Chicken pancakes with mayonnaise - faster than pies! The culinary avant-garde of the third millennium - recipes for chicken fritters with mayonnaise


In the traditional Slavic view, pancakes are fried flour products from sour, unleavened and pastry. So it was many years, maybe even centuries, before the rapid era of urbanization, computerization and the development of technologies that our distant ancestors did not even dream about.

In modern home cooking, new ideas are increasingly appearing on the basis of the immutable culinary classics. From our distant unsettled past, a culinary addiction to all kinds of pastries and a creative way of thinking have been preserved in our genetic memory. For a long time, Russian cuisine was practically isolated from the influence of the culinary traditions of neighboring nations; therefore, it mentally took root in a careful attitude to food products, which took shape due to the severity of the climate. Famous all over the world, Russian pies appeared due to the thrifty attitude to the products left after lunch or dinner: they were wrapped in dough, put in the oven. Most likely, the famous saying appeared: "What is in the oven, swords (serve) on the table."

Modern housewives no longer have a Russian oven, but there are refrigerators in which products are stored, sometimes requiring revision and urgent processing, sometimes you need to quickly prepare a tasty and satisfying dish for the whole family, but, as if on purpose, nothing comes up! The basic concept of modern home cooking: fast, satisfying, tasty, because everyone does not have enough time, and it, time, should remain for relaxation and communication with family, even among women. Fritters fit into this concept, because pies must be sculpted, and this is not fast. But the male composition of the family prefers meat and meat, and pastries - for dessert. But for a long time kneading pancakes and sculpting is not necessary.

From the experience of ancestors, it is known that any filling is combined with the test. Fried meat cannot be spoiled unless, of course, this is done on purpose or through negligence. Mayonnaise supplement is a favorite ingredient of modern housewives, because the universal sauce hides all the oversights. Now all housewives should applaud together the experience of their ancestors, the history of Russian cuisine and the humble inventor of a fritters with meat, who wished to remain anonymous.

It was a prologue to the story of how fritters from meat and all other products appeared. We proceed to the theoretical and practical part of the study of family culinary and will analyze the culinary avant-garde of the third millennium, linking new ideas with old recipes and technologies of Russian cuisine.

Chicken pancakes with mayonnaise - basic technological principles

So, the base of the fritters is batter, or - bulk, as professionals call it.

Its composition must necessarily include flour, eggs. There are two main test options for fritters: fresh and yeast.

Yeast dough can only consist of flour, water and yeast. This is lean dough. But, if we are talking about adding chicken meat and mayonnaise to the dough, then what, really, is the post here? Add eggs and kefir, for splendor and taste. If you prepare a fresh dough for a fritters, then instead of yeast, of course, you will have to add soda or any baking powder for the dough. The liquid base, in this case, can be the same fermented milk products and eggs.

Eggs or kefir and all other sour-milk ingredients are also useful for adding consistency to bulk dough, and their number depends on how much chicken or minced meat you plan to add to the dough for chicken fritters. Of course, it remains to decide which spices and in what quantity to add, but this is - exclusively, a matter of taste. There is only a small secret: sugar is added to the yeast dough to improve the rise, but the meat, when sugar is added to the dish, becomes especially juicy, with a spicy taste. Therefore, a little sugar in the yeast dough for hash browns should, nevertheless, be added.

Mayonnaise can also be used to make dough, but in small quantities to give a special flavor. To combine flour and meat, to create a liquid consistency inherent in bulk dough, mayonnaise may be needed too much, and by itself it will not add splendor to baking, but it will stand out too aggressively due to fats in its composition, salt and vinegar. Therefore, add mayonnaise to the dough, if you want, but little by little, mixing it with other liquid components: sour cream, tomato sauces, mashed vegetables, juices, eggs or water.

Recently, housewives often use vegetables in the preparation of bulk dough for fritters: onions, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, potatoes. Using these ingredients makes excellent, self-contained vegetable dishes. They are served with sour cream or other sauces. Why not use this idea by adding not only mashed potatoes to the dough, but also minced chicken? Great idea! The composition is understandable: everything, or almost everything that is in the refrigerator, can become an ingredient for a fritters.

A few words about the technology for preparing bulk dough. The ideal consistency is one that does not spread in a hot pan, but quickly sets, because the pancakes must have a regular oval or round shape. The dough should resemble thick sour cream. To achieve this consistency, you just need to grind all the products to a puree state, and the proteins will provide the necessary coagulability, which will keep the shape.

Another point: sometimes you want the dish to look unusual, and emphasize the presence of meat ingredients, pieces of vegetables in it. This condition is also fulfilled: make the bulk homogeneous, and add small pieces of meat to the finished dough, or spread them with a spoon into the pancakes, directly in the pan - you will get pancakes with filling.

Pancakes are fried only in well-heated vegetable fat. The frying time depends on the composition of the dough: if it contains raw meat, then the duration of the heat treatment increases, as, for example, for cutlets. If the dough is boiled, stewed or fried, then two or three minutes of frying on both sides are enough.

Hash browns are a wonderful, versatile dish. There is scope for the imagination of modern hostesses.

1. Chicken pancakes with mayonnaise and zucchini


Zucchini, medium 1 pc. (300-350 g)

Egg 1 pc.


Kefir 120 ml

Minced chicken 400 g


Black pepper

Soda 1 ½ tsp

Cooking Oil


Garlic, chopped dill, lemon juice, salad mayonnaise - to taste

Cooking method:

Grate zucchini on a fine grater, or grind to a puree condition using other kitchen equipment available. In the prepared puree, add the egg, kefir, flour. Stir the dough, add the minced meat, mix again and check the consistency. If necessary, add flour or kefir to adjust. Add salt and pepper intuitively.

Pour the vegetable oil into the pan so that the pancakes are half immersed in it. Do not forget that the oil must be warmed up well so that the fat is not absorbed into the product when frying. Pour the dough with a measuring spoon, and fry for 3-4 minutes on each side. Turning to the other side, you can reduce the temperature so that the pancakes are not burnt and well fried. Put the finished pancakes on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

2. Chicken pancakes with boiled filet mayonnaise

Consider the option of cooking meat pancakes from boiled chicken.


Chicken fillet 500 g

Mayonnaise 150 g

Flour 300 g

Tomatoes 300 g

2 eggs

Onion, green 180 g

Spices to taste

Soda 15 g

Sour cream 120 g

Vegetable oil 150 ml

Cooking method:

Peeled and chopped vegetables in a blender bowl, chop until smooth. Add eggs, mayonnaise and sour cream, then flour and spices. Stir, pour finely chopped pieces of chicken. The finished dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream, so if, for example, the tomatoes turned out to be too watery, add flour to achieve the desired density.

Fry the fritters as described in the previous recipe. Serve with sour cream or mayonnaise, or other sauce.

3. Chicken pancakes with raw potato mayonnaise


Potato peeled 400 g

Minced chicken 400 g

2 eggs

Lemon juice 50 ml

Soda 15 g

Flour 300 g

Mayonnaise 100 g


Order of preparation:

Chopped to a puree state, combine potatoes with lemon juice, minced meat, eggs, mayonnaise and flour. Add soda and spices. Fry like regular pancakes.

Serve with sour cream and fresh juicy vegetables, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

4. Chicken pancakes with mayonnaise, mushrooms and cheese


Flour 200 g

Cream cheese 300 g

Fried Mushrooms 150 g

Eggs 3 pcs.

Boiled Chicken Meat 500 g

Mayonnaise 150 g

Sour cream 400 g

Soda 20 g



Put all prepared ingredients in a deep container, grind with a blender to a pasty consistency, similar to thick sour cream. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Put the dough on it with a spoon. Put in a hot oven for 15 minutes. Then take out a baking sheet, grease the pancakes on top with sour cream and brown.

Serve with your favorite sauce and french fries.

5. Chicken pancakes with mayonnaise and garlic


Mayonnaise 200 g

Tomato Paste 75 g

Eggs 3 pcs.


Flour 250 g

Carbonated Water 140 ml

Minced chicken 0.5 kg


Chili and black pepper to taste

Order of preparation:

Combine all the liquid ingredients of the dough with spices, flour and minced meat. Thoroughly beat the mass, adjust the density of the dough to the desired consistency. Fry the pancakes in a pan. When serving, decorate the dish with chopped herbs, cream sauce.

6. Chicken pancakes with mayonnaise and green peas


Smoked breast 400 g

Mayonnaise 200 g

Lemon juice 80 ml

2 eggs

Soda 20 g

Peas, frozen 250 g

Flour 350 g



Mashed potatoes 400 g

Egg 1 pc.

Green sauce - to serve

Order of preparation:

Prepare a liquid mixture of mayonnaise, eggs and lemon juice. Add to it slices of smoked breast, peas, flour, combined with pepper and soda. Stir and fry in a pan until golden brown.

Transfer the pancakes to the prepared pan. Preheat the oven. Add the egg to the mashed potatoes, beat the mass well and put in a pastry bag. Squeeze the mashed potatoes on the pancakes with a slide. Bake by placing the pan on the top shelf until a golden crust appears. Transfer to a dish, pour parsley sauce.

Chicken pancakes with mayonnaise - useful tips

If you doubt that the pancakes were baked from the inside, put them on a baking sheet and hold for 5-7 minutes in a hot oven. At the same time, they can be additionally decorated with grated cheese, sauce, chopped herbs: such a dish will already look worthy on the festive table. You can also resort to this trick when the pancakes have cooled down, having remained after breakfast, and no one will eat cold.

Of course, frying is always associated with the use of vegetable oil. Do not reuse fats in which products have already been fried: in this case, savings can lead to large treatment costs. Remember that when frying, oil acquires carcinogens that are very harmful to the body.


Watch the video: Late Night Food Brawl (June 2024).