How to avoid hand skin aging?


It is believed that the woman’s hands can determine her attitude to herself. Women who care about their health and their appearance never neglect hand care, trying to prevent signs of aging. Various creams are able to help with this, which must be selected depending on the season.

We offer you several recipes for the prevention of skin aging hands.

Dishwashing protection

In our country, it’s somehow not customary to wash the dishes in gloves. We, accustomed to doing everything with our bare hands, do not wear gloves, believing that it is inconvenient to perform any operations in them. If it is impossible to overcome oneself, before starting work with water, it is recommended to lubricate the hands with a protective cream, which includes silicone, which can form a protective film on the skin.

The field of how you coped with all the housework, rinse off the rest of the cream with warm water. It does not degrease the skin, does not make it dry and rough.

Sun protection

In summer, it is recommended to always apply sunscreen to the skin of the hands, the protection index of which should not be lower than 15. Experts say that even on a cloudy day, ultraviolet can have a negative effect on the skin, so sunscreen should be applied even on cloudy days.

Getting rid of stains on the hands

If you have been in the sun for a long time and didn’t protect your hands from ultraviolet radiation, dark spots may appear on the skin, and special bleaching agents containing vitamin A will help get rid of them.

In the event that home-based prevention of hand skin aging does not seem sufficient to you, you can seek help at a beauty salon

Hand skin biorevitalization

Biorevitalization is the process of introducing hyaluronic acid into the skin, which can quickly restore the water balance in the skin of your hands, increasing its elasticity. This procedure is to show everyone who neglects gloves during household chores or spends a lot of time in the sun or in a solarium without the use of protective creams.


Mesotherapy is an injection of multivitamins into the skin. Such drugs, in addition to hydration, also have an antioxidant effect that stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes. The procedure is recommended several times a year.


Watch the video: Anti-Aging Foods That Can Prevent Wrinkles and Help Ward Off the Effects of Aging (June 2024).