Folk recipes for face masks made from raw potatoes at home. Useful properties of potatoes in a home beauty salon


Modern standards of beauty and grooming of a female face do not allow the presence of age spots, traces of peeling, pimples or a dull shade of the skin of the face. Often these problems occur in women of Balzac age or during the last trimester of pregnancy - during a period of decreased protective functions of the immune system. Using a banal mask of raw potatoes for the face at home, you can significantly reduce these unpleasant manifestations and or eliminate them completely.

Cosmetic and healing properties of raw potato root crops

Fresh potato tubers are actively used in traditional medicine recipes and are rightly considered a vitamin storeroom. The composition of the pulp of the root of the potato contains the following plant pigments, trace elements, amino acids and nutrients:

Vitamin K (phylloquinone) - lightens freckles and hyperpigmentation and has anti-inflammatory (soothing) properties;

· Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - a strong antioxidant that stimulates cellular metabolism in the epidermis (outer layer of the skin);

· Choline (vitamin B group) - promotes the generation of its own collagen, which forms the intercellular space in the skin tissue, provides elasticity and tightening of the face contour;

· Vegetable proteins that nourish the skin with natural nutritional components necessary for constant renewal of facial skin;

· Lutein - a plant pigment that moisturizes and softens the skin, has a protective function against aggressive ultraviolet radiation. This trace element can provide prophylaxis for skin oncology.

Rules for making a mask of raw potatoes at home

It is necessary to know and take into account the quality features of potato root crops, which are selected for the preparation of medicinal mixtures. Sprouted potatoes or tubers with green peels are very dangerous, as greens are a sign of harmful solanine.

Flawless fresh quality tubers are recommended to be rubbed on a fine plastic grater. Shredded vegetable can not be mixed with other ingredients in aluminum or copper utensils, in which fresh gruel quickly oxidizes and loses its healing properties. For the preparation of the recipe mixture, glass or porcelain bowls are suitable, which do not have a harmful effect on the prepared mass.

Contraindications to the use of a mask of raw potatoes at home

Useful anti-aging and refreshing home procedures from raw potato mass have contraindications:

· Rashes of herpes;

· allergic reaction;

Acute dermatological diseases;

· Damage to the surface of the skin;

Functional disorders of the blood vessels (redness);

Rosacea (vascular network).

Homemade Raw Potato Mask for Eyelid Care

The most delicate skin of the eyelids undergoes stretching, rapid thinning and darkening, which significantly reduces the healthy appearance and overall aesthetic appeal of the face. It is necessary to periodically strengthen the subcutaneous circular muscle framing the eye - for this it will be useful to apply an affordable vegetable of everyday use - potatoes.

In the evening, at the end of the day, you need to nourish tired eyes and eyelids. To do this, apply the gruel of the simplest composition (grated tuber mixed with cream) to the eyelids, lie down for twelve to fifteen minutes, and then rinse off the makeshift cosmetic mask with cool water. For convenience, the product can be wrapped in gauze - vegetable juice will not spread. Then apply a special cream for the eyelids. The swelling of the eyelids will disappear, and a healthy glow will appear in the eyes.

Experienced specialists recommend stitching special gauze bags for eyelid care - they contain the active substance (in this case, raw potato puree). It will be comfortable to use, useful and aesthetically pleasing. In addition, the bags are useful for reusable use in an impromptu home beauty salon.

Acne (acne) treatment and activation of tired skin

Potato and apple gruel are mixed in a proportion of 60% and 40%, a teaspoon (with a slide) of baking soda is added. The composition is applied with a wooden spatula to problem areas of the skin for ten minutes, then washed off. Such a mask is quite aggressive, as it is saturated with fruit acid, therefore, attention is required to the period of action in order to avoid the appearance of further skin irritation.

After applying the biologically active apple and potato mass, acne pimples dry out quickly enough and disappear - as the mixture is a powerful antibacterial agent. The therapeutic effect of this remedy is enhanced if you steam the skin first, holding your face over a hot bath with the addition of traditional pharmacy herbs: chamomile or calendula.

Softening and whitening potato mask

The simplest and most affordable tool that can be quickly prepared from improvised raw materials - a mask of raw potatoes at home - is a primitive rubbing of the skin of the face with a slice of peeled potato. This magical wet spine is convenient to use "in between times" during the daily preparation of lunch or dinner. You can lie down for twenty minutes and put potato slices on your face, covering the improvised potato applique with a dense cotton towel with slots for the nose.

Grated potatoes mixed with a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice. Beat well and apply the resulting slurry on a dense fabric base with slits for the eyes and nose. Then apply the canvas with the product on the face for twenty minutes. Then, after washing off and additional softening with cosmetic oil, make a facial massage. After this procedure, the skin of the face is radiant, elastic - “satin”.

Noticeable steady changes in facial skin rejuvenation will appear after a course of cosmetic procedures based on masks from raw potatoes at home. The recommended duration of the treatment cycle is two months (with regularity twice a weekly), a total of sixteen applications. The main components are fresh non-canned foods that are "at hand" for every housewife.

The composition of natural bleaching agents is also uncomplicated. Peel one small potato and grate it with a small plastic grater, then add one tablespoon of bran and fresh milk. A little vegetable oil can be added to the mixture (if the skin is dry). Beat mashed potatoes, apply on face, cover with a cosmetic towel. The total duration of the procedure is twenty minutes. Then wash the finely - vegetable mix with running water and saturate the skin with cream.

Raw potato wrinkle mask at home

For home anti-aging care, experts recommend natural blends that include fresh raw potato puree. The prepared mask will carefully restore the structure of the skin of the face, restore firmness, elasticity and fresh complexion.

Beat one tablespoon of raw potato gruel with a teaspoon of milk powder, lemon juice and half a fresh egg. Add a pinch of salt to the mass. Apply the finished mask to the skin of the face and hold for twenty minutes, followed by rinsing.

Cook mashed potato and carrot equal parts. To improve the consistency, add a little flour and a few drops of lemon juice. Mix well. Drive the finished vegetable souffle with your fingertips into the cleansed skin of the face (previously you can use a steam bath with a pharmacy chamomile). Fifteen minutes later, rinse the gruel from the face with running water.

Refreshing, tonic potato mask

In a glass bowl, mix mashed potato from a raw product and grated fresh cucumber. To hold the applied vegetable application for twenty minutes on the skin of the face and neck, then rinse with acidified water (squeeze a few drops of fresh lemon into warm water). After the cosmetic procedure, it is recommended to massage the face and neck using massage oil.

Fresh masks made from raw potatoes have miraculous healing properties and a lasting effect. Using various prescription compositions, which include this popular root crop, you can maintain the natural beauty of the face and neck at any time of the year.


Watch the video: Benefits Of Potato For Skin And Face How To Use Of Potatoes (June 2024).