Are poochs healthier and smarter than purebred pets? Is there a difference in the content of a thoroughbred animal and mutts


You can often hear that purebred pets are much more fragile than their relatives who do not have a pedigree. Many owners complain that such pets are more difficult to contain, since thoroughbred cats and dogs are more tender and more demanding in care.

Like they need a special diet, the right temperature, while the curs will easily eat and digest everything you give. Is this really so?

In reality, any pet, whether it’s a champion of super pure blood or an awkward sweet cur, requires equally worthy care. Outbred cats and dogs get sick just like individuals raised in the kennel. It all depends on the conditions of detention, the natural predisposition to diseases of each individual organism and the possible presence of congenital pathologies.

On the whole, the anatomy and physiology of thoroughbred and outbred animals belonging to the same species are identical.

For this reason, the content of both the cur and the thoroughbred pet should be equally high quality:

  • maintaining hygiene (examination and cleaning of eyes, ears, teeth, clipping, if necessary, combing, bathing);
  • high-quality balanced nutrition (the diet also plays an important role);
  • regular preventive treatments against external and internal parasites, routine vaccinations;
  • education and training (and thoroughbred animals, and mongrels need to be trained in order in the house, dogs need to be trained in basic commands);
  • sufficient exercise for dogs of all breeds (cats are not required to walk, but if desired, you can easily put them on a crest).

Of course, there are certain difficulties in maintaining some thoroughbred favorites associated with species-specific features.

For example, long-haired pets need to be combed regularly and sometimes trimmed, coarse-haired pets should be trimmed, and representatives of hairless dogs and cats need to be further protected from the weather.

Short-faced (brachycephalic) dogs and cats have pugs, bulldogs, Persian cats, etc. often there are diseases of the skin, eyes, digestive organs, which imply special nuances of the content.

However, in contrast to such facts, it must be borne in mind that many service dog breeds were bred specifically for strengthening and consolidating working qualities - endurance, body strength, immunity and psyche stability. Many pedigree cats have such properties. Outbred four-legged friends, no one has instilled these characteristics.

For curs, especially those taken from the street, this is pure fortune. It is not known who the parents of such an animal are young and strong individuals, or old, having a bunch of congenital and acquired diseases, representatives of their tribe who will reward their offspring with a whole bunch of problems.

If the future owner chooses a four-legged companion in the kennel, be sure to make inquiries about the parents of the puppy or kitten:

  • animals must be completely healthy;
  • all necessary treatments (against parasites, infectious diseases) must be timely carried out and attested;
  • knitting is preferable planned;
  • dogs and cats must be kept in a clean, protected place;
  • food should be of high quality.

Having such information is much easier to predict how a pet will grow.

An important point - some breeders practice the method of inbreeding (closely related crossbreeding) to improve and consolidate the quality of the breed.

Offspring obtained in a similar way may seem outwardly flawless, but a high percentage of death and disability, manifestations of genetic diseases both immediately after birth and at a more mature age.

Outbred favorites do not need to strengthen any appearance qualities by carefully selecting the parents of future offspring.

On the contrary, mixed blood refreshes their genus, while making unexpected changes in the appearance of a dog or cat.

However, inbreeding in stray animals can occur on its own, because dogs and cats do not check their family ties.

Therefore, mutts taken from the street also have a risk of various genetic diseases. But, unlike their thoroughbred relatives, it is more difficult to identify a threat to their health without knowing their parents. The main method is a full professional examination of the puppy or kitten itself, laboratory tests and, if necessary, additional studies.

Who is smarter and more faithful?

The most common misconception is that the mongrels are much more loyal to the owner, because they are grateful for the rescue, besides they are smarter than thoroughbred dogs and cats, they are easier to train. Actually the reality is very different.

Yes, many outbred dogs are ready to give their lives for their beloved owner, but genetically mongrels are less likely to defend a person and in a dangerous situation tend to escape than to a heroic battle.

Especially when compared with purebred representatives of service breeds.

This is easy to explain - as the development and emergence of new dog breeds, dog handlers selected and developed the qualities necessary for each type, type and section of dogs. As a result, thoroughbred pets are very different in character, but since they lead a completely social lifestyle from generation to generation, they perceive people as mandatory members of their pack and do not experience the slightest discomfort in communication. On the contrary, thoroughbred dogs are dependent on humans.

Mutts are more independent and, as it has historically developed, lead a more wild and alienated way of life. Therefore, first of all, their thinking is set up for survival and self-defense.

Because of such psychological features, in a dangerous situation, the mongrels tend to run away, saving themselves, rather than take a chance and boldly rush to the defense of the owner. However, these are just statistics and scientific facts.

An important role is played by the abilities and character of each individual dog.

In addition, many purebred breeds of dogs are completely unsuitable for protective and guard qualities, being only an excellent kind companion.

Cats are easier. Representatives of different breeds have their own various character qualities inherent in the species, but the difference between thoroughbred and not purebred pets is not so dramatically expressed.

As for mental abilities, then everything is like people. Regardless of the breed and gender of the dog or cat, one of them shines with a high level of intelligence, and someone lacks stars from the sky.

As a conclusion, we can say that there should not be any difference in the quality of the content of thoroughbred and outbred brothers of ours.

Everyone needs to be provided with the same quality care, attention and care.

Each pet has its own advantages and disadvantages, propensities for a particular area of ​​use and completely individual character traits.

To consider that the curs are smarter, healthier and more faithful than purebred counterparts is absolutely incorrect.

This is confirmed by the theory and practice of breeding, keeping and studying different dogs and cats.


Watch the video: How to Choose the Perfect Dog Breed Just for You (July 2024).