital organs before taking the tests.

Leukocyturia with an excess of leukocytes of 40 or more during pregnancy is a symptom of kidney disease, which needs immediate treatment in order to avoid the development of serious complications in the mother and child.

Protein in the urine during pregnancy

Normally, a healthy woman should not have protein in her urine. Although modern sensitive equipment can fix its scanty amount (up to 0.1 g / l), it does not play a significant role. If the protein is still present, and in large titers, then the pregnant woman developed one of the terrible conditions: pyelonephritis, proteinuria or gestosis (late toxicosis).

Typically, with pyelonephritis, an increase in protein is accompanied by lower back pain, an increase in the number of leukocytes and bacteria in the urine. Treatment is a must! The faster it is started, the less likely it is to develop complications in relation to the further course of pregnancy. Sometimes the protein in the urine of expectant mothers can be the result of intense physical exertion, anxiety and stress.

Bacteria in the urine during pregnancy

The presence of bacteria is evidence of cystitis or kidney disease. If at the same time a woman is not worried, then we are talking about the so-called asymptomatic bacteriuria, which, despite the absence of complaints, is a very dangerous sign. The appearance of bacteria together with an increase in white blood cells indicates a disease of an infectious nature. In order for the treatment to give the expected effect, urine is inoculated on the flora, which allows to determine the type of bacteria and select the optimal tactics of antibacterial treatment.

Red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy

There should be no red blood cells in the urine of a pregnant woman! Even with 1-2 copies, the doctor will refer you to a second test or a more detailed examination. These bodies can become a companion of both urinary tract diseases and gynecological problems. The reasons for the appearance of red blood cells in the urine are very different, therefore, it is possible to assess the effect of such a phenomenon on the fetus only after a diagnosis is made.

Glucose (sugar) in urine during pregnancy

The appearance of a small amount of sugar in the urine can be observed during the second half of pregnancy, since the mother’s body deliberately increases the level of glucose in the blood to provide the baby with maximum nutrition. Part of the glucose after filtration of blood in the kidneys remains in the urine. Normally, these numbers are so small that they do not raise any suspicion. However, if the level of sugar in the urine remains stably high, then we are most likely talking about prediabetes or diabetes mellitus. To confirm (refute) the diagnosis, it is necessary to donate blood for sugar and pass a glucose tolerance test.

Urine acidity during pregnancy

The acidity (pH) of urine depends on food cravings. Thus, a love of meat food gives an acid reaction of urine, and a love of vegetables and dairy products - an alkaline reaction. Reduced acidity in pregnant women can also indicate toxicosis or food poisoning, which are accompanied by poor health and fluid loss (vomiting, diarrhea). In addition, the lack of potassium and magnesium in the body very often translates into low acidity of urine.

Color and transparency of urine during pregnancy

The color and transparency of urine are those indicators by which a woman is able to make an independent assessment of her condition. The color of the biological fluid, for example, should be yellow with various variations of shades: from light to dark (but not brown). The color intensity varies depending on factors such as coloring foods (beets, blackberries, red berries), synthetic products, as well as vitamin complexes and contrast agents.

As for transparency, there is only one option - urine is ideally always transparent! The slightest turbidity indicates a deviation from the norm and may indicate the presence of urolithiasis, salts, bacteria, white blood cells, other formed elements and even pus. Therefore, clouding of urine should be alarming and become a reason for contacting a specialist, especially in such an important and crucial period - pregnancy.


Litvina 03/27/2016
Female opinion, as always, revealed all the secrets, this time about the analysis of pregnant urine. Everyone in the position needs to familiarize themselves with this information :))

Vika 03/27/2016
I watched in a clinic how husbands bring tests to their pregnant women. When a man enters a consultation, in the female realm of telepuziks, he clearly feels out of place. It's funny to watch.

Valunchik 03/27/2016
I was in the hospital with swelling and excess weight. I handed over the analysis according to Zimnitsky. It turned out a whole battery of urine bottles. Very funny.

Lydia 03/27/2016
Urinalysis should be taken with increasing regularity. Red blood cells have recently been found in me, sent for a second. Thank God that the second time everything turned out well.

Svetlana 03/27/2016
I really didn’t think that a urine test could tell so much about a pregnant woman. Now I feel very smart and knowledgeable. Many thanks to the author !!!


Watch the video: Frequent urination during pregnancy (July 2024).