Spinach in a creamy sauce - a vitamin charge! Stewed spinach recipes in a creamy sauce with mushrooms, fish, cheese, pasta


Spinach is an amazing product that not everyone knows how to cook. In fact, all the dishes from it are simple, uncomplicated and fast, which is important.

Spinach prepares toppings for pies, soups, casseroles, but stewed leaves in cream sauce are especially good. Will we try?

Spinach in a creamy sauce - general principles of preparation

It is best to use fresh spinach for dishes, it is the most useful. But in the winter, a frozen product will do. Before use, the leaves are washed, sorted, cut, torn by hand or used whole. Then fry or stew with other ingredients.

What is usually put:

• onions, garlic, tomatoes;

• mushrooms;

• meat, fish;

• cheese.

Cream is added at the very end. Sometimes they are mixed with cheese, sour cream, milk, it all depends on the selected recipe. If you need to make the sauce thicker, then pour flour, lay the egg. A dish is usually prepared in a saucepan or in a cauldron.

Spinach in a creamy garnish sauce

The simplest spinach recipe in a creamy sauce. It will be an excellent side dish for meat, fish, poultry, it goes well even with boiled potatoes.


• 450 g of fresh spinach;

• 80 grams of cream;

• 20 ml of oil;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 1 tbsp. l flour;

• 1 large onion head;

• nutmeg, salt and pepper.


1. Send the oil to the stewpan or to the cauldron. We put on the stove, let it warm up.

2. Chop the onion. Fry for two minutes. Chop the garlic, add to the onion, fry for a few more seconds.

3. If the leaves of spinach are large, then you can cut it. In any case, we sort through, rinse, remove everything superfluous. We lay to the onion and garlic. We cook everything together until the mass decreases at least three times.

4. In the cream we throw salt, pepper, put a pinch of nutmeg, add a spoonful of wheat flour without a hill. Stir well to dissolve all the spices.

5. Pour the steamed spinach with cream, mix, cover the dish. Tomim on a minimum fire for four minutes, this will be enough.

Spinach in a creamy sauce with garlic and cheese

A variant of a delicious, flavorful spinach in a creamy sauce with lots of garlic. To prepare this dish, it is best to use a cheese that melts quickly.


• 300 g of fresh spinach leaves;

• a glass of fat cream about 20%;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 80 g of cheese;

• 30 g cream. oils.


1. Melt the butter in a deep bowl, add the chopped garlic. Fry for a few seconds.

2. Next add chopped or torn spinach. In this dish whole sheets are better not to use.

3. Cook the spinach and garlic over low heat until the mass settles.

4. Cream with salt, pour into a dish. Now cook the spinach until it becomes soft. Add spices to your taste.

5. Rub the cheese finely, fall asleep in the total mass. It is possible in parts. Stir with a spatula.

6. We wait until all the cheese is melted, immediately turn off the fire. Done! We add spinach to any dish or use it right away.

Spinach in cream sauce with eggs

You can simply add boiled spinach to the boiled or fried eggs, they are often served together. But there is an option more interesting, more convenient. This recipe is perfect for dietary and proper nutrition, if you use a minimum amount of oil and low fat cream.


• 350 g spinach;

• butter;

• 2 eggs;

• 150 ml cream;

• 100 g of onion;

• 2 cloves of garlic.


1. Peel the onions, cut into small cubes. Put in warmed oil, fry until golden brown.

2. Add washed, chopped spinach to the fried onions, mix, reduce heat and cook for about five minutes. Stir occasionally.

3. Squeeze the cloves of garlic into the cream or grate, but finely. Pepper, salted. Stir everything well.

4. Pour the spinach cream, cook until soft.

5. Beat the eggs with a fork until smooth. You can add a little processed or hard cheese to them, it will be even tastier.

6. Once the spinach is soft, pour in the eggs and mix.

7. Keep the dish on fire for just a minute, remove.

8. Let us brew for another five minutes under the lid so that the eggs combine with the rest of the ingredients and the sauce thickens. Put the dish in plates, serve to the table.

Spinach in a creamy sauce with fish

You can use any fish fillet for this dish. Sea, river, white and red fish go well with spinach. The dish is tasty, hearty, very healthy.


• 300 g fillet of any fish;

• 250-300 g of spinach;

• 200 ml cream of arbitrary fat content;

• one spoonful of flour;

• 1 pinch of pepper;

• 3-4 tablespoons of oil;

• salt, clove of garlic.


1. Take the skinless fish fillet, rinse, dry with a towel. We cut with a sharp knife a small straw. You do not need to season the fish, but sprinkle the pieces with a spoon of flour, stir with your hands.

2. Heat the oil in a saucepan. We spread the fish. We fry a couple of minutes. Stir constantly, as the pieces may burn out due to flour.

3. Add washed, cut spinach leaves to the fish, mix, cover the stewpan.

4. We leave the dish on the stove, cook on low heat for several minutes, so that the greens sit down.

5. Pour the cream into a bowl, add salt, pepper. Peel a clove of garlic, squeeze it into the sauce.

6. Pour spinach with fish cream sauce. Cover, simmer a few more minutes, look at the readiness of the fish. When serving, you can sprinkle the dish with grated hard cheese.

Spinach in creamy sauce with champignons

Mushroom version of stewed spinach in a creamy sauce. In general, oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms, butter can be added to this dish, but champignons are used, since they are cooked quickly, do not require preliminary boiling, and are among the safest mushrooms.


• 300 g of champignons;

• 300 g spinach;

• 150 ml cream;

• 150 g sour cream;

• 2-3 cloves of garlic;

• 2 onion heads;

• oil, salt.


1. Start cooking with champignons. We wash the mushrooms, then throw them into a colander, let all the water drain. Cut the plates.

2. Pour a little oil into the saucepan, warm and spread the mushrooms. Cook without a lid for about ten minutes, medium heat, periodically mushrooms need to be mixed.

3. We clear both onion heads, cut into thin half rings. If the onions are small, then you can take more. We shift to mushrooms. Fry for two minutes.

4. Rinse, sort out the spinach leaves. We send to the fried champignons with onions, immediately mix and cover. We reduce the fire a little. We keep the dish under the lid for about three minutes, until spinach is completely soft, you do not need to bring spinach.

5. Combine sour cream with cream, add chopped garlic to them, add salt, stir the sauce well.

6. Pour the mushrooms with spinach cream, stir. After boiling, cook on a minimum heat for about five minutes.

Spinach in a creamy sauce with tomatoes (layers)

A variant of a very simple and quick spinach dish, which is prepared in layers. It does not require much time or attention.


• 400 g spinach;

• 2 onion heads;

• 150 ml cream;

• 3-4 tomatoes;

• salt, garlic, pepper to taste.


1. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water, a minute later in cold water, remove the skin, cut the flesh into small pieces.

2. Pass the chopped onion in oil. Reduce the fire.

3. We sort out the spinach, tear into pieces, lay on top of the onion.

4. Fill with salted cream. You can add any seasonings and spices.

5. Spread the prepared tomatoes on top.

6. Cover, simmer the dish under the lid 10-12 minutes after boiling.

Spinach in cream sauce with pasta

Italian spinach dish in a creamy sauce. It is usually served with large pasta, but any other durum wheat pasta will do.


• 400 g of pasta;

• 200 g spinach;

• 250 g of tomatoes;

• 20 g of green feather onions;

• 1 head of onion;

• 300 g cream;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 30-50 g of cheese;

• butter.

You will also need salt, dried thyme, white pepper, you can add other spices.


1. Tomatoes put in a bowl, pour boiling water for a minute, then rinse with cold water. Remove the skin, cut the tomatoes into cubes.

2. Onions, too, cut, but not large, put in a saucepan, fry in oil, add chopped garlic. Next, lay out the green feathers, stir.

3. Add the tomatoes. We evaporate excess water from the pieces, stir.

4. It's time to add chopped spinach. You can use frozen greens, warm up.

5. Combine the cream with various spices and herbs, salt and shake well. Pour tomatoes with spinach sauce.

6. We remove the fire, simmer a couple of minutes after boiling.

7. We prepare Italian pasta or any other pasta according to the instructions on the package. Spread on plates. On top is spinach in a creamy sauce and cover with grated cheese.

Spinach in a creamy sauce - tips and tricks

• Spinach does not like long cooking, but in sauces this rule is not relevant. Greens can be boiled, turn the sauce into porridge and even purposely mashed with a blender.

• If the spinach is frozen, consider the amount of water that is in the product. You may need to pour less cream.

• Spinach is perfectly stored in the refrigerator, if the bundle is wrapped with a damp towel, placed in a container. But do not keep it for more than 5-6 days, as the amount of vitamins and other nutrients is gradually reduced.

• How much to take spinach? On average, one cup of greens will produce 0.3 cups of stew or fried dish.


Watch the video: Power Packed Salad. Cooksmart. Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana (June 2024).