Why is the door dreaming? The main interpretations of different dream books - why dream a door open or closed


In a dream you can see a wide variety of images and paintings. You can learn a lot about the future and the past.

Why is the door dreaming? How to interpret such a dream?

What the door is dreaming about - basic interpretation

If in a dream you see a huge door that does not give in, does not open, then you will not be able to solve an important issue for you, an important matter for you. If you have a dream in which you see someone opening the door of your house - in reality someone will allow himself more than he should and you will find yourself in a difficult life situation.

For a complete interpretation, it is worth considering all the details:

• What kind of door did you dream about;

• What was behind her;

• Did you open the door;

• Who else was in your dream;

• What emotions and feelings you felt.

If you dream that the door opened with a creak - you have to pay attention to someone else's opinion, you have to reckon with someone else's opinion, which is far from yours. Also, such a dream may indicate that you will try to prove your case in a particularly important matter. You will try to prove that you are worth something. If in a dream you see countless riches outside the door - in reality you will get new opportunities to confirm your status.

If in a dream you see how the doors open automatically before you - in reality you can quickly get what you dreamed about. You can quickly figure out your plans for the future and get support from the outside.

If in a dream the door that was supposed to open automatically didn’t open in front of you, you will also encounter unforeseen difficulties in reality. Those opportunities that you hoped for are not realized. If you dream that someone is stopping the automatic door in front of you, it means that you will have an ill-wisher who will ruin all your plans. Try to reconsider your attitude to your inner circle, because soon you will need their help.

A dream in which someone opens the door in front of you - promises you new opportunities received thanks to someone. If you dream that your old friend opens the door, you will have a pleasant meeting with him. If you dream that a relative opens the door, you will be filled with love and joy when you get the opportunity to meet him.

If you dream that you yourself will open the door to someone, you will be very useful to someone close to you. You will actively participate in the life of a loved one. This will give you new opportunities, new successes.

If you dream that you are opening the door, and behind it is an empty room - you were hoping for something, perhaps you were hoping that someone would help you with work issues, someone would tell you how to proceed. Perhaps you were hoping for support from a loved one who was supposed to tell you, to substitute your shoulder. But, unfortunately, your hopes will not come true. You will be left with nothing.

If you dream that someone left you the key to the locked door under the rug, you will get all the opportunities to improve your life, look at it differently, but you can not take advantage of these opportunities. It is important to remember whether you opened the door. Have you decided to look for her? To study what is behind the door?

If you dream that the key to the door did not fit, you will not find a solution to your problems. If you have been tormented by the same question for a long time, you cannot find the answer to it. You will only constantly delve into yourself and look for the cause of trouble precisely in your behavior. The dream book advises to go further and not focus on those situations that should not bother you in any way.

If you dream that you opened the door with a key and there were innumerable wealth behind it - get ready, you will be extremely lucky. You will open new opportunities for earning, you can actively live for your pleasure. If you have long wanted to attract the attention of the second half, or you are not indifferent to someone, then you will have the opportunity to implement your plan.

A dream in which you see someone opening your door with a key promises you problems with gossip and outsiders interfering in your life. You will try to free yourself from their bad influence and will try to free yourself from their influence on your life. But it will be late, because they will know something that does not honor you. The dream book advises to carefully monitor your reputation and prevent the occurrence of such a situation.

If in a dream someone breaks your door, you will immerse yourself in routine and conflicts. They can overtake you both at work and at home. You will increasingly depend on the opinions of others regarding you. Do not be discouraged if it is very negative. Most likely, it will be temporary, soon the attitude towards you will change significantly.

If in a dream you cannot choose which door you enter, you won’t be able to decide where you should follow, what priorities in life you should choose. A dream in which you will knock on doors in a row and none will open - it promises you meaningless to ask for help and not get anything back.

If you knock on all doors in a dream and one of them opens by itself, you will find the best and easiest way to diversify your life and solve your problems. If in a dream you see someone trying to get into your house, open your door for the purpose of robbery, it is important to remember how this venture ended:

• The door was opened - your secrets will be known to many;

• The criminal did not manage to get to you - you have nothing to fear;

• The criminal opened your door, but you frightened him off - you can independently defend your personal space, your interests.

Why do you dream about the door according to Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book, the door in a dream is a symbol of your subconscious desire to move on through life. You can take a new path in personal relationships if you see in a dream how the door opens in front of you.

If you suffer for a long time because of unrequited love and in a dream see how you enter the open door of a new house - it means that you will be extremely lucky soon. You will find your soulmate and forget about suffering and worries.

If in a dream you see your beloved open the door for you, everything will be wonderful in the relationship between you. You will enjoy the time spent together, you will try for each other and in your relationship there will be no place for frustration and worries. You will take care of each other more and more.

If in a dream you cannot open the door and go where you want, insurmountable obstacles will appear in front of you in reality. So, you may want to build a relationship with someone, but you will constantly encounter misunderstandings and quarrels.

Why dream about the door of the Esoteric dream book

If in a dream you see golden doors in front of you - do not flatter yourself. It is not the door itself that matters, but what lies behind it. Perhaps you will see a huge amount of infinite wealth and be confused, you won’t know where to go, where to move on, as new opportunities will be opened for you, and you will become recognizable and desired.

If in a dream you see how someone locks all doors with huge locks and you need to open at least one, but you don’t know which one, such a dream promises insurmountable difficulties and problems that will come from someone from your close circle. Do not count on a good attitude towards yourself after such a dream. It will likely go bad very quickly.

What is the dream of the door to other dream books

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that the door is dreaming when you want to find a way out of a difficult situation, take a step forward, make a breakthrough. Dreams about doors can be quite funny. So, if the door is constantly open, then close - this symbolizes your self-doubt. You can not decide what you want.

In Aesop's dream book it is said why the door is dreaming - it is a symbol of the beginning and the end. If in a dream you close the door behind you, you are ready to part with the difficult past. If in a dream you close the door behind someone - you will say goodbye to your dream and the person with whom it was directly connected.

The dream interpretation does not advise you to be upset and worried if in a dream you see that all the doors are closed. Such a dream can symbolize a period of stagnation, but it will not be eternal. Having fully interpreted the dream, you will see that the way out can be easily found. It is enough to figure out what happened on your own.


Watch the video: What does door dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).