Cactus in the house: signs and superstitions, energetic effusion. Is it useful to keep cacti in the house where they are best placed


They say that if a cactus stands for 10 years near a computer, then it will be able to give out wi-fi. This, of course, is a joke. The people will accept many and superstitions associated with cacti.

The cactus is unpretentious in leaving, for which rather busy persons love it. But some signs indicate not only the positive, but also the negative sides of this seemingly almost harmless flower.

About whether it is worth keeping a cactus in the house will help to understand the signs collected by the ancestors about this amazing flower.

Cactus - Protection Against Negativity

It is believed that plants endowed with spikes or thorns have a number of protective magical properties. That is why many people put cacti near the workplace, where energy is actively circulating.

It is believed that the power of a cactus is able to absorb negative information coming through calls and certain sites on the Internet. Also, the plant can protect against unwanted phone calls or help overcome one or another attachment if you want to pick up the phone and call your mother or ex-man too often for no reason.

Cactus, as a similar talisman, has become especially popular in recent years, the popularity of computers and phones, as working tools of modern man.

Cactus - Energy Vampire

However, the ancestors considered the cactus not only an information advocate. It was believed that if you put the cactus on the doorstep, you can protect the house from uninvited guests or those cases when a family member comes to a person who constantly provokes conflicts.

You can protect yourself from such negative people by placing a cactus in the hallway or on the windowsill.

The plant is considered a kind of energy vampire, but on the positive side.

The fact is that in order to maintain life, a cactus needs negative energy, which the plant readily absorbs. Therefore, many complain that cacti do not take root in the house, but there is no reason for sadness in this case. If the plants do not take root, it means that there is no negative energy in the apartment, or there is, but it is too little to feed the plant.

Cactus can destroy a family?

However, in addition to energy protective properties, the cactus was considered a destroyer of family relationships. Therefore, it is not recommended to be placed in a strong and prosperous family, as well as mothers of unmarried girls. A flowering plant does not always predict enhanced protection, often a cactus thus warns against drunkenness in the family. The larger the flower, the greater the chance that the older man in the house will soon reach for alcohol.

Well, now - decide for yourself whether it is worth getting a cactus in the house.


Watch the video: 5 COMMON MISTAKES IN CACTUS CARE (July 2024).