The meaning of the name Fedor, the nature and fate of its owner. What does the name Fedor mean, what are its origin and history?


Fedor is a serious honest name, which in Russia is often called children. The overseas version sounds like Theo, Theodore, Teddy.

The nature and fate of Fedor are related, so the meaning of the name should be given attention to everyone who chooses a name for the child or considers Fedya as a groom. Let's figure out what the name Fedor means and what character endows his owner.

The meaning and origin of the name Fedor

The male name Fedor sounds solid, beautiful, thorough. And all because it came from the ancient Greek word "Theodoros", which means "gift of God", "given by God." The origin and history of the name Fedor is simple and unambiguous. The Greek version remains the first and only.

If you divide the word into parts and translate the Greek roots, you get this:

• "theos", which means "god", "divine", "deity";

• “mature” - “gift”, “gift”.

In the meaning of the name Fedor, some scholars allow variations by translating the word as "messenger of God." Such a version also has a right to exist, especially if one recalls such Orthodox saints as Fyodor Tiron and Fyodor Stratilat.

What character is Fedor endowed with

As a child, Fedor pleases parents with prudence and calm. If a boy is born a melancholy or phlegmatic person, he may seem overly serious and even gloomy. Little Fedor is neat and pedantic. He does not need funny big companies, the boy feels much calmer alone or in the company of his parents. Fedor studies diligently, with teachers in good standing.

The grown Fedor is causing interest among others, because it seems mysterious. It combines kindness and strength, judgment and a creative streak. Talking with Fedor is nice, especially if you belong to the category of friends and good acquaintances. For those whom he considers friends, this person is able to turn mountains.

Those who know what the name Fedor means are not surprised at the solidity, energy, and intelligence of this person. He is reliable, practical, organized, he has enough strength to realize all his goals. If something is needed by him or a loved one, he will achieve his pressure and will not give up in adverse circumstances.

Among the unpleasant features of Fedor-misanthrope are grouchiness, irritability, eternal discontent with the world, stubbornness, suspiciousness. If these features begin to outweigh the usual friendliness, then in old age Fedor can remain completely alone. This person is characterized by thrift, which can develop into stinginess. Fedor does not like to spend, but knows how to earn.

Defending justice, Fedor can go too far and be cruel, especially if his dignity and honor are at stake. At the same time, he often shows kindness, philanthropy, knows how to make friends and correctly evaluate people. Fedor, unlike many men, feels people well at the level of intuition, and most importantly, he knows how to listen and draw conclusions. Friends can always count on his help and good advice.

The fate of Fedor

In the meaning of the name Fedor, the concept of "gift" plays a special role. This person becomes a real gift for someone who is sincerely in love. A man marries late, hasty romance and random children does not start and generally differs in cleanliness in relations. Intimacy without love is not for him.

The nature and fate of Fedor reflects the idea of ​​nepotism. He treats marriage with respect, he does not change his wife, because he loves her. There are usually no love dramas and divorces in Fedor's life. Responsible in everything, he has been looking for the other half for a long time and is not going to leave her. The ideal wife of Fyodor the complaisant, is able to endure his rare temper, is wise in a woman, smart.

Fedor likes homeliness, and he strives to support him in every possible way. His hands are golden, so at home everything will always be in perfect order: knives, doors, cranes, etc. But he does not really know how to play with children, although he loves them. Therefore, the children of Fedor can always count on the help of the father, but hardly on the joint entertainment leisure. The maximum that can be obtained from such a father is soundly made toys in childhood and guaranteed assistance in adulthood.

Profession Fedor

The industrious, persistent, judicious Fedor naturally possesses a technical mentality. However, many famous people with this name have achieved success in creativity.

This person knows how to obey, fulfills all the requirements of his superiors, does not really like to lead a team. He is much more comfortable working alone than trying to lead people. However, if you entrust Fedor with a serious project, he will do the job perfectly and prove himself to be a true leader.

He can achieve a lot in any business, provides a family completely, often achieves a high position in society. He establishes strong working relationships with colleagues, rarely conflicts, but does not make friends, preferring not to mix personal life and working relationships.

The origin and history of the name of Fedor is directly related to the royal dynasties. In Russia, this is Fedor III Alekseevich, Fedor Ioannovich, Fedor II Borisovich.

Famous people named Fedor:

• Fedor Dostoevsky, writer;

• Fedor Tyutchev, poet;

• Fedor Ushakov, admiral;

• Fedor Glinka, publicist, Decembrist;

• Fedor Chaliapin, singer;

• Fedor Emelianenko, athlete, wrestler;

• Fedor Konyukhov, traveler;

• Fedor Bondarchuk, actor, producer;

• Fedor Dobronravov, actor;

• Theodore Roosevelt, 25th President of the United States.

Name compatibility

Fedor will have a strong marriage with Anfisa, Galina, Veronika, Valeria, Elena, Svetlana, Nadezhda, Zinaida, Nina, Olesya, Tatyana, Oksana, Tamara, Karina, Natalya, Lily, Rosa.

Fedor should not connect his life with Vasilisa, Ekaterina, Violetta, Vera, Inna, Kira, Maria, Lydia, Raisa, Inga, Taisia, Inna, Venus, Alsu, Edita, Lyudmila, Marina.


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