Cheese soup - the best recipes. How to cook cheese soup correctly and tasty.


Cheese soup - general principles and methods of preparation

No one disputes who the favorites among the first courses, especially in the cold season, are borsch and hodgepodge. But they sometimes bother, so they need to find a worthy replacement. In this regard, it is better not to find cheese soup - it is hearty, tasty, it is not difficult to cook. It is prepared with the addition of crushed hard cheese, for example, Parmesan or Gouda, but most often used processed cheese - soft or hard. They are cheaper in cost, but this does not greatly affect the taste of the soup. Special curds for soup are sold with different flavors - mushrooms, green peas, bacon, dill, onions. You can use hard processed cheese - Orbit, Friendship, Dutch.

Cheese Soup - Food Preparation

Products, except cheese, do not require special preparation. Vegetables are washed, peeled and chopped as usual. If the cheese is soft or special for soup, it will disperse quickly in the broth. It is enough to put it with a spoon or chop coarsely. But if you use melted hard curds, so that they dissolve faster in the soup, they must be crushed on a coarse or fine grater. To make cheese more comfortable and easier to grate, you should first put it in the freezer for a while.

Cheese Soup - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Cheese Soup

Soup prepared according to this recipe will be to your taste. It is dietary because onions and carrots are not fried, but added to the broth in raw form, but at the same time satisfying, because meat and cheese quickly and permanently satisfy hunger. It is better to take processed cheese with high fat content, so that they are soft, scooped up with a spoon. Typically, such cheese is sold in plastic jars. In extreme cases, any processed cheese is suitable, first you need to grate it.

Ingredients: chicken fillet - 500 g, processed cheese - 400 g, 4 potatoes, 150 g of rice, 1 carrot and onion, to taste: salt, pepper, greens.

Cooking method

Pour fillet with water (2.5 l), do not need to cut it, lay in whole pieces. Salt water and cook meat until cooked for about 25 minutes. Remove the finished fillet from the pan, and pour rice into the broth. Ten minutes later, add the diced potatoes. Let cook for five minutes and put chopped onions, and then, as the broth boils, grated carrots. Leave on the stove for five to seven minutes, the soup will boil. At this time, cut the boiled fillet into pieces and add to the soup, cook until the potatoes are cooked. At the end of cooking, add cheese, stir until it is dissolved, if you need to add salt to the soup, sprinkle with pepper, bring to a boil and turn it off. If desired, sprinkle soup with chopped herbs in a plate.

Recipe 2: Cheese Soup with Beer

A very unusual version of cheese soup, especially for beer lovers. Do not worry that the soup will be bitter - the alcohol disappears along with the steam, there remains a light pleasant beer aftertaste. It is necessary to use only light beer, as dark has a large bitterness and pronounced taste.

Ingredients: 200 g of cheese such as Gouda or Chader, a few slices of bacon, 200 grams, ½ stack. chicken broth, a tablespoon of flour, 30 g butter, 0.5 l of cream or fat milk, 1 onion, a pinch of nutmeg, salt, pepper and a bottle of light beer (0.25-0.30 l).

Cooking method

Finely chop the bacon, fry, remove the greaves and set aside for a while. Add butter and chopped onion to the melted fat, sauté and add flour while stirring. As soon as the flour begins to change color, pour in the broth. If you don’t like pieces of fried onion falling on your tooth in the soup, at this stage the onion broth can be chopped in a blender. Then bring the mass to a boil and pour cream or milk. Cream can not stand a boiling boil, because their structure is destroyed. Therefore, if you use cream rather than milk in the recipe, make sure that the liquid only boils slightly, and does not boil.

Grate or finely chop the cheese, add to the pan, stirring slightly so that it dissolves without lumps. The quality of cheese plays an important role here, as it should not curl, turn into lumps, but only dissolve.
Pour in beer, add salt and spices and let the soup boil for five to seven minutes. In a bowl or bowl with soup add bacon cracklings, you can sprinkle with chopped green onions and serve.

Recipe 3: Cheese Soup with Chicken and Mushrooms

In order not to puzzle what to cook today for dinner, cook cheese soup with chicken and mushrooms. Do not lose. A rich rich dish will quickly satisfy your hunger and give you a boost of strength. Especially it will be appropriate in the winter, when the body needs a constant surge of energy to fight the cold. This is not the best time to diet and cost light vegetable soup on the water.

Ingredients: chicken fillet - 400g, water - 2l, fresh champignons - 400g, 2-3 processed cheese, 1 onion and carrot, 4-5 medium potatoes, salt, a bunch of fresh dill, allspice, peas.

Cooking method

Cook the chicken. While it is cooking, fry chopped onions in a pan, add carrots chopped on a grater, then chopped mushrooms and fry until excess liquid boils out of the mushrooms. Remove the meat from the pan and cut into cubes or strips, and put peeled and chopped potatoes in the broth. Salt boiled water.

Once the potatoes are cooked, add the fried onions, carrots and mushrooms, boiled and sliced ​​fillets, grated processed cheese, allspice and let it boil for ten minutes to dissolve the cheese. To speed up the process, the mass can be interfered periodically. At the end of cooking, sprinkle soup with chopped dill.

Serve with crackers. You can buy it ready-made or make it yourself - dry the bread sliced ​​in small sticks in the oven or in a frying pan, stirring occasionally.

Recipe 4: Cheese Soup with Sausages

To prepare this soup, Hunting sausages are needed - 4-5 pieces, if there are no sausages, you can replace another smoked sausage (300 g), bacon, ham or even boiled, but first it will need to be cut into strips or cubes and fry until crisp. Soup is cooked in chicken broth (or dissolve a cube). If desired, potatoes can be replaced with champignons.

Ingredients: 2 l of broth, 1 onion and carrot, 4 potatoes, 400 g of soft cream cheese (such as Amber or Viola), Hunter's sausages - 300 g, salt, butter and vegetable oil - 30 g each, a bunch of fresh dill.

Cooking method

In a boiling chicken broth put potatoes, diced or cubes and cook for ten to fifteen minutes.

Sasser the chopped onion in oil, add coarsely grated carrots and sausages cut into strips or slices, fry for about five minutes and add to the broth. Put cheese there, salt and stir until the cheese is completely dissolved. Add greens and serve. You can add rye crackers to the plate.


Olya 08/21/2016
Cheese then completely lay or cut?


Watch the video: 5 Winter Dishes to Warm Your Cockles. Gordon Ramsay (July 2024).