We return beauty to dry damaged hair with masks at home. The best recipes for masks for damaged hair


Many girls have encountered such a problem as dry lifeless hair.

Constant confusion, brittleness, loss, and sometimes even itching spoil not only external attractiveness, but also female self-esteem.

Fortunately, home masks from environmentally friendly and affordable components come to the rescue.

Reasons to use homemade masks against damage and dry hair

There is a huge amount of hair care products aimed at eliminating excessive dryness and brittleness. However, you should be aware that this type of care is suitable if you:

• Have a dry skin type on your head;

• Subjected hair one or more times to perm or dyeing;

• Wash your hair often with hot or hard water;

• Repeatedly use a hair dryer, curling iron or tongs without first applying the product with thermal protection;

• Use detergents that are not suitable for your skin type;

• Have constant stress or overwork;

• Subject to frequent physical or mental stress;

• You have diseases of the internal organs that contribute to the deterioration of the hair condition.

If you noted one or more symptoms, then it is worth considering your attitude to lifestyle and health. There may be a need to change your diet or sleep mode to get rid of internal causes. Masks will act many times better on the condition of the hair, if the problem concerns a predominantly aesthetic nature.

How to accurately care for dry damaged hair with masks at home?

Even if you strictly follow the recipe, the masks do not always have the proper effect, and sometimes aggravate the situation. Such situations occur because:

• There is an allergy to the constituent ingredients. You can check the skin for a reaction by distributing the product on the back of the head and leaving it for 20 minutes.

• The composition is made of low-quality or stale products.

• The mask is distributed in a thick layer, from which the pores on the scalp are clogged, and the healing components do not penetrate the epidermis.

• The proportions of the mask are not taken into account, but the number of ingredients. In one case, the funds may not be enough, and in the other it may be redundant.

• The mask is applied to wet hair, so the active substances do not penetrate into the structure, but flow down in locks.

• Time constraints not observed. If the mixture is not added, this will lead to the fact that the active components do not have time to act. If overexposed - substances can be harmful.

Homemade mask recipes: bring dry, damaged hair back to life

Mustard egg mask

Mustard, which is part of the masks, enhances blood flow to the hair follicles, which is good for strengthening the roots and improving the entire condition of the hair. As a result, curls acquire health, elasticity and radiance.

Dilute two tablespoons of dry mustard in a quarter cup of water. Beat egg yolk separately. Mix mustard with yolk and pour 30 ml. burdock oil. Add to the prepared mass a teaspoon of vitamins A and E from the ampoules.

Cover the hair with a mustard mask. The duration of the first session is 15 minutes. Each time, the procedure time can be increased by completing 1 hour. After exposure to active substances, the mask must be washed off with shampoo. The frequency of the procedure is 1 time per week.

Glycerin mask

A glycerin-based product softens and moisturizes brittle, dry hair. It has a positive effect on naughty curls and eliminates the cross-section of the tips.

Warm up a tablespoon of any vegetable oil and combine with two tablespoons of glycerin, pour 30 ml. apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Lubricate the roots with a creamy consistency and cover the remaining length. Wait 40 minutes and rinse thoroughly with shampoo. Frequency of use - 1 time per week.

Sour milk mask

Home-made hair care with kefir, whey or yogurt regenerates damaged roots and prevents hair loss.

The easiest way to apply a fermented milk product on curls and rub into the roots. Do not rinse for 30 minutes. Use 2 times a week.

Burdock and onion mask

Burdock oil in any mask will strengthen the hair and improve their condition. In combination with a bow and a ridge, the product will awaken dormant bulbs, relieve dryness and dullness.

For preparation it is necessary: ​​squeeze three tablespoons of juice from the onion and mix it with three of the same tablespoons of burdock oil and a spoonful of cognac. Cover the entire length with the resulting liquid mixture, paying attention to the very dry part of the hair. After half an hour, wash your hair. The frequency of the procedure is 1 time per week.

Henna Oil Mask

Pharmacy colorless henna is popular for its ability to accumulate in the hair and thicken it, so that the hair becomes stronger. Olive oil, in turn, will restore the structure and relieve the head of itching.

Take 30 g of henna and dilute to a creamy mass with a small amount of hot water or milk. Pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Lubricate the mask with curls from the roots to the ends. Wash off the composition after half an hour. Frequency of use - 2 times a week.

Milk mask

Milk has a beneficial effect on the structure of curls, fights damage and cross-section.

Take 100 g of rye bread and pour half a glass of warm milk. Add a tablespoon of castor oil and infuse the mixture for 20 minutes. Apply to all hair and rinse off after 40 minutes. Apply 1-2 times a week.

Clay mask

Blue clay is rich in natural minerals that cope with brittleness and loss. Added vegetable oil will make the mask suitable for dry hair, and tincture of arnica will restore the sebaceous glands.

Combine a teaspoon of mustard powder with 2 tablespoons of blue clay. Dilute the dry ingredients with a tablespoon of alcohol tincture of arnica and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Lubricate all areas of the hair with the creamy mixture, paying particular attention to the roots and tips. After half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo. This mask is designed for the course: 8 sessions per month.

Beer mask

Thanks to the yeast, hops and malt included in the beer, masks with a foamy drink strengthen the hair follicles, restore their strength and health. The combination of beer with vegetable oils can smooth out naughty hair and save them from split ends.

Add half a glass of beer to a teaspoon of olive or almond oil. Stir until smooth. After application to the hair, hold the beer mask for 20 minutes. It should be remembered that dark beer can color fair hair. Apply no more than 1 time per week.

Aloe mask

Aloe juice mask strengthens the roots, moisturizes dry hair and makes them smoother and more manageable.

A tablespoon of aloe gel is mixed with the same spoon of melted honey and 20 ml of castor oil. Stir until smooth and grease all hair. After 60 minutes, wash your hair.

How to enhance the effect of home masks on damaged and dry hair?

It so happens that applying the product is not enough to achieve an absolute result. There are several subtleties that help to achieve the maximum effect of a hair mask. To do this, you must:

• Create an additional thermal effect that helps to penetrate the healing substances deep into the hair. A plastic cap put on his head, wrapped on top with a pre-warmed towel, will correct the situation.

• Rinse hair thoroughly with shampoo after the mask, 2 times.

• For dry hair use mild shampoos. They do not contain components that dry the hair even more and cause irritation.

• Apply a mask with a comb with rare teeth. So the composition will be distributed evenly, and the hair will not get tangled.

• Add vegetable oils to masks for fragile ringlets. They greatly enhance the effect for damaged, overdried hair. Olive, burdock and castor are especially good.

• Rinse the hair with an additional strengthening herbal decoction or water mixed with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

Problem dry curls significantly worsen the life of modern beauties. However, proper care, which also includes homemade masks made from natural products, will help significantly change the condition of the hair.


Watch the video: DIY Hair Mask for Dry, Damaged Hair & Faster Growth! (June 2024).