Corporate parties - a celebration of the soul or universal evil?


Wed, 07 Feb 2018 Posted by: Nika Etinger

Well, I almost forgot to tell you about my friend Zhenya. We met her a long time ago, more than 10 years ago. Met on the playground. As it happens with women, they met with their eyes, caught in tongues, and away we go ....
In general, I think that it does not take years to understand whether your person is or not. Five minutes of communication is enough and you immediately understand everything. Then we became friends with families. And at first glance their family seemed perfect to me. Both are educated, polite, attentive, caring. A son is growing up, an intelligent and thoughtful boy. Years passed, we continued to communicate more and more closely. And the details of their ideal family life began to surface.
Initially, I had a shock, I did not even imagine that in public you could pretend like that. Her husband was turned on by the presence of her lovers. That is, the fact that the average person can kill his wife for this was perceived here as the norm. And like everyone was happy with everything, fleeting relationships ... sex without obligations ... everything would have been like that if she hadn’t met him at the New Year’s office party. He was married, 15 years older than her, dancing, light flirtation, laughter. In general, they themselves did not notice how out of easy sympathy they fell into the wonderful world of love and passion.
Everything was perfect, his wife did not know anything, her husband was not at first opposed. But one thing is sex without obligation to heat a fire in the bedroom, and another thing is love for another man. Her husband did not expect such a turn of events. It was a shock for him, he was confident in the inviolability of family ties, confident that he was the best. But life has its own scenario ... At one point, she made a strong-willed decision to leave her husband. It would seem that everything is working out perfectly, Eugene is leaving her husband, the son remains with dad. She moves to her old apartment and frees shelves in the closets for her beloved, but for some reason he is in no hurry to move, citing the complexity of the gap at this age.
Zhenya begins a very difficult period, and not only her, her lover is also tormented by the power to choose between a sense of duty and love. We often face the choice, what is more important, our duty to relatives or a feeling of love and happiness? Fear haunts us all our lives, are we doing the right thing, and suddenly we are mistaken? Months passed and he nevertheless decided to move with his things to Zhenya. But then the wife came on the scene .... And it came to a fight. Naturally, the relationship of Zhenya and her lover began to fail.
After a few weeks, he decided to return to his family back, there is common life, mutual friends, an adult daughter and granddaughter. It was a tragedy for everyone. They converged and diverged several more times. Both were greatly tormented and worried, I had to turn to a psychologist for help. With all my desire, I could not help with advice or deed. I just don’t know what to do. On the one hand, a wife, about 60 years old, whom he had been taking care of for so many years, let the passion go, but the attachment remained.
On the other hand, the woman with whom he felt young and alive, whom he sincerely loves. He was returning home, she was trying to find another. And a week ago he came to her, without suitcases. Silently came and stayed. He said only one thing that he filed for divorce from his wife. After the day I go to have dinner with them. I really want to meet and find out how things are now! Be sure to share with you the continuation of this story ...


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