Zucchini soup - the best recipes. How to cook soups from zucchini properly and tasty.


To preserve more nutrients and vitamins, it is better not to cook zucchini soups for the future. They are cooked very quickly, so it will be easy to delight loved ones with fresh soup prepared according to a new recipe every day. Fortunately, there are many options for its preparation.

Zucchini soup - general principles and methods of preparation

Zucchini soups were loved not only by gourmets, but also by picks. This light and dietary dish will come in handy in the hot summer months, when heavy and fatty foods are hardly accepted by the body. Here tasty and healthy soups from zucchini come to the rescue. The culinary feature of this vegetable is to adopt the taste from other components, it allows you to combine it with almost all products. It is cooked with meat, mushrooms, cheese, cream, sour milk, not to mention other vegetables and herbs. A particularly delicate soup texture and velvety taste is obtained after grinding in a blender. In addition, in a mass uniform in density, it is very easy to mask individual components.

Zucchini soup - product preparation

Young zucchini are more suitable for soups - this results in a very delicate texture. And the overgrown giants are best left to fritters or caviar. The general principle of cooking zucchini soup consists in cutting and boiling the components, further grinding in a blender and serving with the addition of sour cream and herbs. If you don’t have a blender at hand, you can wipe the vegetables through a sieve.

Zucchini soup - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Meatball Soup

The gentle consistency of mashed soup with the addition of meatballs will appeal to both adults who can not do without meat, and children. For whom it is so important that boiled carrots with onions do not swim in a plate. In this recipe, their wishes are taken into account, the child does not even guess that these vegetables are present in the soup, and even together with the zucchini.

Ingredients: 2 zucchini, 1 piece of carrots and onions, 300 g minced meat, butter for frying, salt, crackers, greens, chicken stock - 1.3 l.

Cooking method

In a boiled broth put sliced ​​into small cubes of zucchini. After 10 minutes add the meatballs.

Grate the carrots, chop the onions lightly and lightly sauté them in butter. Transfer to soup, salt and boil for 10 minutes.

Grind the slightly cooled soup (except meatballs) with a blender to a puree state and pour on plates, put meatballs, herbs and add crackers in the same place.

Recipe 2: Zucchini Soup with Mushrooms

This delicious and satisfying soup contains a storehouse of vitamins and minerals - there is celery root with parsley, carrot with tomatoes and porcini mushrooms. It does not need to be crushed in a blender. Served in a bowl, seasoned with fresh herbs from the garden and homemade sour cream. This is ideal, but not so strict. In the absence of ceps, they can be replaced with champignons or other available ones, and herbs and sour cream can be bought at a nearby store around the corner.

Ingredients: 2 zucchini, 3-4 large potato tubers, 1-2 carrots, a pound of fresh mushrooms, celery (small) and parsley, onion, 2 tomatoes, green onions and other greens, vegetable oil, salt and pepper.

Cooking method

Boil water, add finely chopped mushrooms and cook for half an hour.

Cut carrots, celery and parsley roots into strips, onions - in half rings and fry vegetables in oil. At the end of frying, add green onions.

Chop the pulp of peeled zucchini and potatoes into slices and add to the broth with mushrooms, put fried vegetables in the same place, cook for another 15 minutes. Add salt and pepper to the soup a couple of minutes before cooking. Sour cream and chopped herbs in a plate.

Recipe 3: Creamy Pear Puree Soup

An unusual combination of products gives a very interesting taste. Be sure to try to cook this soup, you will really like it. Philadelphia cheese can be replaced with any soft cream cheese, such as Buko cheese, Almette, in extreme cases, you can use thick natural sour cream.

Ingredients: 2 zucchini, 1-1.5 l chicken stock, 1 pc. carrots and pears (unsweetened varieties), 0.3 kg broccoli, 150 g Philadelphia cheese, pepper, salt.

Cooking method

Zucchini and carrots cut into small cubes and boiled together with broccoli. If there is no double boiler, you can do this: pour water into the bottom of the pan, put vegetables in a colander on top (hook onto the top rim of the pan), cover and cook. Cool a little boiled vegetables and grind in a blender. Dilute the vegetable puree with boiling chicken broth, pouring it so much that the mass resembles the soup in density. Add peeled and chopped pear, salt, pepper, cheese, beat again and serve in plates with high sides (bowls).

Recipe 4: Minestrone Zucchini Soup

Tasty and nutritious soup on vegetable broth, the recipe is borrowed from Italian cuisine, although somewhat in the lightened version - the number of ingredients is reduced.

Ingredients: 1 medium zucchini, 2 pcs. onions and carrots, small noodles - 75 g, 4-5 potatoes (400 g), 2 cloves of garlic, 1.3 l vegetable broth, spices: bay leaf, pepper, salt, herbs, frying oil.

Cooking method

Cut potatoes with zucchini into cubes, onions in half rings, carrots in small strips.

Fry onions with finely chopped garlic in a small saucepan, add potatoes and carrots to the same, stew a little. Pour the vegetables in the broth, put spices and cook. After 15 minutes, add zucchini and cook for another 10 minutes, turn off the heat. Add greens and separately boiled noodles to the pan (do not boil), let it brew for a bit and serve. If desired, soup can be sprinkled with grated cheese before serving.

Recipe 5: Zucchini Soup with Egg

This delicious soup will perfectly satisfy your hunger, and piquant sourness will pleasantly refresh on a hot summer day.

Ingredients: 2 zucchini, 1 liter of water, a glass of ordinary milk, an incomplete glass of sour milk, 1 egg, green onion, parsley, rice - 50 g, salt, flour, water - 3-4 glasses, vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Slightly sprinkled with flour and chopped green onions, add finely chopped young zucchini with skin. Fry together, then pour water with milk and cook for 20 minutes, adding washed rice at the end, and bring to readiness. Salt hot soup, season with sour milk or sour cream, add herbs, finely chopped hard-boiled egg. Sprinkle with spices if desired.

Zucchini soup - tips from experienced chefs

Zucchini soup will gain a certain piquancy if you add a handful of crackers or white bread fried to a light brown crust in butter, sliced ​​into small cubes. It is recommended to serve mashed soup in special bowls or plates with deep sides so that it does not cool down so quickly.


Elena 09/17/2016
I don’t use a blender, it’s easier to simply knead ready-made zucchini directly in a saucepan with a potato masher with holes. Fast and convenient.

Margot 09/16/2016
I want a soup of zucchini .... and we have, as always, with meat, mushrooms and other things ... just write right away so that you don’t waste time on your site

Irina 06/24/2016
Soup from zucchini with meatballs, everything is great and tasty, but standing and catching meatballs from hot soup is somehow not attractive.


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