How to do makeup: a phased photo with a description


Every woman and girl must know the simple rules for applying makeup. They will help to always look beautiful and well-groomed, without harming the skin.

Where does the great mystery begin and what is the sequence? What important secrets do makeup artists know?

Makeup artists tips

Competently applied makeup is able to beautifully highlight your strengths and hide all the flaws. Some 5 years ago, only professional makeup artists knew this secret. Today, every girl has access to a wealth of information on how to become beautiful with the help of cosmetics. The best make-up artists of the world have long been openly talking about their secrets.

The basic rules of good makeup

Starting makeup, remember that the most important thing in any make-up:

  1. perfect face tone;
  2. neat well-groomed eyebrows.

What do we mean by saying "perfect tone"? The color of the tonal tool should match the complexion, and the use of a color corrective concealer in the presence of problem areas (bruises, acne, scars, dark circles under the eyes) is mandatory.

Just a couple of years ago, we didn’t pay so much attention. eyebrows. Today, a large number of products have appeared in the decorative cosmetics shop for them. What happened? The fact is that makeup artists understand how important beautiful eyebrows are in makeup as a whole. Sloppy brows can ruin even the most perfect makeup. Too thin, plucked or, on the contrary, very thick massive - this is something that should be avoided. Ideal - natural form.

And finally, I want to say that it is very important Do not overload your face with cosmetics. Today, more and more ladies sin with this, so professionals say that it is better to “underdo” than to “re”.

Analyzing the features of your face

It is very important to sit in front of a mirror and study all the features of your face in order to know what needs to be emphasized and what to hide carefully.

Skin type

Any makeup begins with the preparation of the skin of the face, and in the process we take into account all the features of the dermis.

  1. Dry skin additionally moisturize, powder only in the "T" zone (forehead, nose, chin).
  2. Fat - matting, well-powdered, do not use highlighter, periodically use matting napkins to remove greasy luster.
  3. Normal - just moisten and lightly powder the "T" zone.
  4. Mature dermis requires a lifting effect.
  5. Young skin loves liquid foundation.
  6. We mask the skin with the presence of acne with the help of a green corrector and tonal means with a high covering capacity, we powder (this will make acne less noticeable, as the powder removes all shadows and works like a photoshop).

Eye color

In this case, we mean the right choice of shades of shadows. Suitable shadows will make your eyes brighter and richer, inappropriate - dull and tired.

Face shape

Starting a facial correction, it is necessary to correctly mark the areas of lightening and darkening.

Hair color

Blondes can afford dark and bright eye makeup. Lips can be painted red even in the afternoon. Brunettes should give preference to nude shades. Red lipstick will be appropriate only with a light make-up or small black arrows. Brown-haired have a universal appearance, which gives complete freedom.

Problem areas

It is worth paying special attention to the problem areas:

  1. Acne and red spots hide pointwise with a green corrector or a special pencil.
  2. Dark circles under the eyes It is necessary to further lubricate the peach corrector before applying the foundation.
  3. Bruises hide yellow or peach corrector.
  4. Deep wrinkles We work with an additional moisturizing cream, do not powder it and discard the pearlescent textures.
  5. Hanging eyelid It is corrected with the help of the Smokey Ace technique (it is not necessary to paint black eyes, brown tones will completely disappear).

Major makeup mistakes

Professional makeup artists highlighted the most common mistakes in makeup that should be avoided:

Wrong light. If you paint in the bathroom with the use of artificial and yellow light sources, your make-up will be much brighter and more “reddish”. Yellow color neutralizes the "redhead", so you can not adequately assess the result. But the most important thing is saturation. In case of poor lighting, we deliberately apply much more cosmetics than necessary. Try to paint in daylight or use a white fluorescent lamp.

Wrong face tone. If you have chosen the wrong tonal, a “mask” will form on your face. As a result, the face and neck will be of different shades.

Eyebrows too bright.Do not overdo it with eyebrows, otherwise you will only have them on your face. Makeup artists are advised to first make up, then decide on the intensity (day makeup does not require too bright eyebrows, while the evening one implies a bit richer than usual).

Too thin eyebrows.The fashion for thin eyebrows is gone. Today, professionals advise to give preference to the natural form, which you gave mother nature. Thin strings above the eyes make the face even more and look very unnatural.

Mother of pearl eye shadow for day makeup. Let's just say that pearl products need to be handled very carefully, as they have the ability to emphasize the almost invisible folds in the eyes and make the hanging eyelid very heavy. If we talk about light day makeup, then in the morning the sparkles will be a little out of place and can look a little theatrical. All we need in the morning is lightness and stealth.

Bust with the length of the arrows.Beautiful arrow is a classic of the genre. It is suitable for everyone and always, but here you also need to know when to stop. The arrow should slightly go beyond the edges of the eye, otherwise you will be like a freak.

Too light lips.A couple of years ago, bright lips were in fashion, which look a little awkward. the fashion for such makeup has long passed, but many can not part with this trend.

Red bronzer instead of contouring. The main mistake in make-up, which even make-up artists do. For contouring, use a dry or cream gray-brown corrector without a redhead. Bronzer in make-up is used by professional makeup artists only to give the skin a light natural tan and a slight glow.

Abundance of highlighter. Today, many girls are sinning this, after watching video beauty bloggers from the Internet. But do not forget the main rule: what looks beautiful in the photo and video looks very unnatural in life. If you’ve overdone it a little, just dust it on top, removing the extra shine.

Badly shaded shadows.Brush for shading shadows must be on the shelf of each woman, and applicators should be thrown on the trash, since they apply the tool too intensely, and it is simply impossible to shade the shadows with them.

Too light concealer under the eyes. Trying to lighten the area under the eyes, use concealer to tone lighter, but no more.

Inability to use white transporantnoy powder. White transparent powder needs to be able to handle properly and very carefully. Sometimes even professional make-up artists overdo it, and as a result, white circles on the photo of the lady under the eyes are due to the presence of reflective particles, although in life everything looks as natural as possible.

Bust with blush. Blush creates a harmonious connection between the eyes and lips and is applied lightly on the dimples of the cheeks (if you do not know where to put, just smile).

Powder on all face. Too dull face, like a pancake without a single shadow and luster, does not paint anyone. Today, the main motto of makeup: "naturalness and ease with the help of light contouring."

Bust with mascara.Trying to make the eyelashes longer, and the eyes more, many put 2-3 layers of mascara. This blunder makes your eyes heavy. Makeup artists advise you to slightly powder the cilia or simply glue the maximum natural length.

Matte lipstick on dry lips. We all know that we need to take care of the skin of the face and thoroughly moisturize it, but many people forget about the lips. They also should regularly moisturize, especially now, when everyone is so fond of matte lipstick.

Makeup stages

Starting makeup, it is very important to do everything consistently. In the beginning, it will take a lot of time, but constantly, by practicing, you will learn to induce beauty in 10 minutes.

Preparation of skin

(the most important stage, which includes makeup removal and good moisturizing).

It is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin of residues of cosmetics or simply to refresh with a tonic, then sprinkle with thermal water and apply a moisturizing cream suitable for your skin type (we apply matting to oily skin, we moisturize dry skin). This stage in the make-up of the face is very important, as the final result depends on it. Poorly prepared and not moisturized skin will spoil the whole picture.

Masking problem areas

Corrector for problem areas (if you have normal skin without defects, skip this step).

We work on the problem areas:

  • red acne - close the green proofreader,
  • purple spots and blue streaks - yellow,
  • green spots, earthy complexion - pink, red,
  • orange divorces from tanning - lilac.

But the most common problem in make-up is dark circles and bags under the eyes. They can be hidden by a dense concealer, which is a tone lighter than the complexion (draw a triangle).

You can also work the nasolabial folds.

Drawing a foundation

We apply tonal or BB-cream, which is ideally suited to the color. Choose toning products that have a light yellow pigment. They are perfect for European women. Apply with a slightly wet beauty blender or a special brush made of synthetic lint.

Fixing the tone powder

Use loose powder in make-up in order to fix the tone. It is preferable to fix only the T-zone, which quickly gains luster due to the release of sebum.

You can use a transparent or white transporant. The main thing to remember is that the powder is an auxiliary tool that mattes and anchors the tonal base. It is applied with a large fluffy brush in small quantities. During the day, you can lightly powder the T-zone with compact powder or blot with matting napkins.

Face correction with dry correctors

We give shape to the face, because after creating the perfect tone, it turns into a clean page without natural shadows and highlights.

  1. Blackout: With a soft brush made from natural lint, we type a little dry brown correctors (Mac is perfect for Harmony), we drive in on our hand and with light movements we spend under the cheekbone (starting from the middle of the cheek we leave no to the cheekbones), along the hairline, lateral side of the nose, under the chin, slightly under the lip.
  2. Highlighting. Highlight the back of the nose with a highlighter, a tick above the upper lip, a chin, a protruding part of the cheekbone, under the eyebrow, the inner corner of the eye, the middle of the forehead.

All carefully shade!

Eyebrow drawing

We comb it with a special brush directing the hairs upwards. Use a pale pink or white pencil to draw a line under the eyebrows and slightly shade. For correction, we use a beveled hard brush and matte shadows or a special solid eyebrow pencil.

If you wish, you can fix it with a special transparent or brown gel (today there is a huge choice in shops for both blondes and brunettes).

Step-by-step eye makeup

At this stage, you can adjust the shape of the eyes, but we consider the average light daytime makeup.

Stage 1 eye makeup. Put the base under the shadows (primer makes the shadows more resistant, helps them to lie better and shade well).

Stage 2 eye makeup. On the outer corner of the eye and the crease of the upper eyelid apply dark matte shadows, light - on the inner. Border to shade. You can add a little brown matte shadows to the outer corner of the lower eyelid along the lash line, reaching the middle of the eye (shade).

Stage 3 makeup. Underline the eye with a black pencil or eyeliner. You can simply walk along the lash line or make a soft arrow on the upper eyelid and shade going beyond the edges of the eye and lifting it up (this will make the eye much larger).

Stage 4 eye makeup (optional). Paint the mucous of the eye with a light pink or beige pencil.

Stage 5 eye makeup. Make up the eyelashes, slightly twisting and placing emphasis at the base on the roots (many people like to paint only the ends of the eyelashes, but over time they drop from the weight and we get not big eyes, but an absolutely opposite effect).

Applying blush

We take pink (can be peach or coral) blush and put on the apples of the cheeks, which are formed when we smile. Lightly shade towards the temples. Lightly walk around the tip of the nose and around the perimeter of the face to create a harmony of color in the makeup!

Lip makeup

Moisturize lips with balm and dyed with your favorite lipstick. If you want to create a more lasting effect, paint your lips completely with a pencil, the same shade as lipstick, and only then apply lipstick.

Makeup fixation

Sprinkle thermal water or makeup remover (not a mandatory step, but desirable for evening makeup).

How to choose cosmetics

The choice of cosmetics is one of the most important issues, since good cosmetics are inexpensive, and cheap ones are not always happy with their quality.

Tonal tool It must fit your skin and meet your needs:

  • light texture and color;
  • saturated color and high covering ability;
  • resilience;
  • additional moisture or the ability to matting.

And how to choose the color of the tone? When choosing a shade, do not make the main mistake that absolutely everyone does - test the tool on the wrist. The shade of the hands and face is very different. Apply a little product on the area under the eyes and blend over the cheek. Going outside, look at yourself in daylight. Shops are often sinned in that they include yellow lamps that neutralize redhead. That is why, when we come home, we are often disappointed with the purchase.

It is best to apply the tool on the face and live with it all day. A good store will not give you the opportunity to test correctly the key. You must understand whether you are comfortable or not and whether the given product maintains your life rhythm.

Have lipstick The main color and texture. Apply a little lipstick on your hand and decide whether you like texture. Next, apply to your lips and look at the color. Do not try the color on the hand, as this also distorts the color. You can put a little money on the inside of the fingers, as it is almost the same color as the lips.

The only universal lipstick color that suits absolutely everything is red in a cool shade (if you rub it on your hand, it should shade to pink).

It is advisable to buy powder powder loose, and pressed to be used only in order to throw in handbags and correct during the day. Crumbly go to bed with a thin, light layer, while the pressed one tends to be layered.

Blush Better choose cream, so they look as natural as possible. The color can be cold or warm pink, peach.

Ink choose not so difficult. Just decide what you need: make the lashes longer or thicker.

Concealer should be slightly denser tonal and lighter by one tone, but no more.

Eyebrow pencil or eye shadow must be brown or gray-brown without the "redhead". It is best to choose a shade to tone lighter than your eyebrows.

Eyeliner we choose by the principle of shading. We draw on the hand a small line, wait a bit and rub it. If the line is almost not smeared, take.

What can you save?

We all know that the more expensive the cosmetics, the better the quality. But there are funds on which you can save.

  1. Makeup brushes. Natural brushes are very expensive, while good synthetic cope with this function is not worse. Plus you should not overpay for the brand. Brushes of unknown brand are not worse than brand ones. Just touch the nap, giving preference to soft brushes.
  2. Mascara for eyes. Good mascara can be bought at any supermarket for a penny. Sometimes they are not inferior in quality even to premium products.
  3. Pencil. A solid, not greasy black pencil will draw an arrow no worse than expensive analogs.

And inexpensive analogues that are great for home use.

What is not worth saving?

Tonal tool must be expensive and good, because we put it on the face and live with it for a whole day. But the most important thing is that only the quality of makeup depends on him. You can have expensive tone, and all other products are very cheap and no one will notice. Cheap tonal tone will be spotted, it will be too “red” or it will be like a mask.

Pomade Natural pink is what you need for every day. Enough for you for a long time, so do not spare the money.

Shadows Cheap ones can get stained and just don't blend well. Get only one palette of natural shades and it will be enough for you for a very long time.

Loose powder - This is a good investment in your appearance. Enough jars with this product for 3-4 years, provided that you will use it every day. But the whole secret is that she goes to bed as beautifully and naturally as possible.

Video lesson

Наглядное пособие для тех, кто хочет научиться краситься быстро и красиво. Но помните, что в этом деле главное практика. Постоянно практикуйтесь, делайте ошибки, исправляйтесь и через какое-то время вы научитесь за 5 минуты наводить красоту.

Легкий макияж на каждый день

Вооружитесь всей своей косметикой и начинайте экспериментировать. Только если вы каждый день будете уделять, хотя бы, 10 минут макияжу, вы сможете стать для себя хорошим визажистом.

Простой бюджетный мейк ап

Не каждая девушка может себе позволить дорогую косметику премиум класса, но как выглядеть дорого за небольшие деньги должны знать все.

Вечерний макияж для выхода в свет

Красивый макияж у профессионального визажиста стоит очень дорого, поэтому мы должны научиться наводить красоту самостоятельно.


Watch the video: Ultimate Makeup Brushes Guide! 38 Makeup Brushes and Their Uses (July 2024).