Hematoma treatment at home: how to deal with the effects of a stroke. Effective treatments for bruises and bruises


How to get rid of a hematoma in the shortest time or to prevent its appearance? After all, it is far from always that she paints a man and, especially, a woman.

What is a hematoma?

This is a small accumulation of blood in the soft tissues that occurs as a result of a stroke. The people hematoma is mistakenly called a bruise. The first is characterized by swelling of the injured area, soreness and a longer healing period (up to several weeks).

Depending on the strength and location of the hematoma, it can acquire a greenish-yellow or red-blue hue and be of varying severity:

· Easy. Appears within 24 hours after an injury and is characterized by moderate or weak pain.

· Medium. It occurs after 5 hours and is characterized by moderate pain and marked swelling.

· Severe. A hematoma forms within two hours and is accompanied by severe pain, significant swelling.

Upon receipt of a mild hematoma, there is no need to contact the clinic. In other cases, you will need to consult a traumatologist. Moreover, the outcome of the case largely depends on how correct the actions of the victim were right after the injury.

Ambulance on impact

First of all, the damaged area should be provided with absolute rest and a cold compress should be applied to it. A great option is ice wrapped in cloth or gauze. In its absence, metal objects, frozen food or cold water are suitable as an alternative.

Cold contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, prevents the appearance of bruising and swelling. It is recommended to hold the compress for no more than 15 minutes, and after three hours the procedure should be repeated.

At night, an iodine grid is applied to the bruised area. It improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation and promotes faster healing.

In the first day after an injury it is forbidden:

· Drink alcoholic beverages that contribute to the expansion of blood vessels;

· Actively move;

· Massage the bruised area;

· Warm the hematoma for a day after an impact.

Remember! The sooner first aid is provided, the less the consequences of injury. A cold compress 24 hours after a bruise gives zero effect.

Follow-up treatment of hematoma at home

After two days, the following methods are used to treat the damaged area:

1. Applying a warm compress. It will eliminate pain, relieve irritation and improve blood circulation.

2. Taking a warm bath. It helps to restore blood microcirculation, which leads to resorption of the formed clots.

3. Light massage. If acute pain occurs, the procedure is postponed to a later date.

4. Exercise. Tension and relaxation of muscle tissue stimulate blood circulation.

5. The use of folk remedies and medicines.

"Grandmother" recipes for the treatment of bruises and bruises at home

Before the advent of modern medicines, people were saved by simple folk remedies. They have not lost their relevance to this day. Their main advantages are accessibility and effectiveness.

Alcohol, Salt and Vinegar

From these three components, completely different remedies for treating hematomas at home can be prepared:

1. Dilute ice water with apple cider vinegar 1: 2. Soak a cloth in the product, attach to the hematoma and wrap it with a warm handkerchief or terry towel. The compress changes 4-5 times as it heats up.

2. Stir in 100 g. vinegar 1 tbsp. l salt. Soak gauze with liquid and apply to an injured area.

3. Dilute 1 tbsp. l salt in 100 gr. water and do compresses.

4. Mix 100 gr. vinegar and 100 gr. vodka, add half a liter of water. The resulting solution is used for compresses.


1. Flowers of Ledum. Broth moisten the hematoma 2 times a day.

2. Plantain. Finely chopped fresh leaves are applied to the injured area.

3. Wormwood. The plant is crushed until the juice appears and put in place of the impact.

4. Green parsley. It is ground to a porridge-like consistency and mixed with sour cream 1: 2. This is the surest recipe for hematomas around the eyes.

Vegetables and fruits

1. Cabbage leaves. They are slightly beaten off and applied to the injury several times a day.

2. Banana peel. The inner side is laid on a bruised place and held for 30 minutes.

3. Onions. 6 tritters on a fine grater and add 1 cup of salt. The resulting mixture is wrapped in tissue and applied to the hematoma. If the procedure is done 3 times a day, then after 5 days there will be no trace of a bruise.

4. The potato. Using a fine grater, the vegetable is turned into slurry and applied to the damaged area for a quarter of an hour.


This seemingly simple drink can be very effective in treating hematoma at home. In traditional medicine, two recipes are known:

1.2 tsp green tea pour 50 gr. boiling water and let it brew for 40 minutes.

2.2 tbsp pour 100 ml of any tea. boiling water, strain and cool. Add 100 gr. medical alcohol and as much apple cider vinegar. The hematoma is treated with a solution.

Remedies for hematomas that are always at hand

1. Laundry soap. It is dissolved in water and applied to the injury site with gauze.

2. The average portion of urine. Compresses from hematomas are done at night.

3. Potato starch. It allows you to get rid of the effects of a blow in just a day. To do this, starch is diluted in water to a mushy state and applied to a bruised place.

4. Pharmacy or raw clay. Used up to 5 times a day.

Folk remedies are reliable helpers in the fight against hematomas. However, this method of treatment is not always suitable for busy people or adherents of traditional medicine. Therefore, they can use special tools that are sold in any pharmacy.

Medications for treating hematomas at home

It is possible to achieve the quickly desired result with the help of drugs if they are often applied to the hematoma. They are aimed at reducing swelling, reducing vascular permeability and resorption of blood clots.

When treating hematomas at home, the Heparin Ointment has established itself well. If you use it up to 5 times a day, then on the third day there will be nothing left from damage.

A good effect is given by the homeopathic remedies "Traumeel" and "Arnica" when used immediately after an impact. They stop hemorrhage, reduce swelling, reduce vascular permeability and relieve pain.

An effective remedy in the fight against hematomas is recognized bodyagi. Healing powder is dissolved in water in a ratio of 2: 1. Instead of water, you can use any vegetable oil (1: 1). The resulting mixture is applied to the place of impact and bandaged. Bodyaga begins to show its healing properties after evaporation of water. A similar procedure is carried out 2 times a day.

For the treatment of hematomas at home, you can use the medical patch "Nanoplast forte". It eliminates pain, resolves hematomas, removes edema. The term of use is from 3 to 9 days.

When to treat hematomas at home

Any hematoma can be cause for concern. However, if you get traumatic brain injury, a bruise in the region of the heart, or if intolerable pain occurs after a stroke, you should definitely go to the doctor for an additional examination.

Specialist help will also be needed in cases where the hematoma does not disappear after a 10-day home treatment. As a rule, physiotherapy is prescribed to the patient:

· Magnetic therapy;


· UHF therapy.

In more serious cases, hematoma removal operations are prescribed.

Pregnant women who are injured should also consult a gynecologist, as there is a risk of retrochorial hematomas. When they occur, complete rest, proper nutrition and bed rest are prescribed.

When hematomas appear in children, it is necessary to determine the degree of damage. Severe pain, suspected injury to bones or joints, large swelling - this is an occasion to consult a specialist.


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