Vera Brezhneva in a desperate situation


After the divorce, Vera is still lonely. Yes, she is now not up to entertainment, because she has to look for funds to support two children. The singer was not even able to attend a party hosted by her vocal teacher. Brezhnev is now forced to work hard, not leaving herself time for entertainment.

As it became known, the star’s first husband is currently working in the Yalta administration, but does not help maintain a common daughter. He himself explained to reporters that Brezhnev is already making good money. He is still offended by Vera because she left him as soon as she got into VIA Gro.

The second daughter Brezhneva from businessman Mikhail Kiperman. He also does not want to financially support his child. While Kiperman spends time with his new girlfriend, Vera works without respite, trying to adequately provide for her children.


Watch the video: Via Vera - "Break" (July 2024).