Female opinion: The fashion for smoking has passed - the Russians quit smoking.


Until today, Russia has held the shameful leader in the number of smokers. About half a million people die every year from diseases associated with this bad habit. Cigarette smoke contains more than four hundred chemicals that pose a potential threat to the human body. In addition, the quality of tobacco products today leaves much to be desired, more often than not it is tobacco, but a substitute.

All smokers are aware of the dangers of smoking, but not everyone can get rid of this form of addiction quickly. Such a desire most often arises in those who have already faced the consequences of nicotine addiction, having experienced them on their own health. The Women's Opinion portal decided to find out how Russian women feel about smoking today. The results are encouraging.

“I smoked, but quit this habit,” 21.2% of respondents answered. “At first, it was a kind of bravado — for company, to show oneself as an adult. Then, gradually, it became a habit, but I had enough mind and willpower to quit, since smoking does not carry anything positive in itself,” the survey participants share their thoughts.

Another 15.6% of respondents smoke, but in the near future they are going to quit. They are working on themselves, and this can not but rejoice: "I smoke! But, not with as much pleasure as before! If I used to think that it was fashionable, now I think quite the opposite. It’s a pity that I didn’t understand this. I'm going to quit. " It seems that the fashion for smoking has really passed, a healthy lifestyle has replaced it.

This thesis is also confirmed by 53.7% of women who answered that they not only do not smoke, but are not going to do this in the future. And this is perhaps the most positive factor identified during the survey.

And only 7.5% of female smokers categorically answered that they were not going to quit this bad habit, and 2% answered that although they did not smoke, they planned to start someday. And as we see the number of such is not very large.

Fortunately, today the state’s policy in this matter is also unambiguous: the law on the prohibition of tobacco advertising is in force, and recently the Russian government introduced a bill prohibiting smoking in public places, which provides for the prohibition of smoking in cafes, restaurants and bars, as is done in all civilized countries of the world. And this gives hope that even those who already smoke will soon lose their last incentives and interest in their addiction and become part of a healthy, not unhealthy society.

The survey involved 3215 people from 126 cities of Russia aged 20-45 years.


Watch the video: This Youtuber Loves Cigarettes More Than Anyone (July 2024).