Meatballs in tomato sauce: step by step recipes, cooking secrets. A hearty whip dinner - meatball recipes in tomato sauce of meat and chicken


A lot of various dishes can be prepared from minced meat, the simple recipes of meatballs, meatballs, meatballs are especially popular among housewives: they are easy to prepare, very satisfying and tasty, can be served as an independent dish or as the basis for any side dish. Consider the options for cooking meatballs in tomato sauce, thanks to the gravy, the meat balls are especially tasty and soft.

Step-by-step recipe for meatballs in tomato sauce - general principles

First of all, it is necessary to check the availability of products necessary for the preparation of meatballs and prepare them.

• Stuffing. It can be prepared from pork, beef, poultry, lamb. Tasty meatballs are obtained from mixed minced meat, where two or even three types of meat are used. To taste, add onion, garlic, spices, salt to the minced meat. So that the meatballs during frying or baking do not fall apart, it is important to thoroughly knead the mass, put it in the refrigerator for several minutes.

• Fig. Use cereals at will. If added, then it is pre-boiled until half-cooked, then washed and laid out in previously prepared minced meat. Often rice is replaced with buckwheat.

• Tomato sauce. It can be prepared on the basis of pasta, juice, fresh tomatoes. Greens, spices, herbs are often put in the sauce for taste. To make the dish more satisfying, add all kinds of vegetables, mushrooms.

1. Meatballs in tomato sauce: a step by step recipe


• ground beef - one handful;

• minced pork - 2.5 handfuls;

• two medium tomatoes;

• 100 grams of sour cream and tomato puree;

• one glass of purified water;

• seasoning, freshly ground black pepper - twenty grams each;

• salt - ten grams;

• one egg;

• ground basil - 15 grams;

• three large spoons of vegetable oil;

• five sprigs of parsley for serving.

And to make the meatballs with an unusual piquant taste, add the head of onions and any mushrooms, such as pickled champignons, boiled chanterelles or others, to the minced meat.

Cooking method:

1. If you are adding dry mushrooms to the stuffing, then a few hours before cooking the meatballs in tomato sauce, wash them with cold water and soak for 2-3 hours, then boil them for twenty minutes in the water in which you soaked them. When using a pickled product, it is enough to open a jar and drain the liquid.

2. Onion, peel, wash and cut into small crumbs. Grind the mushrooms in arbitrary pieces. Put everything in a pan, pour in vegetable oil, fry for about five minutes, transfer to a separate plate to cool.

3. Mix the prepared ground beef with pork. You can also use purely beef or purely pork mincemeat, but from the mixed mass the meatballs are more tender and juicier. Break the egg into the minced meat, add the fried mushrooms with onions, salt a little, add any seasoning, a pinch of ground basil, black pepper, mix everything well, beat it a little on the table to make the finished meatballs soft.

4. From the minced meat, form balls with a diameter of three centimeters, put them on a cutting board and put in the refrigerator for ten minutes to grip slightly.

5. Meanwhile, prepare the tomato sauce: wash the fresh tomatoes, soak them for three minutes in hot water, peel off, chop on a fine grater or beat in a blender.

6. Dilute the tomato puree with a small amount of cold water, add the pulp from the tomato, sour cream, salt, and mix thoroughly with a spoon.

7. Pour the cooked tomato sauce into a deep metal container, put it on the stove, adjust the medium heat, wait for the sauce to boil, and put the cooled meatballs in it.

8. Pour some more ground basil, close the container with a lid and simmer, after surfacing the meatballs, thirty minutes.

9. Put the prepared meatballs on plates several pieces per serving, next to which you can put any side dish, for example, boiled potatoes, rice, buckwheat or another. Pour the meatballs and side dish with the tomato sauce remaining in the pan, sprinkle with chopped parsley.

2. Meatballs in tomato sauce: a step by step recipe with vegetables


• minced pork and beef - four handfuls;

• onion - two heads;

• one carrot;

• one bell pepper;

• tomato puree - 30 grams;

• medium fat sour cream - 30 grams;

• sugar - 20 grams;

• long-grain rice groats - half a glass;

• sunflower oil - 30 ml to lubricate the container;

• boiled water - one glass in the sauce;

• seasoning for vegetables or meat, salt, ground pepper, ground - 20 grams each;

• dried ground celery, dill - 10 grams each;

• for dipping meatballs: semolina - 130 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Before cooking meatballs in tomato sauce with vegetables, cook rice groats. Pre-sort it, if there is any garbage, rinse it with running water several times, fill it with clean water and cook first on high heat until it boils, and then on low until half-cooked. Keep in mind that there should be enough water, you should not make porridge.

2. If you have minced meat, then defrost, mix well. If you cook the stuffing yourself, wash the meat, clean from excess fat and films, twist a couple of times in a meat grinder. Transfer the prepared meat mass to a deep bowl.

3. Two onions, peel, wash, cut into slices and chop in a meat grinder, put in minced meat.

4. Pour pepper, any seasoning, salt slightly, add celery and dried dill.

5. Rice grits after cooking, rinse in a colander to cool and relieve gluten, transfer to minced meat.

6. Peel the carrots, wash, chop on a grater with large teeth, wash the bell pepper, cut the stem, remove the seeds, also chop, put everything into minced meat and mix thoroughly with your hands.

7. Slightly beat the minced meat on the table and form balls with slightly moistened hands in water.

8. Pour semolina into a flat plate and roll the formed meatballs on both sides in it, put them in a cast-iron deep container. Pre-lubricate the container with sunflower oil.

9. Prepare the sauce: put the tomato puree in a small cup (if you do not have tomato puree, you can use tomato juice, the taste of the sauce will not change). Pour sugar, salt, stir well. Pour in a puree a small amount of boiled chilled water, stir until a homogeneous, thick mass. Add sour cream to the mass, stir again.

10. Pour the meatballs with sauce, place the container in a hot oven, simmer a little more than half an hour at not very high temperature. Do not set the temperature very high, as water can boil away quickly, and meatballs will not boil.

11. At the end of this time, remove the container with meatballs from the oven and immediately put them on a serving plate, several pieces per serving, put the boiled wheat porridge next to it, sprinkle with herbs, pour over the sauce.

3. Chicken meatballs in tomato sauce: a step by step recipe


• chicken breast weighing 800 grams;

• long-grain rice - two hundred grams;

• onion head;

• one egg;

• tomato puree - two tablespoons;

• 20 grams of salt and ground black pepper;

• sunflower oil - half a glass for frying meatballs;

• three small slices of white bread;

• milk - half a glass;

• parsley, dill - three branches each.

To prepare the sauce, you can use ready-made tomato paste mixed with water, herbs and spices, tomato juice. You can also twist peeled fresh tomatoes.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the chicken breast, peel off, separate the fillet from the bones. Throw away the bones, and chop the pulp in a meat grinder, put in a deep cup.

2. Rinse the rice, fill it with clean water and put on a strong fire, wait for the liquid to boil, then reduce the heat and boil until half cooked. Rinse the finished rice in a colander with cold water.

3. Add the egg to the minced chicken, add salt, pepper, optionally add some seasonings, dried herbs, mix well.

4. Put rice in minced meat, mix again.

5. Soak white bread in milk, squeeze and put in minced meat, mix. Instead of bread, you can take a white loaf.

6. From the minced meat, form small meatballs, put them in a vegetable oil heated in a pan and fry for three minutes on each side.

7. In a separate cup, dilute the tomato puree with cold boiled water, pour in a little salt, stir.

8. Put meatballs in a deep thick-walled pan or in a cauldron, pour with diluted tomato until completely covered. If the sauce is small, add more boiled water.

9. Stew meatballs by setting a moderate fire, a little less than half an hour.

10. Serve chicken meatballs on portioned plates, next to boiled pasta or some porridge, for example, wheat, buckwheat, rice, optionally put a salad of any fresh vegetables in a salad bowl. Do not forget to pour meatballs with sauce and garnish with fresh parsley and dill.

Step-by-step recipe for meatballs in tomato sauce - tricks

• Meatballs turn out to be tasty if they are not immediately laid out in the sauce, and previously fry in heated vegetable oil from all sides for 2-3 minutes.

• To make the sauce especially tasty, delicate, with a light creamy taste, add 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream to the gravy.

• If you add a tablespoon of flour or starch to the tomato sauce, it will turn out to be thick.

• Ready-made meatballs can be sprinkled with grated cheese and baked in the oven for five minutes.


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