How to make a snowflake from chenille wire and beads: a master class with detailed photos. We make a Christmas tree snowflake to decorate the house


Chenille wire is different: ordinary, having different shades, as well as metallized. Especially from the latter, it’s good to craft New Year’s crafts.

In our case, we will make a simple snowflake using silver chenille wire and beads. Its step-by-step production is given in this master class.

To create such a snowflake, we will prepare the following materials:

- 2 silver chenille wires;

- mother-of-pearl beads in white and blue;

- scissors.

First, our fluffy sticks need to be cut into 3 equal parts. We cut one chenille wire in half, and cut a piece of the same length from the second.

After that, we twist all 3 sticks together in the middle. You should get a blank of the future snowflake with 6 rays.

For each ray we string one white pearl bead.

Next we put on blue beads.

Finally, the final step will be stringing white beads. Here you can fantasize using beads of various colors for this craft. As a result, you can create snowflakes in the right color scheme.

The remaining free ends of the chenille wire are bent into the beads. As a result of this, small loops are formed, for which you can hang the craft. Our snowflake made of chenille wire and beads is ready.


Watch the video: Cнежинка из проволоки. Snowflake (July 2024).