A piece of baked pork in the oven - there isn’t much meat! Different recipes for aromatic and tasty baked pork with a piece in the oven


A large chunk and mouth rejoices, especially baked pork. Still would!

This is the ideal meat for cooking in the oven, it is good for pickling, it turns out juicy and tender, if cooked correctly.

How to do it? Here are the most interesting recipes that are worth trying.

Oven baked pork with a piece - general principles of preparation

For baking, pulp or meat on the bone is used. The piece needs to be washed, then it is stuffed with garlic or just rubbed with spices, sauces, various marinades. If there is time, then pork can be left for 8-10 hours, so that it is well saturated.

What is used for pickling:

• mustard;

• tomato sauces;

• soy sauce;

• mayonnaise.

All kinds of spices, herbs are added to them, it is important not to forget about salt. Sometimes garlic is crushed, added immediately to the marinade. You can bake pork yourself or with the addition of potato tubers, such a recipe is below.

Usually baked pork in foil or in a sleeve, but you can put a piece just in shape if it is small or the meat is well marinated. Cooking time depends on the size. The temperature is usually from 180 to 200. If at the end you need to fry a golden crust, the temperature is added.

Baked pork in the oven with mustard

For marinade, it is better to use mustard with grains, it will turn out tastier. Additionally, you need a mixture of peppers, you can combine several types on your own or restrict yourself to only black.


• a piece of pork up to one kilogram;

• 25 grams of mustard;

• garlic;

• ground peppers ½ tsp;

• fine salt (at its discretion, about 1 tsp);

• a spoonful of oil;

• ½ tsp ground sweet paprika.


1. Rinse a piece of pork. We wipe and set aside, let it dry.

2. While peeling the garlic, 2-4 cloves are enough, cut into slices. We throw it into a bowl, sprinkle with salt and pepper (a little), stir.

3. We take a sharp knife, make punctures in the meat, insert pieces of garlic. We stuff all the pork.

4. Combine the mustard with the remaining pepper, with sweet paprika. Salt and stir.

5. Rub the stuffed meat with mustard marinade, put in a bowl, pull the cling film on top and put in the refrigerator. We stand pork for 3 to 10 hours.

6. Turn on the oven for 200.

7. Take the meat out of the bowl, rub it well with your hands, distributing the remaining marinade.

8. Tear off a piece of foil, grease the central part with olive oil, put pork and pack.

9. Bake for 50 minutes in the oven.

10. We get the form with a piece of meat, cut the foil, bend the edges to the side.

11. Return the piece of pork to the oven, keep for another 15-25 minutes.

Baked pork in the oven with potatoes

Another way to cook baked pork with a piece in the oven, but already with potatoes. The tubers will be used as a whole, if they are young, then you can not clean, rinse well enough.


• pork up to 1 kg;

• 7-10 potatoes, larger than eggs;

• 50 g of bacon or any lard;

• seasonings for potatoes;

• adjika 1 spoon;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 1 tsp seasoning for meat;

• a couple of spoons of mayonnaise.


1. Rinse a piece of meat, stuff with chopped garlic cloves. At will, you can take it more.

2. Add Adjika with mayonnaise, add seasoning for meat and salt. If there is no ready-made mixture of spices, then just salt, to taste we throw paprika, coriander, any mixture. Stir the sauce.

3. We rub the meat, leave it for at least an hour, be sure to cover it so that it does not dry out.

4. Bacon cut into plates. You can take any fat, even smoked. Sprinkle with spices for potatoes. We make several cuts in the potatoes, insert pieces of bacon.

5. You can cook the dish in foil or in the sleeve. We put a piece of meat around the prepared and seasoned tubers.

6. Put at 180 in the oven.

7. After 50-60 minutes, you need to open the dish and brown the potatoes and a piece of pork to a beautiful crust. Serve together, garnished with herbs, supplemented with vegetables.

Baked pork in an oven accordion with tomato and cheese

To cook baked pork with a piece in the oven, you will need fresh tomatoes and hard cheese. It is advisable to marinate the meat in advance to make it tasty and soaked.


• 800 g of pork;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 100 g of cheese;

• 2 cloves of garlic.


• 3 tbsp. l soy sauce;

• 1 spoon of mustard;

• pepper, salt;

• 1 spoon of ketchup.


1. Stir in a bowl all the ingredients of the marinade. You can add any seasoning to your taste, but a lot is not needed. Be careful with salt, as soy sauce has a fairly pronounced taste.

2. On a washed piece of meat, make deep cuts on top, but do not reach the end. The distance between the incisions is 0.5-1 cm.

3. Rub the meat on all sides with the marinade, leave for a couple of hours.

4. Tomatoes cut in circles. Rub cheese with garlic, mix with each other.

5. Fill the cuts in the meat with tomato mugs, pour grated cheese with garlic into each. If the cheese is slightly salted, you can add salt to the filling.

6. Pack the "accordion" with the filling in foil. Bake an hour at 180.

7. Remove the pork from the oven, carefully unfold the foil. Add temperature by 30 degrees.

8. Bake the meat until golden brown for another 15 minutes.

Baked pork in the oven with prunes

A recipe for a very tender and fragrant baked pork whole piece in the oven. If desired, you can take a little more or less prunes. Baked meat in foil.


• 1 kg of pork;

• 3 g of salt;

• 3 g of coriander;

• 1 tbsp. l mustard;

• 130 g of prunes.


1. Rinse the prunes. If it is too dry, leave for five minutes in warm water, let it soften. Grind coriander, mix with salt, add mustard.

2. Rinse the meat, dry with a towel.

3. We take a sharp knife and make incisions, but not simple, but with a cross.

4. Poke deep prunes into the holes. If more than one thing is placed, then we put 2 or 3, it all depends on the size of the dried fruit.

5. Rub the meat with salt with coriander and mustard, stand for an hour. You can leave longer and even all night.

6. We wrap a piece stuffed with prunes in foil, send to the oven, cook for 80 minutes. Temperature 200. Optionally, the meat can be browned at the end.

Baked pork in the oven in the oven with pork (shank)

The meat on the bone is the most delicious, especially baked pork in the oven. A recipe for an amazing shank that you can cook for a holiday or just like that.


• shank;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 2 tsp mustard;

• 2 tablespoons of soy sauce;

• pepper.


1. Rinse the shank. It is not necessary to remove the skin from the piece, but we carefully examine it. If necessary, protect with a knife.

2. Make across the cuts 1-2 cm deep, 3-4 is enough.

3. Peel the garlic cloves, cut into slices, weighed the knuckle, where you can stick it.

4. Mix soy sauce and mustard, add salt and pepper.

5. Rub the pork with the prepared sauce, pack it in foil, leave it warm for a couple of hours. If you pickle longer, you can put it in the refrigerator. It will be better if the piece lies through the night.

6. We shift into the form, put in the oven. Cook the pork at 180 degrees for 2 hours. At the end, you can fry the knuckle to a crust, adding temperature and removing the foil.

Oven baked honey pork in a oven

A recipe for an amazing marinade for pork with honey. The meat is obtained not only very tasty and fragrant, but also beautiful, ruddy and tender.


• liquid honey 1 tbsp. l .;

• 0.8 kg of pork;

• 25 ml of soy sauce;

• garlic 1-2 cloves;

• ketchup any 2 tbsp. l

• seasoning dry for meat.


1. Fill the meat with garlic, chopped into small pieces. At the request of garlic, you can use more, pork loves it.

2. Mix all the ingredients of the marinade, grate a piece.

3. Leave the meat for at least an hour. Ideally, let it rest for 3-4 hours. Periodically turn the pork on the opposite side so that it is soaked evenly.

4. Pack the meat in foil. We don’t pour the rest of the marinade from the bottom of the bowl.

5. Send for an hour to the oven. We bake at 200.

6. Take out the meat, remove the foil to the sides, carefully cut the knife.

7. Pour the pork marinade from the bowl, bake a piece for another 15-20 minutes until the caramel crust.

Baked pork in the oven in a spicy marinade (in a bag)

The recipe for hot boiled pork, which is prepared with natural adjika. If it is not, then you can use a mixture of chopped hot pepper and garlic. You need to marinate the meat for at least 2 hours.


• 1 kg of pork;

• 1 spoon adjika;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• a spoon of ketchup.


1. Peel the garlic. Cut each clove into 4 parts, sprinkle with black pepper and stuff the washed piece of pork.

2. Combine adjika with regular ketchup or any other tomato sauce, salt.

3. Grate the meat with the prepared mixture, cover with cling film, leave to marinate.

4. Transfer the pork to a baking bag or sleeve, tie.

5. From above we make a puncture with a needle and send the meat to the oven. Cooking an hour and 15 minutes. If the piece is small in diameter but thick, then time can be increased. Temperature 190.

Oven-baked pork with a piece in the oven - useful tips and tricks

• To marinate the meat inside, slices of garlic before sticking can be greased with sauces, sprinkled with spices.

• The meat will be juicier and more interesting if it is stuffed not only with garlic, but also with other vegetables, for example, carrots, slices of hot or sweet pepper.

• It is not necessary to cut fat from pork, it will melt during baking, soak a piece, the meat will turn out to be more tender and juicy.


Watch the video: Pork Rib Roast - An Herbed, Succulent Success (June 2024).