Alcohol and weight loss: what to do with dieters? Is it possible to lose weight by drinking alcohol: mono-diets on alcohol


Of the many ways to lose weight, this is perhaps one of the most extravagant and controversial. Proponents of diets with such an exotic product as alcohol argue their choice, referring to the fact that alcoholics with extra pounds are not found. However, is this a scientifically proven fact?

And the assertion that it is rarely possible to see the French with curvaceous forms, because they drink alcohol daily is also very controversial evidence.

Is it worth referring to experiences from the past

If you try to analyze the opinions of nutritionists on this issue, then there is no unity among them. Some categorically prohibit the use of any alcohol, others specifically encourage.

In history, there are cases when even crowned persons tried to lose weight with the help of alcohol. Wilhelm the Conqueror was shedding extra pounds, abundantly absorbing alcohol. His immense addiction, which did not lead to the desired result, makes sober heads doubt the effectiveness of alcoholic diets.

A diet in which the absorption of ordinary food was minimized, and alcohol was used to the maximum, should have negatively affected, at least, the ruler of England. But here is the paradox: he died not just from such dubious experiments with his health. Wilhelm died from injuries sustained when falling from a horse.

Perhaps he made the wrong choice of drinks, and modern followers of alcoholic diets are still right, you only need to study this problem more thoroughly?

Is it possible to give preference to some drinks

What kind of figure can we talk about if beer fans are all polls with a kind of beer belly ?! But beer also has its admirers among adherents of alcoholic diets.

Proponents of wine diets, among which was the famous French nutritionist Montignac, recommend not to refuse dry wine. Montignac believed that 250 ml of such alcohol per day would help digest food faster, having a healing effect on the body as a whole.

Opponents of this kind of ideas tirelessly argue that this is simply a publicity stunt by which Montignac promoted domestic wine. And they are alarmed by the secret associated with the death of a nutritionist. Did he die of cirrhosis of the liver?

It has long been proven that any wine belongs to high-calorie foods as well as vodka, liquors, etc. So, you just need to carefully calculate the calories in order not to exceed their limit? Is a sandwich and a few glasses of alcohol a day enough?

Is there a need for a middle ground

The caloric content of any alcohol is incomparable in quality with other food products. It does not become a useful nourishment for the body, which is necessary for it, but goes to maintaining energy. A person who prefers alcoholic diets, in addition to constantly feeling hungry, will not receive the vital components.

Maybe a cocktail will reconcile both supporters and opponents of alcoholic diets? Some nutritionists see cocktails with alcohol as a big threat to those who want to lose weight. Besides the fact that such a mixture in itself is even more dangerous than a simple natural drink, practically no cocktail can do without sweetening. Usually they enjoy it in the evening, without leaving the body enough time for calories to digest as it should.

Alcoholic drinks as a way to get rid of extra poundsare perplexing among doctors. Because the abundant consumption of alcohol flushes out useful components such as vitamins and minerals from the body, plus it also dehydrates it, slows down, and even stops the metabolic process altogether.

Specific alcohol mono-diet especially on an empty stomach is a time bomb for any organism. When it explodes, then chronic diseases are provided to the strongest stomach.

The body gets stressed during all sorts of, even light diets. It is no coincidence that nutritionists who really care about the health of their patients advise them to completely abandon alcohol during this period.


Watch the video: The BEST Alcoholic Drinks While Dieting (July 2024).