Knocking on consciousness: how dreams warn of disease. If you dream a lot of water - get ready for diabetes?


The most multifaceted, mysterious process that occurs with a person is a dream. Dreams are studied by neurophysiologists, psychologists, somnologists ... They are interpreted by psychics and soothsayers ... And although all these people make different conclusions, they are largely right.

They are right that a dream can be prophetic, anticipating a certain event. Or, on the contrary, an empty, insignificant mechanism that accompanies the night "cleansing" of the brain. Often, dreams also reflect our physical condition, portend health disorders. There will be a story about the latter.

Psychoneurologist professor Vasily Kasatkin, who gave 40 years of his life to the study of dreams, says that many dreams are an attempt by the body to "reach out to consciousness." According to the doctor, dreams warning of physiological problems appear until the very first symptoms, in the very early, incubation stages of the disease.

For example, about the development of a brain tumor dreams warn for a year, or even two, to dizziness and other symptoms.

About approaching hypertension signal for a month or two.

In about two months, specific dreams, the harbingers of tuberculosis, begin to dream.

About possible gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers sleep "hints" two months before clinical signs.

With hepatitis warning dreams appear a week before pain and nausea.

About sore throat, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, colds, toothache our subconscious begins to inform us about two days before the symptoms.

A large contribution to the study, classification of warning dreams was made by American researchers and psychotherapists. Thanks to them, today we know that ...

High water in dreams fountains, waterfalls, other abundance of water indicates that blood sugar levels have risen. And if "water" dreams are repeated, it makes sense to consult a specialist to check if diabetes has begun.

At the same time, plots in which a person is drowning, trying to get out of the pool, can mean problems with the nasopharynx (say, adenoids) or worsening sinusitis.

Falls in a puddle, wet clothes often portend a malfunction in the thyroid gland.

And swimming in a dirty pond leads to neurasthenia and depression.

Are there good dreams with water, you ask. There is a dream in which you, for example, soar above the serene expanse of the sea, a clean river or lake. Such a plot indicates that at this time you are in excellent physical shape.

Walk through mud, swamp, deep snow - All this, possibly, indicates diseases of the bones and spine.

About diseases of the feet, knees can warn and dreams in which you go down the stairs, jump from the steps, hurry down.

But ascents, climbing stairs, a ladder indicate poor vessels and weakness of the heart.

Climbing stairs that end in a dead end a room with a low ceiling warns of high pressure.

At the stairs, however, there may be another, exclusively psychological interpretation. They symbolize certain difficulties in life, obstacles. Climb the stairs with confidence - and resolve the situation. It’s bad if during the ascent the ladder suddenly bends, breaks, becomes dangerous, impassable ... This indicates an inability to overcome difficulties, an insufficient amount of energy, physical strength.

Falling in a dream - A signal of a heart rhythm disorder. And if the dream is repeated repeatedly, then a sign of arrhythmia.

Pisces in the dream of women, as a rule, personify the genitourinary system, for men, it happens, the fish dream of kidney disease.

Any animals with horns, from moose to harmless goats - precursors of inflammation of the throat, lungs or bronchi. A bad sign for the lungs and dreams, in which he is leaning on his chest, falling heaviness, or a narrow tunnel compresses the body.

Attacking snakes mean joint problems. And thorns, cacti, burdocks indicate ailments of the stomach or intestines.

Tight, dirty, ragged hats talk about sclerotic changes or spasms of cerebral vessels.

Some of the most troubling - "meat" dreams. Chunks of raw meat can indicate damage to internal organs. Dreams in which you are haunted by an unpleasant odor also warn of diseases of the intestines and liver, there are pictures with spoiled, foul-smelling food.

Cut, stab wounds in a dream often see people who develop appendicitis. And about the coming eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis will tell dreams, in which insects crawl through the body, parasites are swarming.

Fights, chases and races may be evidence of overexcitation, overstrain of the central nervous system. And wars and fires often precede high temperatures.

Dreams are a reflection of reality. And not so distorted: a green meadow, sunlight, a bouquet of fresh flowers in a dream are as pleasant as in reality. Such pictures are evidence that the body is recovering.


Watch the video: Just Go With It (July 2024).