What does a pregnant girlfriend dream about: joyful or sad. The main interpretation of what dreams that a friend is pregnant


In dreams, a wide variety of pictures and events may appear, meetings and acquaintances, various dialogs may appear, even animals can come to life in a dream.

Why dream that a friend is pregnant - it's worth sorting out.

What a pregnant girlfriend dreams of - basic interpretations

Pregnancy is the most wonderful period in a woman’s life. Many only dream of becoming mothers, and even the dream in which they had this dream come true brings them joy. Why dream that a friend is pregnant?

Such a dream is likely indicates its susceptibility to influence from the side. She is very suspicious and quickly influenced from outside. In order to prevent this from happening so often, she should consider all her actions on her own.

She is too easily prone to suggestion and can quickly follow fashion trends. Most likely, someone is already influencing her with selfish goals and you, as her friend, should warn her of a possible danger.

Also, relatives can put pressure on her in a matter of fundamental importance to them. If you see that girl needs support and help - give her help, because on her own she will only break firewood and will not be able to figure out anything.

Also, such a dream may indicate that you and your friend have common ideas and plans that you bear together. It is important to remember that you also play an important role in the implementation of the project, you should not give up positions and abandon the idea. Your girlfriend fully supports you in this and wishes you only good.

Also, if you had plans for a joint vacation with her, you should take a closer look at this issue. This is really what both of you need now. If you have already set a goal, don’t refuse, everything will turn out perfectly.

If you have a dream in which your girlfriend is pregnant and crying - you should pay attention to your health, most likely you will expect long-term illnesses with a complex course.

If a pregnant girlfriend comes to you in frustrated feelings because of her poor health - you should pay attention to whether your gynecological organs and pelvic organs are healthy. If you have had problems with them in the past, an exacerbation of the disease is possible.

You should not immediately after such a dream warn your friend that she may be pregnant, most likely it is only a dream and it has a very different meaning. It is also worth paying attention to other details of the dream, they are important in order to compose a complete picture of the dream.

It is important to remember all the people present in the dream, everything that they said that they asked your friend and you. If you dream that a friend is pregnant from your man, such a dream may indicate that the trust between you will soon disappear irrevocably and now it is better to strengthen it so as not to lose a truly faithful friend.

Why will trust disappear? The whole reason is that you are likely to forget about the important, about friendship. You will wait from your friend for action and you will not be able and do not want to do anything good for her.

If in a dream a pregnant girlfriend comes to you and asks you for advice - in reality you have to deal with a rather complicated case yourself. Do not panic and worry in advance, most likely, the problem will not be so important, and you will quickly find an effective method for resolving it.

If you dream that your friend is in danger, and at the same time, she is pregnant - you should seriously take care of her health. She will soon fall into a bad company and will not be able to help herself. If you dream about someone being beaten up by your pregnant girlfriend, she will have to go through a difficult time, not only her health condition, but also her financial situation will deteriorate.

You can help her, if of course you want, because, most likely, she will blame everyone around for her failures. If you dream that a friend is pregnant, but does not want to save the child - such a dream indicates your and her hesitations in the general matter. The result of your vibrations with it also depends on how the dream ends.

Why dream that a friend is pregnant according to Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says what a pregnant girlfriend is dreaming of. This dream means that a woman lacks affection and warmth, she seeks it in men, but does not find it. She herself wants to become a mother and therefore in her dream she sees a pregnant woman, a woman close to herself.

If a friend is happy about her pregnancy in a dream, then the woman also has wonderful times in her life. She will enjoy her relationship, her happiness. She will gladly enter into a new relationship, or she will develop existing ones.

If in a dream you dream about how your friend is upset that she is pregnant - you will also be disappointed in your beloved, you will not be able to move morally away from all the losses that will happen in your life.

If you are dreaming about how your friend gave birth to a child, but she does not name her father - you will find secrets and riddles in reality, you need a lot of time in order to forget the insults and disappointments of the past. This negative experience of past years is useless to you. You should be more attentive to your present and future, and not dive into the problems of the past and search for their solutions.

If you are dreaming about how you are happily caring for a pregnant girlfriend, you will also happily enter into new intimate relationships. They will bring you real pleasure, you can look differently not only at questions of love, but also love yourself.

Why dream that a friend is pregnant with an esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book says that a friend’s pregnancy in a dream may indicate the need to protect her. She, most likely, now herself as a small child needs custody and care. She herself is sentimental and vulnerable, and someone will now inflict a mental wound on her.

If a waking girlfriend is really pregnant - she should be wary of the evil eye and other pregnancy problems and her newborn baby. They really envy her and look for flaws in her. The girl herself can not cope with such a negative, so she should help her with this.

If you dream that your girlfriend is pregnant about a married man, such a dream says that problems and torment await her in reality. She really can lose her true love, exchanging it for imaginary feelings. It is not worth supporting all her undertakings and all her attempts to dramatically change something in life, they will still be ineffective.

What does a pregnant girlfriend dream about in other dream books

In Miller's Dream Book said what a pregnant girlfriend is dreaming of. Such a dream, most likely, says that in her personal life, not everything is as smooth as she would like. It’s time for her to restore order in her life and reveal all secrets to others, otherwise they will be revealed by chance, which will not please the girl at all.

If a friend is really in a delicate position, such a dream means that she will give birth to a healthy child and she will give birth to him easily. Also, such a dream can warn her that she might get into an awkward situation when she becomes a hostage to gossip and gossip. She should not worry too much about this, most likely all disputed issues will be quickly resolved and the girl will be able to restore justice.

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that if a man dreams that his girlfriend is pregnant, such a dream means that he is not ready to take responsibility for her and her life. Most likely, he is ready only for fleeting and free relations, but not for creating a family, so he will be with her until he talks about the seriousness of their relationship.

In the dream book of Hasse it is said:

• Pregnancy girlfriend in a dream bodes trouble for her;

• Interrupted pregnancy of a friend - health problems;

• Multiple pregnancy girlfriend - to infinite happiness.

If you dream that a friend is pregnant and is going on a long trip, you should wake her up from such an idea, as it will not bring her any benefit. She will find herself in a rather difficult financial situation.

If you see a crying girlfriend who does not want to give birth to a child, you yourself will cry in reality due to a rather difficult situation. You should not be upset in advance, because you will not change anything dramatically. You can only mentally prepare for future problems. This will allow you to save your face in front of others.


Watch the video: Let's Talk About: Dreams - Babies (June 2024).