Sea capelin: the benefits and harms of small fish. What are the beneficial properties of capelin and can it cause harm


Small capelin fish - champion in annual production. More than half a million tons are mined annually in cold seas and sent to store shelves around the world.

Inexpensive capelin is considered one of the most delicious and healthy inhabitants of sea waters.

The composition of capelin

The chemical composition of capelin is, without exaggeration, unique. It contains essential nutrients for the human body:

• omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which guarantee the normal functioning of the brain, cardiovascular system, help strengthen vision and blood vessels;

• a large amount of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) and chicalcalceferol (vitamin D), which are especially important for the female body, given its physiology;

• Essential amino acids, including lysine, threonine, cysteine, methionine. Each of the amino acids has a set of individual properties, and the content of these substances in capelin is higher than in plant products;

• useful minerals, including potassium, sodium, fluorine, bromine, as well as phosphorus, which helps the absorption of calcium, the prevention of osteoporosis, caries and the dissolution of kidney stones;

• high content of the unique natural substance selenium, which strengthens the body's immune forces, is involved in the formation of the bone skeleton;

• a large amount of iodine, which prevents thyroid problems.

The amino acids contained in capelin meat are important for the health and beauty of the body. So, due to lysine, collagen is formed, which ensures the normal functioning of the joints. And cysteine ​​is not only involved in the production of collagen, but also helps to remove toxic substances from the body, reduce radiation load, normalize digestion, and quickly regenerate tissues. That is why doctors recommend capelin for feeding postoperative patients, as well as those who have suffered from burns and skin injuries.

Capelin is almost a quarter composed of proteins, which means that it can be eaten with obesity and to reduce weight. Moreover, 100 g of raw and boiled capelin contains only 116 calories. This is very small, given the excellent saturating ability of capelin meat.

Useful properties of capelin

The benefits of capelin are invaluable for people with diabetes, as the meat of this fish lowers blood sugar and stimulates the production of insulin.

Capelin is also recommended for those who suffer from metabolic disorders in the body. If the metabolism is slowed down or disturbed by improper diet and lifestyle, then capelin will help return the processes of fat metabolism to normal.

The list of ailments in which the use of capelin is indicated includes:

• cardiovascular diseases, including ischemia and myocardial infarction;

• respiratory diseases;

• decreased libido;

• brittle bones due to a lack of calcium;

• caries, tooth decay;

• inflammation of the thyroid gland;

• decrease in brain activity, dementia;

• reduced immunity.

Scientists note a direct relationship between the use of capelin and the normalization of heart rate, a decrease in blood sugar, an increase in the number of female or male sex hormones. If there is a decrease in libido, you can include capelin in your diet and get rid of sexual dysfunction.

People who constantly consume capelin, retain brain activity until old age, do not suffer from age-related dementia, are physically active. Their joints maintain elasticity, and the bones of the teeth - a healthy strength. The beneficial properties of capelin in this case are explained by a high phosphorus content.

A small fish also has other important properties for humans. So, regular use of capelin is the prevention of cancer and benign tumors. In addition, the benefits of capelin are also that it strengthens the nervous system. And all thanks to the selenium contained in the flesh of this fish and riboflavin (vitamin B2).

Only one serving of capelin contains a weekly rate of iodine. This means that with regular use of bazedova, the disease does not threaten a person. However, for the same reason, the harm of capelin can be an overabundance of iodine. Therefore, it is important to observe moderation.

Contraindications to the use of capelin

Despite the fact that the beneficial properties of capelin are very high, there is a certain category of people who can not enjoy this fish. Contraindication to capelin is an allergy to fish protein. People who have this disease should not include any of the fish products in their diet. Have to replace the fish with other types of protein foods.

It is important that in some cases, eating capelin can cause indigestion and even poisoning. The harm of capelin in this case is explained by the pollution of the waters in which the fish was caught. Ecological problems adversely affect the composition of fish meat. In particular, it can accumulate a sufficiently large amount of mercury - the most dangerous chemical element for health and life. Therefore, the product should be purchased from trusted suppliers, so as not to become a victim of severe poisoning.

In addition, you can poison and the missing, spoiled capelin. When buying a product, pay attention to the appearance of the fish. If she has cloudy eyes, a yellowish color, mucus on the gills, it is better to refuse the purchase. A characteristic feature of fresh fish is bright red net gills.

The last thing you should pay attention to is the harm of smoked fish and generally smoked meats. They need to be eaten very rarely, and it is better to refuse such food altogether, despite the pleasant spicy taste. The fact is that when smoked on meat, carcinogenic substances are formed. Their ingestion is one of the causes of cancer. In addition, when smoking, some of the potentially dangerous bacteria and intestinal parasites in fish meat can be preserved, which is also very dangerous for health.

How to store capelin and how to cook it

If there are no contraindications for capelin and you are sure of the freshness and safety of the product, you should definitely include sea fish in your diet. In this case, it is important to observe storage rules so as not to spoil the product.

Vacuum packaging is a great way to preserve the long lasting freshness of fish. First, the capelin should be washed with ice water and dried, and then packaged in vacuum. In this form, the fish is stored in the freezer for 3-4 months, and in the refrigerator compartment for no more than two weeks.

To defrost capelin, you just need to send it to the shelf of the refrigerator or leave it at room temperature for 1.5-2 hours. What can never be done is to immerse frozen carcasses in hot water or to defrost in a microwave.

The number of dishes from capelin is very large. The most useful capelin is baked, steamed and boiled. It can be filled with fish pies and pies, served cold and hot. Capelin is salted, marinated and fried. Fried capelin is very tasty, but with this method of preparation, the fish turns out to be more high-calorie and harmful due to the formation of a crust.

From tender and delicious capelin, you can cook many healthy dishes. As a side dish, potatoes, rice, buckwheat, grilled vegetables are good for it.


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