Salad "Birch" with prunes - very beautiful! "Birch" salad recipes with prunes and chicken, mushrooms, liver, cabbage


Salad "Birch" is not only tasty, but also stunningly beautiful dish. It will take pride of place on the festive table. At the same time, it is prepared very simply and from the simplest ingredients.

Salad "Birch" with prunes - the general principles of preparation

Puff dish. Typically, poultry, mushrooms, prunes are used for filling. If dried fruits are hard, then they are pre-soaked in warm water. Boiled, smoked, baked chicken is used. An interesting salad is obtained with the liver, its recipe is below. Mushrooms in the dish are pickled or fried.

What else may be included in the salad:

• eggs;

• cheese;

• fresh and boiled vegetables;

• canned corn.

Each layer of salad is smeared with sauce, usually it is mayonnaise. For accurate application, a mesh is squeezed out with a thin layer. The top of the dish is also covered with a layer of mayonnaise, sometimes covered with egg yolk or cheese. The most interesting is salad dressing. Lay out prune slices that mimic stripes on a birch trunk. You can depict the trunk itself, also lay out prunes, make a tree crown of greenery.

Delicate salad "Birch" with prunes and mushrooms

Fresh mushrooms and boiled chicken fillet are used to prepare this Birch salad with prunes. It is advisable to prepare a snack in advance so that it has time to brew.


• 300 g of champignons;

• 300 g chicken;

• 100 g of onion;

• 100 g of prunes;

• 200 g of cucumbers;

• 140 ml of mayonnaise;

• 3 eggs;

• greens for decoration.


1. Boil the fillet until cooked and hard-boiled eggs, cool.

2. Pour prunes with warm water, let swell. Then squeeze, dry, cut into strips. Set aside the fourth part for decoration.

3. Fry the mushrooms and onions together in a pan, bring to full readiness. Do not add a lot of oil. Season with spices, leave to cool completely.

4. Cut the fillet into small strips across the fibers so that it is well soaked in the sauce. Grate the eggs.

5. Rinse the cucumbers, remove the tips and cut them into small strips.

6. You can collect a birch. Sprinkle prunes with the first layer on a flat dish.

7. Cover it with fried mushrooms and onions. Apply a thin mesh of mayonnaise.

8. Now comes the chicken seasoned with spices. We lubricate it more abundantly so that the white meat is well saturated.

9. Spread a layer of boiled eggs, a little grease.

10. We lay out small straws from cucumbers, cover the salad with mayonnaise.

11. We spread the strips of prunes in the form of strips of birch. Decorate the salad with fresh herbs.

Salad "Birch" with prunes and pickled mushrooms

This salad has a brighter taste, since pickled mushrooms are used. You can use champignons or any other kind.


• 180 g of pickled mushrooms;

• 1 boiled ham;

• 4 eggs;

• 80 g of prunes;

• 1-2 cucumbers;

• 170 ml of mayonnaise;

• spices, herbs.


1. Leave 3-4 prunes for decoration, fill in the remaining dried fruits with water, leave to soak, then chop finely.

2. The boiled ham is freed from pits and skins, cut finely.

3. We also use boiled eggs. We divide into proteins with yolks, grind into different dishes.

4. Cucumber cut into small cubes.

5. Put the mushrooms in a colander. As soon as all the marinade droplets drain from them, cut into thin slices.

6. We begin to collect the dish. We spread the chicken, grease and sprinkle with prunes.

7. Now a layer of pickled mushrooms, also spread, sprinkle with yolks.

8. Put the chopped cucumbers. In no case do not salt, otherwise they will begin to produce juice. Top with a little grease with mayonnaise.

9. Hide the cucumber layer under grated proteins. Gently grease the whole salad with mayonnaise.

10. The left dry prunes are washed, wiped, cut with a beautiful straw. We decorate the salad in the form of a birch, do not forget about greens.

Salad "Birch" with prunes and potatoes

Variant of birch salad with prunes and fresh mushrooms, but without chicken. Perhaps he will like it more. Vegetables can be prepared in advance.


• 250-300 g of potatoes;

• 4 eggs;

• prune 100 g;

• 300 g of mushrooms;

• 150 g of onion;

• 200 g mayonnaise;

• 150 g of cucumbers

• any greens.


1. Mushrooms are cut into cubes, tossed into a pan, fry until all the liquid has evaporated. Then add the onion and fry the ingredients until cooked. Season with spices.

2. Cook eggs, peel. Separately, rub the yolks with proteins.

3. Cut the prunes into strips, set aside a little.

4. Grate the potatoes, lay on the bottom as the first layer, salt and coat well with mayonnaise.

5. Spread a layer of mushrooms and onions, sprinkle with prunes and a little grease.

6. Now there are cucumbers, also lubricate.

7. Spread a layer of proteins, grease, sprinkle with grated yolks. This will be the background.

8. Squeeze the trunk of a birch from a pack of mayonnaise. We make a tree crown from greens. We spread the strips of prunes on the trunk. You can plant grass or a mushroom under a tree.

Salad "Birch" with prunes and smoked chicken

For this wonderful salad, you can use smoked breast or ham. It is desirable to remove the skin. Recipe without mushrooms.


• 2 potatoes;

• 300 g smoked chicken;

• 80 g of prunes;

• 1 cucumber;

• mayonnaise;

• greenery;

• 4 eggs.


1. Rub the boiled potatoes, salt, put them on the bottom of the salad bowl, grease.

2. Cut the chicken into small cubes, spread it on top of a potato greased with mayonnaise.

3. We also coat this layer, sprinkle with chopped prunes. If it is dry, then pre-soak.

4. Now lay out a layer of chopped cucumber. If the vegetable is small, then you can take two things, lubricate.

5. Boiled eggs are used. We immediately rub the yolks with proteins, cover the whole salad, align.

6. We coat with mayonnaise, decorate with strips of prunes, herbs, leave for a couple of hours for impregnation.

Salad "Birch" with prunes and chicken liver

A variant of healthy salad "Birch", for which chicken liver is used. To coat the layers, a sauce based on sour cream with mayonnaise is used.


• 200 g of pickled mushrooms;

• 250 g of the liver;

• 60 g of prunes;

• 150 g of corn;

• greenery;

• 100 g of hard cheese;

• 3 eggs.

For the sauce:

• 100 g mayonnaise;

• 100 g sour cream;

• salt pepper;

• 1 clove of garlic.


1. We make a sauce of sour cream, mayonnaise, season with chopped garlic and spices.

2. Boil the liver, rub on a coarse grater or finely chop. Spread in a salad bowl, grease with sauce.

3. Sprinkle with chopped prunes.

4. We rub a layer of egg yolks, you can not lubricate it.

5. Drain the liquid from the corn, spread over the yolks, cover with sour cream sauce.

6. We take out the mushrooms from the marinade, cut and spread on the corn. Lubricate with sauce.

7. Boiled squirrels remain. Rub, stack.

8. Cover the salad with sauce, smooth. We decorate with prune strips imitating a birch trunk.

Salad "Birch" with prunes, apple and cheese

The recipe for a spicy salad, which is prepared with a fresh apple. It is advisable to take an acidic fruit.


• 1 apple;

• 1 salad onion;

• 2 chicken fillets;

• 50 g of prunes;

• 150 g of cheese;

• 3 eggs;

• vinegar;

• mayonnaise.


1. Cut the onion salad into small cubes, pour water with acidified vinegar, leave to marinate.

2. Chicken fillet take boiled. Finely chop, add 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, stir. Leave to soak.

3. Cut the prunes into small cubes, immediately send to the chicken. Do not forget to leave a little for decoration.

4. Peel the apple, cut into thin slices, remove the stub.

5. Squeeze the onion, spread on the bottom of the salad bowl. If the head is small, then 2 things can be used.

6. Now comes a layer of chicken with mayonnaise and prunes.

7. Spread a layer of grated eggs, grease.

8. Now the apple layer, cover with a thin mesh of mayonnaise.

9. Rub the cheese, set aside a third. Sprinkle the rest with salad, grease. Sprinkle with delayed cheese chips on top.

10. Decorate the dish with strips of prunes.

Salad "Birch" with prunes and Beijing cabbage

For this salad, you can take white cabbage, if it is tender and not stiff. Canned corn is used.


• 250 g of cabbage;

• 1 chicken fillet;

• 120 g of corn;

• 100 g of prunes;

• 3-4 eggs;

• mayonnaise.


1. Cut the cabbage into small pieces, mash a little to get rid of the volume, put it on a dish.

2. Sprinkle with corn, grease with mayonnaise.

3. Cut the boiled fillet into cubes, spread on top of the corn, grease.

4. Now a layer of prunes. If it is dry, then pre-soak. Cut into cubes or strips.

5. We rub the eggs, put the yolks first, then the squirrels, so that the phot is light.

6. We generously coat the top of the salad.

7. Apply strips of chopped prunes.

Salad "Birch" with prunes - useful tips and tricks

• All salad ingredients must be cold at the time of assembly. Warm foods will ruin the taste and shorten the freshness of the dish.

• When frying ingredients, it is advisable to use a minimum amount of oil. Otherwise, a cold salad will be greasy and unpleasant in taste. After frying, you can lift the pan from one edge and collect all the ingredients for it so that the oil flows to the opposite edge.

• Sour cream or natural yogurt will help to reduce the calorie content of the salad. They can be added to mayonnaise or used as a base for sauce. For taste, they add mustard, pepper, salt, lemon juice or vinegar.

• You can make salad "Birch" not only cut prunes, but also slices of olives.


Watch the video: $11 Salad Vs. $95 Salad (June 2024).