73% fat burning berry


Blueberries are recognized as super-berries for those who, by all means striving to get rid of extra pounds.

Official blueberries are listed as foods that help burn fat. American scientists have found that these berries have the ability to reduce the number of fat cells in the body to about ¾ of their total volume.

In addition, eating blueberries can protect a person from gaining weight, which makes this berry a powerful weapon against the worldwide obesity epidemic.

Not so long ago, blueberries, due to the high content of polyphenols in it, substances with numerous properties that are beneficial to the human body, were widely used for medicinal purposes to prevent various kinds of cardiovascular diseases and type II diabetes.

Now, the effectiveness of polyphenols in reducing the number of fat cells by 73% when using their large doses and by 27% - small ones has been proven.

However, we must make a reservation: while the experiments were carried out only on laboratory mice, the adipose tissue of which was treated with blueberry extract containing polyphenols. The results were more than encouraging: the destruction of fat was very intense.

Now it's up to the small thing - to confirm studies on people who, according to scientists, will certainly prove to be promising.


Watch the video: Keto Diet: Sweetener-Free Raspberry Prosecco Jellies (June 2024).