Named Diabetic Nutritional Supplement


Fructose corn syrup, which is increasingly used in the food industry as a thickener and sweetener every year, could become one of the most dangerous nutrients that provoke an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, experts say. Comparing statistics on the prevalence of the disease in 42 countries, scientists found that residents of countries that consume corn-fructose syrup products are often confronted with the second type of diabetes, up to 20% more often - among them are Americans, Hungarians, Belgians, Bulgarians, Slovaks and Canadians .

“In today's world, non-insulin-dependent diabetes is one of the most common causes of death. Therefore, everyone should monitor their diet, especially when the effect of products on their susceptibility to the disease is so great,” Oxford researchers emphasized in their presentation.

One of the main reasons for the increased risk of type 2 diabetes due to excessive consumption of corn-fructose syrup is its obesity. The main danger of the sweetener lies in the high concentrations of sugar contained in it.
In the modern food industry, fructose corn syrup is used, as a rule, in the manufacture of confectionery products, including cookies, ice cream, and energy drinks, and in most cases is indicated in the list of components included in the product by the abbreviation "KFS" .

It is worth noting that the harm from corn-fructose syrup, according to experts, is dangerous only when it is consumed inappropriately, while small doses of the sweetener practically do not harm human health.


Watch the video: Preventing Pre-Diabetes (July 2024).