Easter cake without yeast - an alternative to yeast baking. How to bake delicious cakes without yeast on kefir or sourdough on Easter Eve


On Easter Eve, many housewives prepare traditional holiday dishes: cakes, Easter cottage cheese, colored eggs and others. Easter cakes occupy a special place among the varied menu.

Usually, Easter pastries are baked with yeast, and it is the use of yeast that makes hostesses who do not have much time or skill in working with yeast prefer to buy ready-made Easter cakes in stores.

But there are many recipes for yeast-free cakes, for example, cakes from sweet pastry. These are the recipes that we will consider today.

Easter cake without yeast - general principles of preparation

Unlike traditional Easter cake without yeast it cooks much faster, and it turns out just as tasty. Let's discover the secrets of its preparation.

1. Most often, the dough is kneaded on kefir, water, milk, sour cream.

2. Sugar, eggs, butter are added to baking.

3. Use sifted flour of good quality.

4. To raise the kneading add soda or a culinary cultivator.

5. Knead the dough for Easter cakes for a long time, until the moment when it will easily move away from the hands and walls of the container.

6. Use all kinds of spices: vanilla sticks, cardamom, zest. Dried fruits are added: dried apricots, raisins.

7. The baking dish is greased or coated with oiled baking paper.

8. Fill the container 2/3 of the volume.

9. Bake a cake without yeast in a preheated oven.

10. In order for the Easter cake without yeast to succeed, it is better to make several small Easter cakes than one large one.

1. Spring cake without yeast


• eggs - 4 pcs.;

• 130 g of sugar;

• soda, slaked with acetic acid - 20 g;

• salt - a pinch;

• half a glass of flour;

• a small handful of raisins.

For cream:

• egg white - 1 pc.;

• powdered sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;

• citric acid - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

1. Eggs are mixed with sugar and salt, beat until dense mass.

2. Add the flour, mix.

3. Add raisins.

4. Lubricate the muffin molds with butter, sprinkle the bottom with flour or semolina.

5. Pour the dough into molds and send to a hot oven. Bake at not very high temperature (about 200 degrees) for no more than 20 minutes.

6. We take out the baked cakes from the oven, cool and coat with a protein cream, which is prepared in this way: beat the egg protein with sugar for 3 minutes, add citric acid and mix well.

7. Sprinkle with confectionery topping.

8. Also, cakes according to this recipe can be coated with chocolate icing, which is prepared in this way: pour 180 g of sugar, 20 cocoa powder, a piece of butter and a little water into a small metal container. We put on low heat and boil until sugar dissolves for about 1 minute with frequent stirring.

2. Easter cake without yeast with chocolate and orange


• high fat butter - a small piece;

• not a full glass of sugar;

• 20% sour cream - 30 g;

• eggs - 3 pcs.;

• flour - 12 tbsp. spoons;

• 1 orange;

• floor chocolate bar without additives;

• vanilla - on the tip of a knife;

• slaked soda - 20 g.


• 50 g of granulated sugar;

• sprinkling - 1 pack;

• chocolate bar - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

1. Beat whites to a dense foam.

2. Beat the yolks with sugar until a snow-white, stable foam.

3. Melt the butter in the microwave and cool.

4. Add the butter to the yolk mass and mix gently clockwise.

5. Add slaked soda to the yolk-oil mixture.

6. Pour the whipped squirrels.

7. Pour the prepared flour in several stages and mix slowly.

8. Peel the orange, grate its zest and add to the dough.

9. Add freshly squeezed orange juice to the dough.

10. Add the sour cream and stir again.

11. Using a knife, grind the floor of the chocolate bar and pour into the dough, mix thoroughly.

12. Pour the dough into prepared tin forms up to half the volume, bake in a hot oven at 180 degrees a little more than half an hour.

13. At the end of this time, open the oven and prick with a toothpick, if it is dry, then we pull out Easter cakes and cool.

14. Pour sugar syrup, sprinkle with sprinkled and grated chocolate.

15. Decorated Easter cakes insist 3 hours.

3. Easter cake without yeast on kefir


• a little more than a glass of flour;

• kefir with high acidity - 1.5 cups;

• not a full glass of sugar;

• soda - 20 g;

• raisins - a small handful;

• 100 g of lemon peel;

• salt - 5 g;

• some vanillin;

• a small piece of butter.

Cooking method:

1. Pour kefir into a cup, mix it with sugar, insist for several minutes with the lid closed.

2. Pure lemon peel and grate the peel.

3. Pour sugar, salt, vanilla and lemon zest into melted butter, mix well, pour kefir and pour a little soda.

4. Pour the flour and raisins swollen in boiling water into the resulting mass, mix to a homogeneous tender, liquid consistency.

5. Pour the dough into prepared molds and bake at a moderate temperature for a little more than an hour.

6. The baked cakes are cooled, coated with protein glaze, decorated with sprinkles.

4. Easter cake without yeast


• 15 glasses of flour;

• milk - 3 glasses;

• 10 eggs;

• 1 glass of cognac;

• sugar - half a kilogram;

• candied fruit - 4 tbsp. spoons;

• butter - 1 pack;

• orange peel - 150 g;

• vanilla - 50 g;

• salt - 20 g.

For sourdough:

• flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;

• water - half a glass.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the leaven as follows: mix a small portion of the flour with a small amount of water, carefully mix until thick sour cream, cover with a clean cloth and leave in a warm place for 1 day, during which time 4 times open and mix. After a day, open and sprinkle with the same amount of flour and pour over water, mix and leave again for 1 day, not forgetting to stir regularly. After that, repeat the same procedure again.

2. Prepare the dough: put the resulting sourdough into boiled cold milk, mix well and add a little less than a kilogram of flour, mix again and insist in heat for 3 hours, the dough should turn out to be bumpy and loose.

3. Meanwhile, beat the butter until a snow-white color, introduce the yolks into it, without ceasing to whisk.

4. Add vanilla to the yolk-cream mass and whisk again.

5. Grate the orange zest and pour into the yolks with oil.

6. Pour cognac into the dough, mix and combine with the yolk-butter mass, knead the dough with your hands until it sticks off them.

7. Beat the proteins into a dense mass and put into the dough.

8. Put candied fruit, knead well, cover with a cloth and let it brew for 1.5 hours.

9. Put the finished dough in greased baking containers and bake in a hot oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

10. The baked cakes are cooled and poured with fudge, which can be prepared as follows: pour half a glass of powdered sugar into a cup and pour in a small amount, in several doses, milk and water, carefully rub the powdered sugar with a homogeneous, delicate texture.

5. Easter cake without yeast with dried apricots


• butter - 150 g;

• 3 chicken eggs;

• an incomplete glass of sugar;

• a little less than half a glass of kefir;

• 30 g of soda;

• 1 handful of dried apricots and raisins;

• starch - 30 g;

• flour - 100 g;

• salt - a pinch;

• vanilla - 10 g;

• lemon peel.

Cooking method:

1. Beat eggs with salt and sugar for 7 minutes

2. Add oil and pour a little kefir, whisk everything again.

3. Pour flour, starch, soda and whisk again.

4. Swollen in boiling water and chopped apricots into small pieces, and whole raisins, sprinkle with flour and put into the dough together with chopped lemon zest, stir well.

5. We spread all the dough in a greased large form and bake at a moderate temperature for a little more than half an hour.

6. Baked cold Easter cake coated with sugar fondant, decorate with sprinkles.

6. Easter cake without yeast with cottage cheese


• cottage cheese - 1 glass;

• chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;

• 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;

• vanilla - to taste;

• 230 g flour;

• soda - 10 g;

• citric acid diluted in water - 20 ml;

• half a pack of butter;

• candied fruits - 2 handfuls;

• raisins of light varieties - 150 g;

• 30 g of turmeric.

Cooking method:

1. Combine the cottage cheese with sugar, vanilla, turmeric, soda, lemon juice.

2. Melt the butter and pour it into the cottage cheese, slowly mix everything to a homogeneous, thick consistency.

3. Separately from the whites, beat the yolks and pour them into the resulting curd mass.

4. Put candied fruit, raisins swollen in hot water and stir everything.

5. Pour the flour and stir well.

6. We spread the finished dough into molds, covered and coated with oil, to half the volume and bake at not high temperature for about 60 minutes.

7. When the top is fried, close the cake with parchment and bake.

8. We smear the baked cakes with any cream and decorate with grated chocolate.

Easter cake without yeast - tricks, tips

• Use only fresh food for cooking.

• To keep yeast-free pastries fresh for a long time, add butter to the dough.

• Achieve the required density of the dough, not adding flour more than specified in the recipe, but due to a long kneading. The porosity of the finished product depends on the duration of this procedure.

• Add candied fruits, dried fruits, chocolate chips to the dough.

• Use spices and spices.

• For baking cakes, it is better and more convenient to use special split molds, silicone or disposable.

Happy Easter!


Watch the video: Lithuanian cuisine (June 2024).