Female opinion: I don’t want to give water from the tap even to dogs


The state of human health is directly related to the quality of drinking water. And no wonder - after all, the human body consists of almost 80% H2O. According to the World Health Organization, 85% of all diseases depend on what water we drink. Information portal "Women's Opinion" decided to find out whether Russians drink water that flows from their tap at home, and the results of the survey were as follows ...

38.2% of respondents drink tap water, not only in boiled form, but also in raw. However, the majority notes that this water has an unpleasant taste and smell. "Sometimes I drink. More often in the summer, when there is no time to boil .... and bottled water is expensive." According to recent studies, the vast majority of municipal water supply systems supply water from surface water bodies that are polluted by industrial waste to the apartments of Russians. Due to the total lack of facilities and facilities for disinfecting and treating water, the state of centralized water supply throughout the country is very poor. Together with the moisture we need, we get salts of heavy metals such as lead, manganese, mercury, iron, cadmium, chlorine, etc., which exceed all permissible concentrations. Pathogens of various infectious diseases are also found in tap water ...

Fortunately, 33.7% of respondents only understand filtered water and therefore, they don’t only drink water from the tap themselves, but they don’t give the dogs either: “We only drink filtered water, I draw water from the tap into different dishes when they warn that there will be repair work, because at the bottom of the dishes there is always such a brown precipitate ... how can you drink it? No way, "say visitors to the portal and stock up filters for water purification. But some people prefer to buy bottled water - this is 19.3% of those who voted. Just for many residents of Russia to buy water is considered a kind of nonsense: why, if it flows from a tap?

8.9% of the survey participants drink natural spring water, although its purity is very doubtful. There is still no debate about the benefits and dangers of water taken from spring sources. Unfortunately, not all of the springs have crystal clear water. If water intake takes place within the city, and the water source lies close to the earth's surface, then, going out through the thickness of the earth, the water is saturated with harmful impurities - chromium, lead, mercury, arsenic, phosphates, dioxins, nitrates, and other chemical compounds. Proximity to the earth's surface contributes to the development of various bacteria, including E. coli, the likelihood of containing petroleum products and other harmful substances of various origins is also high. Therefore, you should not drink water from an unverified spring, no matter how crystal clear the water appears in it!

The survey involved 2490 women from 97 cities of the Russian Federation aged 20-45 years.


Watch the video: trying Belle Delphine's bathwater (June 2024).