15 rules for a successful New Year


The next year is coming to an end, before the chiming clock less than a month is left. They say that it is important by all rules to prepare for a magical holiday and meet it flawlessly. Then the year will definitely be successful. It's time to pay attention to yourself, loved ones and remember the traditions.


To begin with, we will put our housing in order and think over the important nuances of the future celebration. And for this it is necessary:

  1. Do a spring cleaning

It is necessary to wash the floors and wipe the dust on the dresser before the New Year, but do not limit yourself to this. It’s time to clean the apartment of excess garbage: throw away a broken cup or a long-broken vacuum cleaner, make an audit in the closet, and review the contents of the nightstands.

  1. Find the right company

On such a night there should be “right” people nearby: family, friends, relatives. Those with whom you want to meet a wonderful holiday. But even if it happened that it is planned to spend the New Year alone, there is no reason for sadness. Maybe it's time to do something extraordinary? For example, to fulfill your dream of chimes to drink champagne in the bathroom? Or call the day before the person with whom I would like to share these moments.

  1. Decide where the celebration will take place

Usually the New Year is considered a home holiday. But to hold it in a special place is not prohibited. It's time to order a restaurant if you plan to relax in a pleasure institution. Or purchase permits to go on a holiday weekend to another country.

  1. Think through the menu

If the feast will be held at home, you need to make a list of dishes for him. In addition to traditional foods, you can slowly find a recipe for some exclusive yummy. To understand that the dish is really suitable for a feast, it is worthwhile to prepare a “trial” version in advance.

  1. Buy gifts

Already a couple of weeks before the New Year it’s time to write a list of those who want to buy presents. Buying gifts should not be postponed until the last day, it is better to purchase them gradually. 2-3 days before the holiday, you can congratulate some friends: a school friend, an elderly relative or a good neighbor. Indeed, on December 31 there is a risk in the bustle about forgetting someone, or simply not enough for all the forces and time. If friends and relatives are very far away, then congratulating in advance is also appropriate because of different time zones.

Do not forget about yourself

Part of the time you need to spend on yourself. What to look for:

  1. Find the perfect outfit

It is not necessary to choose an extravagant dress or give preference to the color that the animal of the coming year “loves”. A modest, monophonic outfit in dark colors is quite suitable. Especially for those who do not like to dress brightly. But a catchy detail is desirable. For example, a neckerchief, earrings or an original belt.

  1. Prepare your body

A wonderful idea for the New Year period is a trip to the stylist, massage therapist or hairdresser. It is better to plan a visit to the solarium or beauty salon in advance, because there are a lot of people who want to put themselves in order at this time. A week before the holiday, you can go on a diet if necessary.

A couple of days before the party, it will not be superfluous to test your holiday image. You need to try on all the equipment: underwear, dress, jewelry, shoes. Now it remains to walk on a flat surface and along the steps, sit down, raise your hands up, perform energetic dance movements. Conveniently? It's good. And if there is still some discomfort, then there will be time to make changes in the New Year's look.

  1. Tune in for a feast of the belly

Olivier salad, jellied meat, delicious desserts ... At the festive table it is difficult to resist tasting another yummy. Nutritionists do not recommend starving all day on New Year's Eve. It is better to make a few light snacks during the day, and eat moderately during the festive meal. Famine will not only cause psychological discomfort, but can also lead to bloating. Alcohol dehydrates the body, so before a feast it is not superfluous to drink a small bottle of water.

  1. Recharge with a positive and relax

During short days, the sun rarely pleases. Not enough fresh vitamins. It happens that over the past year, cherished dreams have not been fulfilled, or it was not possible to realize all our plans. Winter depression is an understandable phenomenon. It is necessary to find a source for a good mood. For example, to build a snow castle with children in the yard. Or hang a bright picture in the hallway. Or maybe it's time to review your favorite old movie or photo album. Each will have its own antidepressant. It is definitely not worth giving in to despondency.

  1. Find your zest

There is always a desire to make another holiday special. What will help with this? Original new dish on the table. Extreme venue for New Year's party. Exclusive gift for loved ones. The option will tell fantasy and personal tastes.


There are things that help you immerse yourself in a festive atmosphere. It is important not to forget:

  1. Decorate the home

You can decorate the apartment with garlands, toys, tinsel, bought in a store. And even better - with homemade creations. To do this, you do not have to be a creative person. On the Internet you can find workshops on making a variety of New Year's decor. It remains to pick up an interesting idea to your taste and bring it to life.

  1. Decorate christmas tree

The main symbol of the New Year is the Christmas tree. Artificial and natural, large and small trees help to tune in a festive mood.

  1. Think about entertainment

It is trite and uninteresting to spend the whole holiday at the New Year's table, so they think over the list of comic fun, intellectual contests and funny jokes in advance.

  1. To appease the symbol of the upcoming holiday

Favorite dishes of the owner of the new year on the table, a figure with his image in the house and an outfit taking into account the preferences of the animal will help you to find yourself.

  1. Make a wish

This item was the last on the list, but it is one of the most important. You can write down your dreams in a notebook, and burn a charmed leaf under the chiming clock. Creating a wish poster is an option for those who are used to doing everything thoroughly. The process of making wishes gives hope for a bright future.

The season of Christmas miracles and Olivier salad is announced open! Happy New Year to all, with a magical holiday!


Watch the video: 15 Rules To Live A Happy Life (June 2024).