Vitamins for the growth of children: which affect the growth and development of the child. What kind of vitamins for growth do children need to add to their nutrition?


Vitamins are an important part of the nutrients that are ingested daily with food. They are necessary for everyone, regardless of age, physical condition or any other factors.

Children need vitamins in the first place, because they are very active and are in a state of constant growth. Therefore, the intake of vitamins for the growth of children in combination with minerals is necessary in each age category.

Are additional vitamins necessary for the growth of children

Under modern environmental conditions, the intake of vitamins with food does not overlap their daily requirements, even in perfectly healthy and physically well-developed children. This is due to many factors: ecology, product quality (their long shelf life due to pasteurization, sterilization, other types of food processing), possible existing diseases or disorders in the body, as a result of which the absorption and assimilation of necessary substances slows down.

Children who receive enough vitamins necessary for their age, feel energetic, they are less susceptible to infections, they are sick much less often than their peers. Vitamins for the growth of children are very important for their physical development, and for mental and psychological.

Only 2% of people, according to statistics, have achieved genetically programmed growth. There is no specific vitamin responsible for body height. But there are certain vitamin preparations that contribute to the rapid and effective development of the body, and their use helps to achieve approximately "programmed" genetic growth.

Bone growth mechanism

An intensive increase in growth lasts up to 25 years: at the ends of bones (pineal glands), new osteoblasts are formed - growth cells. After 25 years, these growth zones "close" - the formation of osteoblasts in the pineal glands stops. This process is most pronounced in the first year of life, from 4 to 5 and from 14 to 15 years. In these intervals, the intake of vitamins for the growth of children will have the most pronounced effect: bones and muscle mass will actively grow. This process is activated by a special "growth hormone" - somatotropin.

At different periods, the body needs the same vitamins for the growth of children. The determining factor is the dosage, amount and ratio of vitamins and minerals. It is difficult to independently select the optimal dose - this is the prerogative of the doctor.

Essential Vitamins for Children

The main vitamins for the growth of children include A, D3. The rest (E, C, K, B vitamins) are auxiliary.

Bone Retinol

The most important for stimulating the growth of a child at any age is vitamin A - retinol:

• activates the synthesis of osteoblasts;

• starts the process and mineralization;

• participates in the formation of collagen of the skin and cartilage;

• strengthens ligaments and muscles.

Thus, it activates bone growth and mineralization of new areas. This is one of the main drugs for the prevention of rickets.

In addition, retinol preserves vision, correct color perception. Its overdose is dangerous for the child's body. An excess of vitamin A accumulates in the liver and its further intake increases the vitamin content in the body even more. This is manifested in a single overdose of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness. With chronic administration of high doses of the drug, dryness, itching and peeling of the skin, loss of appetite, weakness, fatigue, dizziness, various disorders of the nervous system appear. Retinol interacts closely with other fat-soluble vitamins - D, E, K, as well as with water-soluble vitamin C.


Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) promotes the absorption of calcium and magnesium, this is the No. 1 remedy for the prevention of rickets. It activates the formation of osteoblasts, from which a full-fledged area of ​​bone is formed due to the rapid absorption of calcium.

As a result of daily exposure to direct sunlight for at least 20 minutes, a sufficient amount of vitamin D is synthesized in the skin. An overdose is the result of a long stay in the sun or in a solarium while taking the vitamin inside. In such cases, hypervitaminosis D is manifested by the possible formation of kidney stones, calcifications in soft tissues, and ossification of the pineal gland. It is also maximally found in fatty varieties of fish and cod liver. Since the vitamin is absorbed in the presence of calcium and itself contributes to the absorption of this element, the clinical picture of hypovitaminosis is manifested by symptoms of calcium deficiency: fractures, the development of osteoporosis, growth retardation, bone osteomalacia (softening and, therefore, curvature), in rare cases now - signs rickets. With a lack of cholecalciferol, teeth, nails, and hair also suffer. The growth of the child is slowed down.

It is contained in balanced effective preparations: Vitrum Calcium D3 forte, Complivit Calcium D3 forte, Vitrum Osteomag, Vitrum Calcemin advance, Vitrum Kids, Elkar.


Vitamin E (tocopherol), as a powerful antioxidant, blocks free radicals and protects vitamins A, C, erythrocytes, which directly stimulate bone growth, as well as bone cells from destruction, from destruction. It is an auxiliary vitamin for the growth of children. Independently does not affect bone growth.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is involved in the regeneration of the skeleton and musculoskeletal tissue indirectly: it enhances the transfer of vitamins A, D3, E and all substances necessary for bone growth from the intestines to various tissues. Being an antioxidant, strengthens the immune system.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is very unstable to various influences: it decomposes under the influence of light, heat, oxygen. Therefore, all fruits and vegetables in which it is contained must be consumed unprocessed, since destruction occurs even when preparing freshly squeezed juices: the structure of the compound is disturbed by the mechanical factor. An overdose of the vitamin is manifested by nausea, vomiting, flatulence, bloating, diarrhea. With prolonged chronic overdose, calculi can form in the kidneys and gall bladder.

B vitamins

Group B drugs (from B1 to B12) also belong to vitamins for the growth of children. This is due to their participation in all oxidative reactions. Indirectly, they stimulate the growth of bone and muscle cells, increase physical and mental activity. At the age of 0 - 1, 4 - 5, 13 - 15 years, the child grows most actively. In order for him to achieve the growth defined by hereditary programs, it is during this period that enhanced vitamin therapy is necessary.

1. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) promotes bone growth by improving digestion, absorption of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals in the gastric mucosa, necessary for lengthening bones.

2. Vitamin B2 activates the metabolism, indirectly promoting the growth of the body.

3. Vitamin B6 provides the transmission of impulses to the tissues and cells of all organs, including bones. Regulates the correct construction of the bone structure, ensuring the inclusion of receptors in it, along which nerve impulses will be transmitted in the future.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K, due to a decrease in blood coagulation, improves microcirculation in all tissues, including bone. Strengthening blood circulation in the smallest vessels, it accelerates this and bone growth. Vitamin K is contraindicated in children due to the high risk of bleeding. It depends on their still undeveloped regulatory systems. Therefore, vitamin complexes for the growth of children are selected without vitamin K in them: Vitrum Calcemin, Calcium D3 Classic, Complivit Calcium D3, Unicap Yu.

In addition to these, effective drugs are: Pikovit, AlfaVIT, Multi - Tabs. Any vitamins are medications, they can not be taken uncontrollably. It is unacceptable to take several vitamin preparations simultaneously. A consultation with the pediatrician and strict adherence to the dose, frequency of administration and duration of the course are necessary.


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