5 most unusual pathologies in psychiatric practice


Among the huge number of mental illnesses, there are those that seem normal to a person surprising, strange, and even frightening. If you are ready to experience mild shock, you should become familiar with the five most unusual disorders that people around the world suffer from.

Stendal syndrome

Remember what emotions you experienced at a concert of your favorite band or after watching a spectacular blockbuster in a movie theater. In people with Stendhal syndrome, these feelings are hundreds of times stronger.

Examining beautiful paintings or nature takes them to parallel reality.

Psychosomatic disorder is characterized by specific signs:

  • hallucinations;
  • fast heartbeat;
  • dizziness
  • loss of consciousness;
  • euphoria
  • aggression;
  • panic;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • mild amnesia;
  • lack of control over their movements.

Most often, symptoms of the disorder are observed in tourists who visited the Florence Museum. A mental crisis sets in upon them after seeing paintings by Caravaggio, Botticelli and Raphael.

It is the Florentine effect that causes many cases of vandalism. An obsessed patient is able to destroy an object of art.

In popular museums, guards are taught how to behave in relation to victims of Stendhal syndrome. In Florence, special clinics have been created where they find out the cause of the disorder, help to cope with the pathology, using various psychological techniques.


Surely, everyone visited the room of crooked mirrors. Remember those blurry and distorted faces that make you laugh? This is how a person sees himself suffering from dysmorphophobia. He is deeply convinced that he is a freak. What the patient sees in the mirror is at odds with reality.

Do not think that we are talking about girls in their teens who panic because of a pimple jumping on their faces. The disorder has no age and gender.

He has certain symptoms:

  • a person is not photographed, fearing that his ugliness will be captured in the picture;
  • he hides his appearance under shawls, hats, with the help of baggy clothes;
  • the patient too often looks in the mirror and goes outside only at night;
  • he refuses to appear in society and moves away from relatives.

A person is constantly looking for information on the Internet about his ugliness, turns to plastic surgeons. Over time, he develops depression, thoughts of suicide appear.

In psychiatric practice, there are cases when people tried to fix the defect on their own. They personally carved out the “imperfections” and even inserted implants.


This disorder may seem amusing to some, but the other half of people who suffer from sexemia are clearly not laughing. Mental pathology is a form of sleepwalking, in which a person commits sexual acts. And in the morning, memories of intercourse are completely absent.

Love sleepwalking is manifested as follows:

  • a person in a dream is engaged in masturbation or sex partner;
  • the patient does not respond to words and external stimuli, his eyes are like glass;
  • sometimes an outsider becomes an object of sexual desire.

In judicial practice, a case is known when a patient with sexomy was acquitted of rape.

The fact is that during sleep, a person unconsciously seeks satisfaction and uses a variety of methods for this. He can passionately caress a partner or, conversely, show aggression and engage in sexual contact by force.

There are known cases of rape of relatives living in the same house as a patient who in the morning did not believe the stories of others and believed that he had been slandered. That is why at night patients with sexomy are locked in the room with a key.

Zombie syndrome

A rare mental disorder is Kotar syndrome (zombies), in which a person believes that his whole body has died. He is confident that:

  • many living people are no longer in the world;
  • he does not have any organ;
  • his body is very large.

The patient believes in his immortality and is prone to suicide. He asks to be killed, spends a lot of time in the cemetery. Walking Dead Syndrome is closely associated with depression. Patients stop talking, they lose their taste and smell, everything seems meaningless to them.

Patients do not feel hunger and die of malnutrition. There were those who poured caustic acid on themselves to get rid of rotting flesh. About a hundred people on Earth today suffer from a similar disease.

The most famous zombie is the Englishman Graham, who woke up with the confidence that he was dead. The patient believed that his heart stopped. Before this phenomenon, he had a severe depression.

Stockholm Syndrome

This condition is expressed in mutual sympathy between the victim and the aggressor. So, the hostage can sympathize with the terrorist, justify his actions, identify with him.

Stockholm syndrome manifests itself as follows:

  • the victim provides the offender with medical and domestic assistance;
  • hiding him from the police;
  • covers with his own body in case of death threat;
  • acts on the court on the side of the defense.

The syndrome got its name after a real case in Stockholm. Armed criminals took four hostages in a bank.

For two days, they tortured them and starved them, threatened to kill them, and tortured themselves. As a result, one of the victims asked the police to release the aggressors, the rest assured that the criminals were very good people.

It turned out that the hostages voluntarily entered into sexual contact with the bandits. It is also surprising that later they began to visit them in prison and even became engaged to them.

Unfortunately, such disorders can be found in everyday life. For example, the father of the family is engaged in domestic violence, causing bodily harm to his wife, humiliating and insulting her. She, in spite of everything, loves and takes care of him. A woman consciously resigns herself to the role of the victim. It is a pity that children suffer from this.


Watch the video: Categories of mental disorders. Behavior. MCAT. Khan Academy (June 2024).