Why is stress in men a cross on intimate life?


According to British psychologists, constant stress in men makes them extremely unattractive partners in the eyes of women. It turns out that we women are subtle natures and instinctively feel emotional distress in the representatives of the opposite sex. Alas: reciprocity to unstable men does not shine.

If stress in men, what does the rat have to do with it?

Scientists from Binghamton University have conducted serious scientific research. They compared the behavior of female laboratory rats with the level of stress hormones produced by male rats. It turned out that during mating, females avoided males, in the blood of which the level of such hormones was constantly overestimated. Moreover, insidious scientists provoked stress in male rats artificially, starting with the adolescents' "candidates".

In experimental rats, in which stress hormones went off scale, females surprisingly recognized and categorically rejected. They mated only with those males whose hormonal background was absolutely normal.

Men in stress had a difficult youth

A study conducted by the British showed that women are no less acute in responding to the hormonal background of males. Moreover it is about chronic, ongoing stress, which begins as early as adolescence and gradually deforms the behavior and character of boys.

Under the influence of constant stress, men form very unattractive qualities from the point of view of the female half of humanity: humility and humility. Meanwhile, most women prefer the dominant partners - brutal hunters, miners and breadwinners. Despite the feminine gentleness and maternal instinct, we still prefer to give birth to children from machos who do not experience any mental torment.

Stress in men studied in the laboratory.

To achieve reliable results of the influence of social stress in men on relationships with women (read: intimate prospects), the British acted hard with laboratory rats.

A group of young rats selected for the experiment before adulthood was intentionally subjected to difficult tests: they were transplanted from cage to cage, unexpectedly changed their lighting, they put them in a group of unfamiliar rat pups ... In general, they loaded the fragile nervous system of male rats in full.

One of the males retained the dominant behavior and successfully overcome stress factors. Such lucky with the continuation of the genus in the future did not have any problems: mated and multiplied.

Other males, unable to cope with chronic stress, turned into anxious neurotics with submissive behavior. Reaching childbearing age, they never found a mate for themselves. Scientists have concluded: similar processes are taking place in human society.

But we have long suspected that unloved men and male problems with nerves are somehow connected. Well, in fact, how can one trust a person who is under constant psychological pressure ... from himself? Yes, and give birth to children from him! There is no time for love and childbirth: to protect your psyche, not for stress in men ...


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