Korzhiki in accordance with GOST - a delicious memory of childhood. Technology and assortment of crusts according to GOST in old recipes from the times of the USSR


People of the older generation remember the pastries that were served to children for breakfast in school canteens and sold in every buffet of Soviet catering. It's not just nostalgia, because those items were really very tasty. What was added to the crust dough, and what was the secret of that technology? Until now, housewives are looking for the answer to this question on the "open spaces of the world wide web."

Korzhiki in accordance with GOST - the basic technological principles

The answer to this question has been preserved in technological maps and recipes of Soviet textbooks for catering enterprises and university students, in old editions. Do not forget that GOST is not a constant value. The quality standard has changed repeatedly, adapting to the current conditions of the market economy, the range of products that are part of the ingredients for baking, and the new quality standards of these ingredients.

Most of all, you need to pay attention to what you do not need to add to crusts, rolls and other types of flour products to get that unforgettable taste. Indeed, the quality of the flour has not undergone significant changes, and sugar and all other components of the sweet dough remained unchanged.

But in the conditions of the market, when you need to do faster, more and cheaper at cost in order to get maximum profit, manufacturers rarely think about the standards at which the "soviet" generation has grown. All kinds of powders and solutions are added to the cakes: to enhance the taste, to increase the shelf life, for an attractive appearance, to reduce the cooking time and save energy.

At home, these components of success in the bakery and confectionery market can be frankly neglected. All you need is to pick up natural products, as in the good old days, when “powdered milk” was still under development, and “create” the dough for the best crusts in the history of “sweet craft”.

After all, in the old days, dough was "made" in Russia, and not loaded into bunkers with various inedible additives, and in school canteens, cakes were made in small batches, according to the number of students. Nobody even heard about various additives in those days, and the quality standards of products were the same for children and adults - the best and unchanged, because the requirements of GOST in those days did not occur to anyone to change to the conditions of the capitalist market - they were unchanged, practically, with day of foundation.

That's the whole secret of delicious technology!

Now a little about the assortment before moving on to recipes. If we talk about crusts, we must admit that dairy crusts were the most common, and few know about the existence of almond, cottage cheese, sour cream, poppy, honey or cinnamon products that were no less tasty. Just milk cakes were the standard of taste for Soviet citizens, the most popular sweet product.

But the technological maps have been preserved, and you can try to bake cakes according to Soviet GOST and to taste immediately after reading the article. Fortunately, no special ingredients are required for this.

The basis of shortcakes of any kind is gingerbread dough, which is prepared raw and choux, with and without the addition of additional ingredients: cinnamon, honey, poppy seeds and so on. Read on how to cook gingerbread dough in recipes.

1. Dairy cakes in accordance with GOST


Flour (1 s.) 425 g (25 g - for heat, including)

Sugar 215 g

Milk 80 ml

Vanillin 4 g

Margarine 100 g

Baking soda 2 g

Ammonium 4 g

½ egg (one yolk)

Yield: 10 products of 75 g

Cooking technology (raw method):

Dissolve sugar in hot milk, bring the milk syrup to a boil. After cooling it to 20 ° C, add margarine, egg yolk, vanillin.

Sift flour onto a work surface, separate a tablespoon for rolling and forming semi-finished products. Combine the main part with a baking powder, mix and form a funnel. Pour the prepared liquid into the recess. Knead the dough until smooth. Cover with a film and leave for half an hour.

Roll the formation, 7-10 mm thick, sprinkling its surface with flour. Using a serrated notch, cut circles with a diameter of 9.5 cm.

Grease a baking sheet with fat, put products on it, at a distance of at least 2.5 cm from each other. In the process of baking, the cakes will rise and increase in volume, but their mass will slightly decrease (by 10-12%). Put the baking sheet in the oven, heated to 190-200 ° C.

2. Sugar cakes in accordance with GOST


Molasses (or invert syrup) 50 g

Sugar 170 g + 50 g (for sprinkling products)

Flour 475 g (30 g - for dust, including)

Ammonium and baking soda - 2 g each

Crystal vanillin 4 g

Butter (or margarine) 35 g

Water 100 ml

Yield: 10 crusts of 75 g each

Cooking Technology:

Prepare the dough as described in the previous recipe, combining the liquid and dry ingredients separately, and then together. Soak the dough for a while under the film to give ductility.

Sprinkle flour on the table and start forming products. Take a relief rolling pin to give the crusts a beautiful appearance, and so that the sugar that decorates the finished products does not crumble from the surface of the crusts. If such a rolling pin is not available, use a fork: gently press the teeth to the surface of the semi-finished products, squeezing out the patterns - the "Christmas tree", horizontal and vertical stripes, squares.

Sugar cakes are baked in the same way as dairy, at the same temperature. Sprinkle with sugar when the crusts are slightly cooled so that the sugar does not completely dissolve. But remember that he will not stick to barely warm cakes. To make this operation easier, coat the hot cakes with syrup on top using a silicone brush, and then sprinkle with sugar.

3. Honey cake with nuts in accordance with GOST


Roasted peanuts (crumbs) 80 g

Honey 70 g

Sugar 150 g

Water 110 ml

Vanillin 2 g

First grade flour, wheat 525 g (including -75 g per heat)

Baking powder (baking soda) 4 g

Butter 40 g

Egg 1 pc.

Output: 10pcs 80 g each

Cooking technology (custard method):

Combine honey and sugar with water, mix and heat until sugar is completely dissolved. The heating temperature should not exceed 75 ° C. Strain the transparent syrup through a sieve, pour into the dough bowl, slightly cooling (by 5-6 ° С), sifting half of the prepared flour into the bowl with syrup, while mixing the mixture. Knead the dough quickly, for 10-12 minutes, so that it does not have time to cool too much.

Pound the yolk with butter, add the second part of the flour, leaving 50 g per rolling, and combine both parts of the dough, cooling the custard dough to 25 ° C.

Knead the dough for 20-30 minutes, until a homogeneous and soft consistency is obtained. Sprinkle the surface of the table, rolling pin and recesses with flour so that the dough does not stick, and the products retain their shape. Grease a baking sheet with grease mixed with water. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.

Roll the formation (8-10 mm). Cut oblong or oval dentate cakes. Place on a baking sheet. Using a brush, grease the surface of the semi-finished products with a beaten egg, sprinkle with chopped nuts. Bake for 10-12 minutes. After baking, grease hot items with syrup to add shine.

4. Sugar shortcakes from shortcrust pastry with saffron according to GOST

The crumbly texture of shortbread shortbread also finds its fans. Try making shortbread cakes.


Premium wheat flour 455 g + 25 g (for dusting) + 60 g (for crumbs)

Sugar 150 g + 75 g (for sprinkling)

Margarine 110 g + 30 g (for crumbs)

Eggs, canteens 3 pcs. + ½ pcs. (yolk for greasing)

Vanillin 1.5 g

Saffron 1 g

Vodka (cognac, rum or alcohol) 20 ml

Baking powder 4 g

Output: 10pcs 75 g each

Cooking Technology:

Dissolve saffron in alcohol. Mash butter or margarine with white sugar. Sift the flour, and in the part that is intended for kneading dough, add baking powder, vanilla. Separate the part into the dust, and chop 50 g with a frozen piece of butter until crumbs are obtained. Combine the crumbs with sugar (75 g), mix and put in the cold for a while.

Pour the main part of the flour onto the desktop, collect it with a slide and make a depression. Pour saffron, dissolved in alcohol, put butter, beaten with sugar, eggs. Knead the dough, quickly roll it into a layer of standard size, square shape. Slice in the form of triangles.

Transfer the semi-finished products onto a sheet sprinkled with flour, bake in a preheated oven at 200 - 220 ° C, 7-8 minutes. Before putting it into the oven, use a fork to make the cakes or make notches with a knife so that the products do not deform during baking.

Cool the hot cakes slightly, grease with a beaten egg, sprinkle with crumbs.

5. Korzhiki in accordance with GOST - gingerbread with icing and sugar powder (special recipe)

Having trained in making shortcakes using simple recipes, you can begin to manufacture more refined pieces of gingerbread dough. To do this, you need to master the technology of glaze preparation.


Dough - according to the recipe No. 1

In addition, ginger (fresh root) 25 g

For glaze:

Egg white 60 g (2 pcs.)

Powdered sugar, finely divided 120 g

Sugar, decorative 50 g

Lemon zest 10 g

Lemon juice 25 ml

Cooking Technology:

Add finely grated ginger root to the dough prepared according to the first recipe. Bake products as described in the same recipe, forming semi-finished products of smaller diameter. They can be cut using curly notches for cookies.

After baking, place the gingerbread on the parchment sheet, cool.

To prepare the protein glaze, cool the egg whites in the refrigerator, pour into a dry and clean bowl of the mixer. Beat until stable foam, gradually adding powder. To add shine, pour in lemon juice, for aroma - add fresh lemon zest, which will go well with the ginger smell of the mats.

Leave the icing on the table, covering with a film for 15 minutes. You can apply it to the surface of the mats with a brush, or dipping the product with the upper side of the product, and then turning it over and putting them on a parchment sheet. While the icing is not frozen, sprinkle the surface of the items with "colored sugar."

So that the glaze dries faster, the cakes can be placed in the oven for 10-15 minutes, held at a temperature of 45-50 ° C.

6. Korzhiki in accordance with GOST - sour cream

Another delicious memory of the school - crusts on sour cream.


Sugar 120 g

Eggs 2 1/2 pcs.

Butter (or cream margarine) 200 g

Vanillin 4 g

Soda 6 g

Sour cream 180 g

Flour 560 g

Cooking Technology:

Sift flour, combine it with vanilla and baking powder. In a bowl with flour, make a recess. Beat the eggs with sugar and sour cream, combine the liquid and dry mixture, add the melted butter. Knead the dough, leave it covered with a film for at least half an hour: you need the soda to react with sour cream - then the crusts will be lush. Transfer the dough container to the refrigerator for a while.

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Roll out the dough and form round cakes, 1 cm thick and 9 cm in diameter. Put them on a sheet greased and sprinkled with flour. Brush the cakes with a beaten egg. Bake for 10-12 minutes. Grease finished products again with an egg to give shine.

Korzhiki in accordance with GOST - useful tips and tricks

For gingerbread dough, low-gluten flour is used. First grade wheat flour cakes retain freshness for longer, and the consistency of finished products meets the requirements for gingerbread dough. Premium wheat flour for gingerbread dough is combined in equal parts with oat or rye flour for making cakes, mats or gingerbread according to special recipes.

Burnt sugar gives the cake a characteristic taste and aroma, a pleasant golden yellow color. Add this secret ingredient to the crust dough by dissolving part of the sugar prepared for the dough in a dry and hot pan.

In order for gingerbread dough products to have a characteristic consistency, sugar must be dissolved in a liquid, or part of it should be replaced with honey, molasses, invert syrup.

So that sugar syrup does not crystallize during cooking and does not burn, cook it in a water bath, be sure to cover it. Sugar syrup is boiled to half the volume, combining sugar and water in equal proportions. At the end of cooking, add a few drops of lemon juice or a few crystals of citric acid. This is a recipe for invert syrup (artificial honey).


Watch the video: Geröstete Mehlsuppe - Basler Mehlsuppe - Anleitung (June 2024).