Prayers for abortion women


Abortion is a terrible sin, which is impossible to atone. However, you can try to put in a prayer before the Lord, and also put in a word for the soul of an unborn child. A suffering woman who understands the brunt of her own transgression will be helped by special prayers, which should be read out in accordance with church instructions. About who to contact in such cases, how to choose and how to read the prayers, in more detail in the article.

Why is a prayer necessary after an abortion?

After an abortion, most women begin to regret what they have done. They suffer and suffer from feelings of guilt, unable to accept their own weakness and error. In these cases, many people turn to faith in order to find a way to atone for a crime and get rid of the bitterness of an act undesirable to the Lord.

Prayer after an abortion is an important part of cleansing a woman after sin. She helps:

  • to be cleansed from the defilement of transgression;
  • calm the soul and mind;
  • bring life back to its former course;
  • get rid of guilt;
  • rest in peace the soul of the murdered child;
  • prepare the body for giving the child in the future;
  • accept your wrongdoing and no longer commit it.

Without proper greasing, the burden of abortion can significantly affect the future life of a woman, and not for the better. Lack of repentance leads to:

  • various diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • insomnia and visions;
  • failures in business and work;
  • lack of privacy;
  • the inability to find love and start a family;
  • loss of ability to bear and give birth to a child;
  • renunciation of heaven.

The longer it is to delay repentance, the more difficult it will be to atone for sin. Therefore, the clergy recommend as soon as possible to seek help from the church and the heavenly forces.

How to read prayers after an abortion?

To implore such a sin as an abortion is not easy, therefore one should prepare for long repentance.

The atonement for the sin of abortion consists of several stages:

  1. Appeal to church.
  2. Ascension of prayers of retribution.
  3. Final prayers.

Before embarking on a prayer, it is necessary to visit a church or a temple in order to confess to a priest (father, for example) and to partake of the sacrament. Only after performing these actions is it allowed to turn to the Lord. As a result of the conversation, based on the reasons for the act, physical well-being, as well as the moral and spiritual condition of the woman, the priest appoints an individual penance, which includes the necessary prayers. The duration of the reading of prayers depends on the degree of repentance and the sincerity of the sinner.

Then comes the prayer itself. There is a prayer following generally accepted by all churches and temples in accordance with the canons of the sin of killing children in the womb, which consists of:

  • basic prayer to the Lord in His Three Faces;
  • troparion, voice 6;
  • psalm of the 50th;
  • the canon of bereaved, read by both their wives and their husbands, including two songs (1 and 3);
  • sedalena, voice 6;
  • songs 4 through 9 inclusive;
  • kondaka, voice 6, and icosa;
  • final prayer.

This prayer is said once in the church itself. Her reading is allowed, both by the woman who committed the sin and by the married couple, regardless of whether the husband was involved in the decision of a beloved or not. A big plus would be if a husband takes part in a prayer service in order to give his wife strength. Download the full version of the follow up with repentance of abortion in Russian, please follow the link.

As the final prayers are usually used:

  • grateful prayer to the Lord and the Saints;
  • prayer for the rest of the soul of the unborn child;
  • canon to holy martyrs 14,000 babies.

Most often, the first two options are read out, the third is used in church services. Among other things, the church strongly recommends that in the process of atonement for sins also do not skimp on good deeds: help those in need, bring gifts to orphanages, feed stray animals.

Who to pray?

Having decided the issue with the nuances, it's time to go to the main task - the choice of a saint to whom you will call. If it is not possible or time to ask the priest for help in this decision, then you can decide for yourself.

After an abortion, prayer should be handled by:

  • To the Lord;
  • The Virgin;
  • saint matron;
  • Jesus Christ.

On the preservation of the soul of the deceased infant are asked the Guardian Angel. There is also a prayer that is read only by a priest when a non-violent miscarriage happens in order to protect a child in heaven. In this case, a separate prayer is said to purify the female spirit to the Blessed Virgin.

It is allowed to pray to several saints at the same time, the main thing is to keep order and it is advisable to read the texts at different times of the day indicated in the recommendations. However, there are a number of restrictions that must also be adhered to.

During the period of atonement for sin is prohibited:

  • engage in gluttony, abuse food and feasts;
  • drink alcohol and smoke;
  • indulge in carnal pleasures;
  • arrange feasts and loud celebrations;
  • resort to using outside forces (fortune-tellers, witches, witches).

To the Lord

Any prayer for the redemption of sin to God must begin with the prayer "Our Father", since it is considered universal both for requests and for repentance. An ideal place to pray in addition to a church or a temple is the “red corner”, in which all the necessary icons are installed and the life-giving cross is always present.

The sacred text is pronounced in a prayer position - on the knees with hands folded in front of the chest and eyes closed. Before reading it, one should clear the mind of third-party thoughts and provide complete silence in the house so that no one and nothing can interfere with the process. It is also recommended to tune in to the subject of sending to heaven, to feel remorse, but to avoid excessive manifestation of emotions.

To enhance the effect, you can light incense or wormwood in the room, and then read the words of the moleben:

“Our Father, who gave life, is all-seeing and all-knowing from heaven. The sadness in my heart has lodged deeply, the wine has flooded my soul, I cannot eat or sleep, with repentance to Te I cry. For mercy and mercy I pray that my painful sin be redeemed. Lord, have mercy on me, a sinful Thy Slave (name) for the act of Those objectionable and unnatural. Release me this sin for the slaughter of a child in the womb of a ruined one, save and save. Glory to those honor and worship everlasting. As long as I live, I will not doubt righteousness, I will not commit evil, and I will not think about it. Now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

After the prayer, you should cross and bow three times. On the last day of repentance after the prayer, it is better to visit the church so that the priest may perform the anointing with oil.

You can also add one more to the main prayer, read out immediately after awakening:

“Lord! Have mercy on me and my children, in the womb of those slain. Give souls healing and tranquility. Bless and save! Amen".

Mother of God

In order to turn to the Most Holy Theotokos for redemption, it is necessary to bring the Mother’s house of the Mother of God “Grieving for the babies in the womb of the slain”.

Repeat the prayer should be every night for nine days, lighting a candle near the sacred image and pronouncing the text:

“The Most Holy Mother, the Holy Mother of God, for the children and the family intercessor. I ask you about your mercy, protection and help. Beseech the Lord Almighty to let go of the sin of the Slave of God (name) for deliverance from the fruit graciously bestowed. I cry for redemption, forgiveness of God. I trust in Thy and Thy petition, I will not fear the trial until under Your protection on earth and in heaven. Amen".

The candle should be allowed to burn out and to observe silence after the prayer.

Matrone Moskovskaya

You can apply to Matrona of Moscow in your own words. It is important that the words come from the heart and be filled with sincere emotions. A request is made to Matrona before an icon or a small copy, the main thing is to use the correct beginning and end of the text, according to the rules of praise.

Sample text:

“Hail Matrona of Moscow, intercessor of all suffering souls. Pomosi the Slave of God (name) in the atonement of a grave sin. Pray for me before the Lord, ask for forgiveness and blessing to be cleansed and get rid of this burden. I believe in Thee and Thy grace. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The prayer service is repeated twice a day: in the morning and in the evening, for ten days, since it is a symbol of complete completeness, and therefore marks the completion of repentance. Do not forget about the prayer of thanksgiving, which is pronounced once after absolution. It is enough to light a candle at the icon of Matrona in the church, say: “I thank you, Matronushka, for the help and complicity in the difficult task. Glory to you and greatness! Amen"and then bow.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

They pray to the Guardian Angel, as the intercessor and protector of every soul that is real and unborn, after reading all the necessary prayers for a specified period of time.

The liturgy is read once, preferably in the church, with the words:

“Guardian of souls in heaven, protect and my little child into the world who has not appeared, who has not known life. Save and preserve it, grant peace and peace for tears and my faith. Present the light to the Divine. Amen!"

Having finished praying, one should bow to each icon, patronizing the family and children that are present in the temple. You also need to put a candle for the rest of the child's soul in heaven. Thus, completing the atonement.


Watch the video: The Power of Prayer Outside Abortion Clinics (July 2024).