Why dream of a horse, saddle a horse, ride a horse? Basic interpretations of different dream books - what a horse dreams of


In a dream you can meet both old acquaintances and completely strangers. You can meet animals and birds in a dream. Why is the horse dreaming? How to interpret such a dream? It’s worth sorting out.

What a horse dreams about - basic interpretation

A horse in a dream can portend hard work in reality. It can also foreshadow the unexpected events that will fill your life. In order to interpret the dream fully - it is worth paying attention to even its most insignificant details:

· Where exactly did you meet the horse;

· Was he wild;

· Did you ride;

· Have you spoken to the horse?

· What feelings and emotions filled your dream.

If a horse is healthy and active in a dream, you should not worry too much. Do not worry about upcoming events and situations. Try to make every effort to achieve the goal, now everything will have to do with it.

The black horse that stands on its hind legs promises you difficulties and conflicts, you will try to avoid them, but the pressure on you will only increase. Dream interpretation advises after such a dream to clear your mind of far-fetched, not to see life only in a positive way. Look at it more realistically and try to adjust events for yourself, rather than adjust to them yourself.

The dream in which you stroke the horse, comb out - says that you want attention and affection from a loved one, you want attention and understanding. But at the same time, you yourself do not try to be closer and dearer. You only react with love to love, care for care, attention to attention. This situation leads to resentment and misunderstanding with a partner who is only growing.

A herd of horses that graze peacefully means that you will spend time with your loved ones. This is a pleasant pastime. You will be happy with such a vacation. Try to enjoy the opportunity to become more familiar to your loved ones and give them unforgettable moments in life.

If in a dream you see a herd of horses that flies past you, and you would like to grab one of them by the mane, but it didn’t work out for you - such a dream suggests that you really want to live differently, catch luck by the tail, but while this is not possible. You still can not afford much and it saddens you.

The dream book advises not to chase a dream, but to choose for yourself real options that will bring you joy, which will help you decide in life, find your place. Otherwise, life events may swallow you, you will not be able to resist them.

Why dream of a herd of horses that runs past, but one horse from the herd stops in front of you? Such a dream means that you will be given one single chance to radically change the situation. If in a dream you climb a horse, then in life you will take such a chance. If you run away from him in fright, you will waste your time, but you won’t achieve anything.

What is the dream of a horse who drinks water from a reservoir? Such a dream means that you will get a lot of opportunities that you should not give up. You will soon revel in glory, happiness and joy. You will be filled with love for others, for those who have done something good for you.

The dream in which you feed a horse from a hand in a stall - says that you want to solve some issue that tormented you for a long time. Do not worry if everything does not happen right away, soon your life will begin the period of renewal and restoration.

A horse that takes you away from the bustle of the city - such a dream promises you new life adventures, you will strive for new lifts and new solutions. Such a dream may indicate that you will try to disconnect from past life events, you will try not to worry about trifles. And you will constantly be pulled forward - say goodbye to past problems and boldly go to new heights.

The dream in which you had a sick horse tells you about your health problems. You may be emotionally depressed and do not want to pay attention to health in time. But you will get worse and worse and ultimately have to seek medical help.

If you dream that you killed a horse, you will in reality miss your last chance of success. This may apply to both personal life and the financial sphere. You may even miss the opportunity to get married because of your bad character, which will not allow you to fully build relationships. Try to restrain your emotions in the near future after sleep and not allow yourself too much.

The dream in which you save the horse from death - says that in reality at the last moment you can change the situation and restore lost strength. You will be able to respond to the situation with lightning speed - and all this will save.

If in a dream you are talking with a horse - this is a very good sign. Remember what exactly you speak with him in a dream. If this is a conversation about relationships - you should pay special attention to them, if this is a conversation about someone else - it's time for you to deal with this person and draw the right conclusions regarding him.

What does the horse dream about in Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that the black horse is dreaming as a symbol of the implacable struggle of passion and reason. If you dreamed of an even horse that tramples you with hooves, you will most likely be hit by fate.

You can get into a relationship that will only bring you trouble and sorrow. Try not to build sand castles and not worry about all those negative events that will happen to you in the near future. This is an important period in your life when you must draw the right conclusions and no longer fall into such situations.

If in a dream a young girl sees a white horse - she is waiting for pleasant changes in her personal life. She will be able to enjoy her partner for as long as she wishes. She needs to try not to drown in memories and not transfer the experience of past relationships to the relationships that are now emerging from her.

If a pregnant girl dreams of a dead horse, she should take care of her health, otherwise it can really go bad. She may even lose a child if in a dream a horse is killed by one of her friends. The same person will harm the health of the girl.

What is the dream of the horse in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that the horse is dreaming as a symbol of new opportunities and powerful support from the outside. If you see a fire horse in a dream - you will be filled with energy and happiness. You will rejoice at every opportunity life will give you and will sincerely thank you for it.

The dream in which you drive your horse to a watering place means that you will always try to help other people. Perhaps your loved ones need help, perhaps your colleagues and friends. You won’t even think about it and immediately make every effort to help. Then this help will return to you a hundredfold. You can even make new friends.

The dream in which you wash your horse indicates that you really want to restore some kind of relationship that you have long lost. The cause of the loss of relations could be someone else's interference. And now you want to defend your reputation and achieve justice. This is a noble goal and you will surely achieve it. Just make some more effort.

What is the dream of a horse in other dream books

In the dream book, Grishina says that the horse is dreaming as a symbol of support and intercession. You should pay attention to all the details of a dream. If in a dream you call a horse by the name of some familiar person - in reality you will be able to get good advice and help from him.

In a dream, a young girl riding a horse - in reality, to meet a man who will support her in everything and protect her from troubles. She will be able to count on his strong and courageous shoulder at any given time. A dream in which a girl lays a horse's hooves on her shoulders indicates that she really wants to love someone. She needs these feelings and emotions.

In the dream book of Aesop it is said that if in a dream the horse behaves strangely, tries to run away from you, or trample you with your hooves - in reality you will also find a lot of inexplicable situations. You may want mutual understanding from people, but they will attack you. Or you will want peace, but someone will constantly pester you. Try to survive the difficult period and understand that it is temporary in your life and soon everything will end safely, soon the favorable time will begin.


Watch the video: Horse Islamic dream interpretation (June 2024).