Teriyaki at home - instead of 100 spices! We prepare traditional teriyaki sauce at home and dishes with it


Teriyaki is a very rich and aromatic sauce that blends wonderfully with vegetables, chicken, meat, fish and other products. It can be found in the store, but it is much better to cook it yourself.

Only in this way the products retain their natural taste and unmatched aroma. In addition, you will not need to use dyes and preservatives that are in purchased sauces.

Teriyaki at home - general principles of preparation

Teriyaki is traditionally made from soy sauce. The higher its quality, the better the taste. You should not buy cheap products of dubious production from paint, water and other unnecessary ingredients, in this case nothing will work. We also take into account that the product may contain different amounts of salt. Increasingly, you can find slightly salted options that are intended for dressing ready meals.

What else is added to teriyaki:

• honey;

• sugar;

• garlic;

• ginger;

• vinegar;

• butter.

Thickening of the sauce is due to the addition of starch. The ingredients are combined in certain proportions, water is added and all this is boiled on the stove. Then the mass is filtered. But there are other options for the sauce, for example, from jam, the recipe can be found below.

In addition to the sauce, there are dishes called teriyaki. This is chicken, meat, vegetables. They are very simple to prepare, and due to the sauce they do not require many ingredients. Below there are interesting recipes with a detailed description.

Teriyaki sauce at home

In the classic version of teriyaki sauce, only fresh ginger is used, it is undesirable to replace it with powder. Also for the present embodiment, corn starch is used exclusively. But if one is not available, then you can replace the potato product.


• 0.15 l of soy sauce;

• 25 g of honey;

• 2 tsp oils;

• 5 cloves of garlic;

• 100 ml of water;

• 60 g of sugar;

• 2 tsp grated ginger;

• 2 tsp starch;

• 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

Cooking method

1. To prevent lumps of starch from forming during the cooking process, mix it first with sugar, do everything in a saucepan. It is convenient to use a ladle with a handle for cooking sauce.

2. Squeeze out the garlic or just finely chop it and send it to the saucepan, put the grated root of ginger.

3. Pour water, soy sauce, immediately add vinegar. We introduce honey. It is not necessary to melt it in advance. Thoroughly stir everything with a whisk until smooth.

4. We put teriyaki on the stove. Cook it until thickened. Be sure to stir and lift the sauce from the bottom. The mass is very sweet, it can easily burn.

5. As soon as the teriyaki begins to gurgle and resemble a liquid jelly, you need to remove the saucepan from the stove.

6. Let him stand for a while, but do not need to completely cool, otherwise he will become too thick. We filter through a strainer, getting rid of pieces of ginger and garlic. You can wipe them, but then the mass will be cloudy, the color will change a little.

7. Pour the sauce into a container with a tight lid so that the aromas do not spread, put in the refrigerator. The next day it will become even tastier.

Teriyaki at home with wine

The wine version of the sauce is also considered by many to be classics. But this recipe is without ginger and garlic. Additionally, you need light confiture, you can take apricot.


• a glass of soy sauce;

• 2 tablespoons of starch;

• a glass of confiture;

• 100 ml of white wine;

• 80 ml of water.

Cooking method

1. Combine the sauce with jam and wine. Stir and pour into a saucepan. We put on the stove, bring to a boil.

2. Mix the starch with water. Do not use boiling water, it is better to take the liquid at room temperature so that everything dissolves well, lumps do not form. Stir.

3. Pour the diluted starch into boiling sauce. Stir, continue heating.

4. as soon as the mass thickens, a beautiful color appears and the turbidity disappears, immediately remove the saucepan from the heat. Cool the sauce. If there are no lumps in it, then you do not need to filter anything.

Teriyaki chicken at home

The recipe for a teriyaki teriyaki chicken. The dish will be prepared from the breast, and the whole process will take no more than a quarter of an hour. Great for a quick dinner or lunch. Additionally, you need white sesame seeds, you can take any oil.


• 500 g of chicken;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• 100 ml teriyaki sauce;

• a spoon of sesame;

• 2 cloves of garlic.

Cooking method

1. Heat a little oil in a skillet.

2. Peel the garlic, cut the vegetables in half into two plates. Put in oil, fry a little until golden brown, discard.

3. Chicken fillet cut into cubes or long strips. Spread in warmed garlic oil and fry over high heat for about three minutes, stir. White meat during this time will almost reach readiness.

4. We spread teriyaki sauce to the chicken, immediately remove the fire so that nothing burns. We warm the bird with the sauce for several minutes so that it is saturated with aromas and tastes.

5. Turn off the stove. We spread the chicken on a plate, sprinkle with sesame seeds. Or lay out on different plates with side dishes. White or brown rice is ideal here; chicken goes well with pasta.

Teriyaki sauce at home with lemon

A simplified version of teriyaki sauce. It is prepared with lemon juice, dry ginger, does not require straining. Garlic is used fresh, but laid in a special way.


• 5 cloves of garlic;

• 150 g of soy sauce;

• 0.5 lemon;

• 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;

• 1 spoon of honey;

• 140 ml of water;

• 1.5 tsp starch;

• 1 tbsp. l oils;

• 1 tsp dry ginger.

Cooking method

1. Peel all the garlic and cut into pieces that can be easily removed. Just rub one last slice very finely. Heat the oil, fry the pieces of garlic until golden. We take out and discard. When frying, we make sure that nothing burns.

2. Add chopped garlic, ginger to the oil, squeeze the lemon juice from the half, the seeds should not fall. Turn off the stove.

3. Mix sugar with honey, starch and water in a saucepan. Add the garlic mass. Then pour soy sauce.

4. We put everything on fire, stirring, bring to a boil.

5. Cool the finished sauce and use for different purposes.

Teriyaki rice at home

Such rice can be tasted in Japanese restaurants, it is very tasty and has a beautiful caramel color, suitable for various side dishes, but can also be used as an independent dish.


• 1.5 cups of rice;

• 80 g teriyaki sauce;

• 2 tsp oils.

Cooking method

1. Choose long or just large rice, sort it out, pour it into boiling water, take at least 1.5 liters. Boil, but not quite ready. Let it be slightly harsh rice, which holds its shape well.

2. Drain the rice in a colander.

3. Heat the oil, combine with rice, start warming up and introduce the sauce. Stir well, cover the pan.

4. Let warm up for two minutes and turn off. Before serving, stir vigorously with a spatula to break adhering grains.

Teriyaki pork at home

Another dish that can be found in Japanese restaurants. For cooking, you need pork, but not just meat. It is advisable to use tenderloin. If you can’t find such a piece, then we just take another pulp. We prepare the sauce according to any of the recipes or just buy it in the store.


• 400 g of pork;

• 1 tbsp. l sesame seeds;

• 2 tablespoons sesame oil;

• 5 tablespoons of sauce.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the pork. Wipe a piece of meat with napkins so that there are no drops on it. Cut into thin strips. We shift everything into a bowl.

2. Add the prescription sauce to the meat. Stir well, compact and leave to pickle. It is advisable to withstand at least an hour. During this time, pork is well saturated. You do not need to add salt.

3. Heat the oil. If there is no sesame, then we take olive or just sunflower.

4. Put marinated meat in the oil, shaking off excess moisture. The sauce and juices that have accumulated at the bottom of the bowl do not need to be thrown away.

5. Fry pork for about three minutes, you can a little longer.

6. Pour meat with juices from a bowl. Cover the pan, simmer for about five minutes.

7. Put the teriyaki pork on a plate, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Teriyaki vegetables at home

You can cook different vegetables in teriyaki sauce, it goes well with all kinds, but peppers, zucchini and eggplant are especially good. This recipe is for the oven, but can also be grilled.


• 2 eggplants;

• 2-3 peppers;

• 2 zucchini (zucchini);

• 100 g of teriyaki.

Cooking method

1. We clean seeds from pepper. We cut each into two or three parts, if it is large.

2. We cut the ends of the eggplant. Cut into large pieces. Zucchini in the same way.

3. We throw all the vegetables into a common bowl. Add teriyaki to them, stir and leave for half an hour, let them marinate. While we preheat the oven to 160 degrees.

4. Put the pickled vegetables in the mold. You can cover it with foil and make sides so that you do not later wash it off the sauce. Pour it on top of the vegetable juices.

5. Put the vegetables in the oven, bake until soft.

Teriyaki at home - useful tips and tricks

• Wine vinegar is often replaced with an apple product. But also for the preparation of sauce, you can use rice vinegar, which is often bought home, used for sushi.

• If the sauce is cooked for direct use, and not for preparing various dishes, but do not need to make it too salty, dilute with water to the desired taste, reducing the amount of soy sauce.

• Honey is not for everyone. If you are allergic to beekeeping products, you can exclude it.


Watch the video: How To Make Teriyaki Noodles,Vegetable Noodles,Teriyaki Mushroom Noodles Recipe (July 2024).