What does the corn cob dream about: what the dream books of Miller, Tsvetkov, Winter say. Interpretation of dreams about corn, corn field and corn dishes


Corn is a very productive cereal, large cobs and strong green stems which personify the person’s vital energy, as well as his well-being and fertility. It is these associations that arise in a person who has had a similar dream. In addition, due to the peculiar shape of the cob, such a dream can also carry a sexual motive. So what is corn dreaming for? We will try to answer this question with the help of well-known dream books.

What if I dreamed of a corncob ...

In general, sleeping with corn does not portend almost any negative, so, in general, this is a good sign. However, for a more accurate interpretation, be sure to recall the details of the dream, its plot, the actions performed in the dream, as well as the type and form in which the culture itself appeared to you.

1) If you saw corn in a dream - this is a good sign that portends prosperity and prosperity;

2) if you see yourself walking along a corn field - this means that you will very soon make a good profit, and it can be very unexpected. This may be, for example, an inheritance from some distant relative, about which you know almost nothing or even never even see;

3) if you see in a dream how other people are collecting corn - this means that in real life you will be very happy for someone from your relatives or friends who, with your support, will be able to achieve certain successes;

4) if you yourself are collecting this cultivated plant - this is a sign that very soon all your efforts will be rewarded, and your success will be recognized by the people around you;

5) if you eat corn in a dream - this is a good sign that portends a very profitable deal in the near future that you are unlikely to refuse;

6) if you eat cornflakes in a dream - this is a sign that you pay too much attention to trifles, and therefore often do not notice really important points, which then can cause problems and misunderstandings;

7) if you see how you bought corn, for example, on the beach - this is a sign that it is time to think about rest or vacation, because you are too tired at work;

8) if you have a good harvest of this culture, it’s a bad sign warning you that in reality you have many enemies, most likely in business. Therefore, be on your guard, do not share your thoughts and plans with anyone, and keep only trusted, reliable assistants near you;

9) if you see yourself in dense thickets of a corn field - this is a great sign that promises you an improvement in your prosperity soon. Of course, it just doesn’t arise, but your industriousness and zeal will certainly be fully rewarded;

10) to see the young ears of this culture in a dream is a sign that you are a very sociable person and you are always surrounded by a lot of communication, entertainment, and in general, you feel very comfortable in the company;

11) to see or hold in one hand one ears of corn - this means that you will soon receive a very interesting offer, and it can be both for work and in personal life. All you need is to be careful, do not miss your chance;

12) to see, eat or sort out corn grains - such a sign always promises finances. However, in this case, profit can come literally from the sky, and this money may be completely unrelated to work. It can be a gift, a win in the lottery, an inheritance from a relative you do not know well, or any other unexpected way to get rich;

13) if you saw boiled corn in a dream - this is a symbol of success in cupid affairs. Such a dream promises a lonely person a quick meeting of his soulmate, for people who already have a couple, this dream will only improve them, will give more harmony and understanding than before;

14) to see this culture in a dream in the form of a large number of cobs on one sturdy stalk is a sign that very faithful friends are nearby who you can count on in any situation. For more mature, family people, such a dream symbolizes the hearth and harmony in a strong, happy family;

15) if you see yourself in a green field of young corn - this is a sign of great luck in your personal life. You will finally meet a person with whom you will feel very happy and comfortable.

Why dream of corn on Miller’s dream book

American psychologist Gustav Miller believes that the appearance in a dream of peeled ears of corn promises the dreamer success and many joyful moments in real life.

• If you collect this culture in a dream - it means that you will be sincerely glad for the successes of your relatives or friends;

• If you are walking around a thriving corn field, this is a good sign for a farming person. Such a dream promises family harmony and a beautiful harvest;

• if a young man saw in a dream this cultivated plant - this means that in real life he will meet and meet new friends;

• to see a beaten, crushed cereal - to troubles, troubles and losses;

• a grain of corn thrown into the newly plowed land is a sign that some very influential person is protecting you, constant success awaits you;

• contemplate the first corn sprouts - to prosperity and fame;

• to see corn grain that has been covered in a day nursery is a good sign that promises you excellent prospects, your cherished plans will soon be realized;

• seeing popcorn in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you are protected by a serious and influential person who trusts you unlimitedly;

• eating green corn and eating it is a sign of harmony in friendships.

Why dream of corn in Tsvetkov’s dream book

Evgeni Tsvetkov believes that the dream in which corn appeared to you may be a warning sign. Such a dream may mean that your ill-wishers are not asleep, and all the time they are trying to trap you.

If a married woman dreamed about how a child gives her corn, then in real life she will meet with new love. She will no longer want to be with her husband, will think about a divorce, since her fan will be very dear to her.

What is the dream of corn in the dream book of Dmitry and Hope Winter

This dream interpretation interprets a dream with corn as an opportunity to get a good income for the dreamer's family only by means of firmness of position and consistency.

If the ear of corn in a dream turns out to be somehow dried out and too hard - this means that the severity and severity on the path to success and prosperity will impede the dreamer very much.

Why dream of corn in a dream book from A to Z

• Seeing a corn field in a dream is a symbol of a very profitable and profitable, but at the same time, risky business that can cause you to be very stressed;

• plucking corn cobs in a dream is a sign that you will find a way to have an interesting and pleasant time, which will help you to have a good time amid humble work;

• ripe corn - to a good income, not ripe - to health problems, malaise;

• if a woman sees in a dream how she is boiling ears of corn - this is a sign that in real life she will soon meet a new admirer;

• corn oil in a dream - a symbol of hot passion, if you cook on it, then you will try to have strong feelings for your soulmate.

Why dream of corn in a modern dream book

• Seeing yourself walking along a sowing corn field and watching the beautiful, golden ears of corn is a good sign. In reality, it promises you many joyful events, success in business and personal life, and an improvement in well-being;

• if you see yourself on the beach and buy boiled corn - it means it's time to take a break from work and go on vacation;

• Corn flakes symbolize your tendency to exaggerate, which brings you troubles in everyday life over and over again.

What is the dream of corn in the English dream book

This dream book directly interprets the image of corn in a dream as a symbol of the male genital organ. If at the same time this cereal has a bright yellow color, or the dreamer sees himself eagerly eating corn - this means that he will have complete harmony and mutual understanding in intimate relationships.


Watch the video: Dream of corn on the cob (June 2024).