Vitamins for women after 30: which are very necessary at this age. Will the effect of pharmacy vitamins for women after 30


30 years is the “golden age”, this is an important stage in a woman’s life, a milestone, after which metabolic processes slow down, and the need for biologically active substances and vitamins grows.

This is the transition of the body to the heyday. If hypovitaminosis occurs in the body during this period of life, this affects the most important functions of the body and the quality of life, causes many physical and psychological problems: the libido decreases, the quality of hair, nails, teeth worsens, the first wrinkles appear.

Therefore, vitamin preparations that must be taken according to indications at this age should include essential vitamins to maintain healthy hair, nails, skin, normal hormonal levels, and accelerate cell recovery.

Essential Vitamins for Women After 30

Essential vitamins for women after 30 are:

• Vitamin A - the best for vision;

• B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B7, B9 - folic acid, B12 - to improve mental state, good memory, and prevention of anemia;

• vitamins E, C - for beauty and youth, maintaining normal immunity;

• Vitamin D3 - to preserve the skeletal system, nails, teeth, hair.

The need for vitamins for women after 30

It is impossible to satisfy the completely daily requirement for the necessary vitamins at this age, if a deficiency of one or more is revealed, only by eating.

Even a full and sufficient diet can not cover the deficiency in vitamin preparations. This is due to the quality of products, when in the city they are eaten at least 2 weeks after they have been collected and most of the vitamins have already been lost, their heat treatment, as well as modern ecology, health status, when even in cases of a normal amount of incoming in the body of vitamins, their absorption and, as a result, the development of a deficiency of vitamins may be impaired.

In addition, all diseases diagnosed between the ages of 40 and 50 develop at the age of 30. Therefore, your health and sensations at this time must be treated with special attention.

If a woman after 30 has children, this means that hormonal changes have already taken place in the body and some functions of the body have begun to deplete. Therefore, weakness, fatigue may disturb, migraines occur if a woman works and is subjected to a large psychoemotional load.

In addition, the lack of vitamins is also noticeable externally: the hair gradually loses its shine, “splits”, falls out, gray hair may appear, the nails are stratified and broken, the skin loses moisture, the first wrinkles appear. This leads to early aging. There are pains in the bones and joints, muscle cramps. But this process can be prevented and slowed down if you notice a change in skin and hair in time, pay attention to the overall health and start taking the missing vitamins.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - without its participation, the formation of the main component of female beautiful and young skin - collagen - does not occur. Thanks to it, the skin is moisturized and softened, the body is cleansed of toxins. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant and prevents the destruction of tissue cells of various organs by active radicals. It helps to increase immunity, takes part in the absorption of iron.

Vitamins A and E

Vitamin A (retinol) together with vitamin E (tocopherol) supports the health and youth of the skin. They moisturize and nourish the skin, help prevent wrinkles, increase its turgor, remove age spots when they appear, associated with the beginning of hormonal changes, protect against acne and psoriasis, participate in cell regeneration. Vitamin E prevents cancer, plays a positive role in childbearing function. With a lack of vitamin E, sexual desire is reduced.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D (calciferol) is a powerful antioxidant. Promotes the absorption of calcium and magnesium, and, therefore, improves the quality of hair, nails, teeth, skin quality. It prevents the development of psoriasis, osteoporosis, softens the course of premenstrual syndrome. A joint intake with calcium improves memory, reduces fatigue, and helps in weight loss.

B vitamins

B vitamins (B2 - riboflavin) increase the number of skin cells, nails, hair, and prevent dry skin. Their deficiency (B6) can provoke the development of acne, early wrinkles, weaken hair and nails, cause stratification of nails. With developing hypovitaminosis (in particular, B1), irritability, poor sleep, increased fatigue, weakness, and disability occur. Depression, decreased memory, concentration, and sleep disturbance may develop. With a deficiency of B9 (folic acid), anemia occurs, various disorders during pregnancy and defects in the development of the fetus.

Effective vitamin complexes for women after 30

There are several types of balanced vitamins for women after 30:

Alphabet Classic and Alphabet Cosmetics - contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary at this age. Take 1 tablet three times a day. For better assimilation and separation of incompatible components, vitamins are presented in tablets of three colors: white (for reception in the morning), blue (in the afternoon), pink (in the evening). They help to fight the first age-related changes, improve complexion, get rid of stratification of nails and their fragility, dry hair, and increase immunity.

Vitrum Beauty - support the immune system, improve the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and the digestive tract, prevent the appearance of first wrinkles and make nails strong, prevent dryness and hair loss.

Duovit - includes 12 vitamins and 15 minerals, is a food supplement. It consists of blue and red tablets with separated vitamins, taken after breakfast. The dose of each of these vitamins is slightly less than the required daily requirement: it is designed to supplement the daily diet and eliminate the shortage of vitamins supplied with food. It supports female beauty, reduces stratification of nails, strengthens hair and removes cut ends, makes skin healthy, prevents osteoporosis, and reduces the likelihood of developing anemia.

Complies - contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. Strengthens the body, helps reduce fatigue, boosts immunity, improves blood flow and metabolism in the body.

Undevit also contains 11 vitamins, have a good effect on stress and increased fatigue, fatigue, designed to combat the first signs of aging. They help to adapt to high mental and physical stress.

The choice of vitamins remains with the woman, but since there are certain contraindications (for example, vitamin E increases blood pressure), individual intolerance is possible, a doctor's consultation is necessary before taking them.

The expected effect of the reception will come if you strictly adhere to the recommendations of a specialist or instructions: observe the multiplicity, take it in the full course, as occasional use of the results will not produce.

The right choice of vitamins guarantees long-term preservation of youth, beauty, vitality and strength.


Watch the video: Vitamins: do you need supplements? (June 2024).