Evening prayers for the next dream


An appeal through prayer to higher forces is carried out not only in moments of acute despair and hardship. It is necessary to turn to God at the behest of the soul, as well as at a free moment. If praying in the morning helps to concentrate on the positive and gather strength for the tests that the coming day is preparing for, then the evening prayer is gratitude to the Almighty and a request for protection from evil forces.

Orthodox prayers at night

A hard day at work, traffic jams, family troubles, a lot of urgent matters and a burning report - in such a hectic life of an average person passes during the daytime. The accumulated negative, seasoned with physical and moral fatigue, painful sensations from communicating with not the most pleasant people and misunderstanding of loved ones can be brought into stress and bring to insomnia. Sleep in such a situation becomes restless or disappears completely.. As a result, in the morning a person does not feel fresh and slept. And ahead - a new day, filled with the same problems.

To establish a normal rhythm of sleep, you can use moderate physical exertion and walks before going to bed. A prayer for the night before bedtime will also be worthwhile. But how to pronounce it correctly and what exactly to say?

You can say one prayer, which is most consistent with your inner state, or read several at once. It is even allowed to use non-canonical text, that is, to pray in your own words. The main thing - to tune in the desired way, to be sincere and pure in thoughts and to utter holy words with full concentration, without thinking about an outsider.

If insomnia is difficult and lasts a long time, reading of all known prayers is required. This is a difficult process, but after going through it, you will find spiritual healing.

Prayer to the Almighty for a dream to come

To turn in the dark to the Heavenly Father is to be at peace and find, through solitude, a strong connection with the spiritual essence of everything that happens. Such an appeal can completely change the way of life and consciousness. Holy words will chase away misfortune, change things for the better, and become a magnet for happiness. You must repent of your sins and ask for mercy. Prayer to God before bed is pronounced:

"Father of all living things, help me at this hour, absolve my sins, which I (name) did by negligence today. If you hurt a person with a word of abuse or an unacceptable act, I ask for forgiveness. Cleanse my soul from bad thoughts and my flesh from desires of sinners. God, deliver me from the bustle of the earth and show Your grace in a dream. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! "

Appeal to the Holy Spirit

Appeal to the promotion of the third incarnation of one God is recommended to those who have the sin of doubt and despondency in their hearts. If you are depressed and feel that despair has consumed thoughts and completely subdued the spirit, this night prayer will be a real salvation. Its text is as follows:

"My God, comforter of my soul. Show your mercy and save your servant (name) from misfortune. Through Your help, God, I want to cleanse my soul from the sins of the day. My thoughts and words are involuntary, and therefore sinful. Save me from sadness, sadness, sadness, grief and all evil intentions. Repulsed my acts replace with the grace of God and let me repent of my accomplishments. Have mercy on me before bed and forgive transgressions. Give your intercession to evil power. I praise you forever and ever.

Praying to the Lord and Jesus Christ

You can ask for advice and help from the Son of God before going to bed an unlimited number of times. Remember that you want to reflect in the request, and clearly formulate the nature and essence of their adversity. Prayer is performed only in a state of calm, so try to let go of the negative, no matter how difficult the day is:

"Our Father and Jesus Christ, grant me (name) my mercy, do not part with me on the path of life. Kneel down and pray for help in the future, save my sleep and sanctify my life. Let your salvation come to me on my bed and your love. Let go of my sins in a day and direct along the path of repentance and light. Let all adversities pass away as the day has passed. My God and Your Son Jesus, humbly believe in your power and power over evil. Save your servant (name). Let your kingdom be on the earth eternal. Amen. "

Night prayer to the guardian angel

A good spirit, called upon to defend his ward, to whom he was put in charge from the moment of his baptism, will surely respond to the request, if she is right. The angel will become the conduit between the man and the Most High, transmitting the petition from the latter. Appealing to the spirit, say this:

"My keeper, my soul and body are under Your protection. Forgive me (name), if I have sinned and neglected Your trust. For my daily tasks, I apologize and pray for deliverance from sin. Not from evil, but because of bondage I angered the Lord God and you, my Protector. Show me your grace and mercy. To the glory of our Lord. Amen. "

Prayer in Old Slavonic

Knowledge and correct pronunciation of text in Church Slavonic is not what is taught in schools. However, it is believed that such a prayer is endowed with special power. You can read the following ancient prayer book for the night:

"Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us; every answer is baffling, this prayer is supposed to be the Lord of Sinners: have mercy on us. Thank: Lord, have mercy on Tia by trust; do not be angry with us, lower our sorrows, but remember and now it is as if it were gracious, and delivered from our enemies; you are our God, and we are your people, you are your hand, and you call upon your name. And now, blessed Virgin, open the door of mercy to us, hoping for Thee not to perish , but let us get rid of you from troubles: You are the salvation of the kind of Christianity. Lord, have mercy! "

A short prayer for a future dream

The modern world lives in a frantic pace. Not every person has the luxury of allocating a large amount of time to communicate with higher forces. This is a sad fact, but a reality that must be accepted. A short night prayer is read at least seven times. You can say it without getting out of bed:

"In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayers for the Prechistya of Thy Mother, Reverend and God-bearing Father and all saints, have mercy on us. Amen. Glory to You, our God, glory to You To the king of heaven: Holy God. "

When reading the holy words, try to ponder the meaning of each phrase and pronounce it with due respect.

How to read to act?

Even those who have never prayed before must read at least five holy verses every night. Over the next ten days, one prayer is added. The process should go gradually, do not force yourself. It is necessary to pronounce the words of a prayer without haste, thoughtfully, consciously. The basic rule is purity of thoughts and a sincere desire to change the situation. If you are very tired and literally fall from your feet, read a short prayer. The rule "The more the better" is not applicable here.
