Recipes to taste and means - tender meat in tomato sauce. Fry, stew, bake - meat dishes in tomato sauce


Baked or stewed meat in tomato sauce is a delicious and versatile dish, perfect for lunch and hearty dinner. Served with mashed potatoes, pasta, rice, buckwheat.

The meat in tomato sauce, regardless of the method of preparation, is tender and juicy, since tomato can soften the fibers of any meat. Pork is especially popular, but if there is reason to choose beef, you can take it.

An hour and a half of time spent, several simple products available, but what is the result! It is unlikely that anyone will not appreciate the work, and, be sure, everyone will ask for supplements.

Meat in tomato sauce - general principles of preparation

• Cooking begins with the preparation of meat. To preserve its juiciness, cut into pieces flesh, fried in hot oil until a blush. Do it at maximum heat, and lay out the pieces of meat, slightly departing from each other. If there is no suitable frying pan, fry it in parts. You can not cook a lot right away, the accumulation of meat juice will prevent rapid browning, and the pieces will simply dry out.

• The basis of tomato sauce is usually pasta diluted with water or broth. In the season of fresh vegetables, it can be supplemented with sparse puree of fresh tomatoes.

• The sauce is often prepared separately, after which it is poured over the meat, which is then stewed or baked in it. Meat in tomato sauce can be cooked even in the simplest multi-cooker equipped with the "Braising" function.

• To get a more nutritious dish, it is supplemented with vegetables or beans. Of vegetables, onions and carrots, sweet peppers, and eggplant are most often used.

• The taste of the main course is highly dependent on the sauce. Diluted with ordinary water, the paste makes it lean, so if you have broth, it is better to use it, and add the vegetables added to the sauce in high-quality vegetable oil.

Classic Stew Recipe in Tomato Sauce


• pork neck - 600 gr.;

• two spoons (60 gr.) Of tomato;

• two large onions;

• oil, non-aromatic - 3 tbsp. l .;

• spices - mild, unsharp.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the film from the meat, rinse, dry well with a towel and cut into small slices.

2. In a pan, before the appearance of a white haze, calcine the oil and dip pieces of pulp into it. Fry over high heat, often stirring until a blush appears.

3. Add randomly chopped onions to the meat. It can be small slices or thin quarters of rings. Fry until golden onion and pour hot water. Covering the pan with a lid, leave over low heat. Stew for about a quarter of an hour.

4. When the pork becomes soft and part of the broth evaporates, add salt, add tomato and a little ground pepper. Mix and continue cooking, no longer covering, and setting the heat below average. When most of the sauce has evaporated, remove from heat.

Stewed Pineapple Tomato Sauce


• steamed pork pulp - half a kilo;

• a can of canned pineapple;

• 50 ml of very high quality lean oil;

• three tablespoons of tomato paste;

• two tablespoons of dark soy sauce;

• two large spoons of dried starch.

Cooking method:

1. The washed and dried meat is cut into oblong pieces, not too thin. Wet them again with a towel and put them in a bowl. Add starch, mix thoroughly with a fork. We try to completely cover the meat slices.

2. We place a thick-walled pan on strong heating. Pour oil into it and warm it up a lot. As soon as a white haze appears, dip the breaded pieces of pork into the hot fat. We do not reduce the fire, we turn the pieces over as soon as a dense crust forms on them.

3. Fried meat from all sides, put the meat in a bowl and set aside.

4. In a clean pan from a jar of pineapples, pour the syrup, add soy sauce and tomato. Stirring, on moderate heat, bring the sauce to a boil and put the fried meat in it. Stew under the lid for about ten minutes, not allowing to boil intensively.

5. Add chopped pineapples to the meat and continue to warm for five minutes, still under the lid, but with minimal heat.

Meat in tomato sauce with beans in a pan


• red beans - two glasses;

• 400 gr. pork with thin layers of fat;

• two large carrots;

• a tablespoon of sugar;

• spices;

• ground hot pepper;

• 60 gr. unsalted thick tomato.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the beans with cold water and leave for at least 6 hours, then rinse and boil in clean water until tender. We do not add salt to the water, we cook it under the lid and do not let it boil intensively, otherwise the outer shell of the grains will crack.

2. Prepare vegetables: grind carrots with a coarse grater, chop the onion finely.

3. Cut the meat into small, slightly oblong pieces. Season with spices to taste, add salt. We spread in a hot oil in a pan and fry on all sides.

4. We shift the chopped vegetables to the meat and continue to cook stirring occasionally.

5. Having achieved softening and golden coloring of vegetables, we put a tomato diluted with 50 ml of water. We adjust the taste of the sauce with salt and sugar, add red pepper for the spiciness. Leave the meat in the sauce under the lid, over low heat.

6. Not earlier than in ten minutes we put the boiled beans and pour a little remaining broth. Bring to a boil, after which we simmer over low heat for three minutes.

Oven in tomato sauce


• veal or pork tenderloin - kilogram;

• 900 ml of thick tomato puree;

• large onion head;

• eight tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• spices "For meat in the oven."

Cooking method:

1. Cut a pulp with a sharp narrow knife, perpendicular to the fibers into slices, the thickness of a finger. Lightly beat and fry on both sides. We make the fire maximum, and we heat the fat well to quickly brown the meat. Fried pieces are put in a high refractory form.

2. Finely chop the onion, pass it in oil until brightly colored and transfer to the meat.

3. We breed a tomato, pouring 200 ml of cold water to it. Add some spices, stir and pour the meat with this sauce.

4. Place the mold on the wire rack installed in the oven. We cook the meat for 45 minutes, when heated to 180 degrees, then turn the pieces over and stand the same until ready. Check puncture knife or other sharp object.

Meat in tomato sauce: a recipe for tender beef for a slow cooker


• loin of beef - 400 gr.;

• large onion;

• 30 milliliters of oil;

• garlic;

• thick tomato - 50 gr.;

• a spoon of medium-acute adjika;

• 30 gr. white flour;

• five branches of parsley;

• a mixture of ground aromatic peppers.

Cooking method:

1. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl, select the frying option on the panel of the device.

2. Cut dried beef into small pieces of arbitrary shape. Dip the meat into the bowl as soon as the oil warms up well.

3. Fry the beef, stirring occasionally, and add finely chopped onion, chopped garlic. Stir everything well and pour water into the meat. For two hours we transfer the mode to "Extinguishing" earlier and close the lid.

4. After half the time, add a mixture of tomato, flour and adjika to the meat. Season with a mixture of peppers, add, carefully mix everything. Five minutes before completion, introduce finely chopped parsley.

Meat in tomato sauce with vegetables


• medium-sized eggplants, fresh - 450 gr.;

• a pound of meat (pulp);

• 300 gr. sweet pepper;

• one large carrot;

• 200 grams of bitter onions;

• chopped basil, black pepper, crushed coriander - 1/4 tsp each;

• 150 ml of rich broth;

• one and a half tablespoons of tomato or two fresh tomatoes;

• sunflower oil;

• dried dill.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the eggplants, cut them into semicircles of a centimeter thickness and lower them into salted water. On top, so as not to pop up, cover with a plate and stand for half an hour. We wash the vegetables well and put them on a sieve.

2. Cut the eggplant into wide strips, carrot into quarters of the rings, and onion into slices of your choice.

3. In oil in a deep saucepan, fry the meat, then add vegetables to it and cook over medium heat for three minutes. Pour water, close the lid, stew meat with vegetables over low heat until the meat is ready.

4. Put tomato or grated pulp of tomatoes in a saucepan, mix. If necessary, add broth or water.

5. Add the slightly squeezed eggplant and chopped pepper to the meat. Season with black pepper, add dried dill, add salt and stew eggplant until softened.

Meat in tomato sauce - cooking features and recommendations

• The finished dish will look neater if the meat is cut into slices of the same thickness and size.

• Before dipping the meat into boiling oil, dry it well with a towel, otherwise the hot fat will splatter when it comes into contact with wet pulp.

• For density, add flour or starch to a diluted tomato, you can simply roll pieces of pulp in flour before frying.

• Use spices, garlic, fresh or dried dill, spices. They will improve the taste of the dish and saturate it with their aroma.

• It is not necessary to add fresh herbs to the prepared dish; you can sprinkle it upon serving.

• The simplest meat dish in tomato. It will take meat, tomatoes, salt, oil. Heat oil in a pot, fry chopped meat in two or three portions. Fill the pot with a third of chopped tomatoes, put the meat slices, on top of them to the top another layer of tomatoes. Salt, cover tightly, put on the weakest fire for two hours. Check the readiness of the dish, and mix it, add to the norm, add crushed garlic and black pepper. The fresher and more natural products - the tastier the food will turn out!


Watch the video: The BEST Baked Meatballs! (June 2024).